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[BBC News] Island has '£1m organic market'


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This has been talked about for a couple of years, so why doesn't someone grab this and do it? If the whole island's agriculture became organic, wouldn't that give us an edge in a wider market because there will be no chance of non-organic farming methods 'infecting' the organic farms (water run-off, wind etc)?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Would there have to be a gap period of no chemical use on farms for it to achieve organic status? If so this could put a farmer in a non trading position for a few years. An all island policy on organic farming should be the way forward and promoting it as an organic island would be great for Isle of Man branding! Come on Government, get off your back side and support it all the way....

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I'm sure as an Island we could 'tap' the organic market.


How does a farmer get their soil to be recognised as being organic though - what tests would need to be carried out??


I'm also wondering how it would be possible to market organic fruit & veg in the EU, seeing as we're not actually a member.

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The soil association/defra do the tests to certify organic in the UK. I guess they'd have info on their website.


As far as I'm aware the Isle of Man has access to European markets by association with the UK. It's probably a very complicated arrangement.

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Soil Association

Given that the 'Organic' label usually attracts a premium price and that stuff here is expensive already also bearing in mind the time and effort needed to attain 'organic' status as a producer, is anyone going to want to pay for it?

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