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It's Not Global Warming...


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Isn't that cute. His internet girlfriend is defending him.


This is not a post for you ans but merely an explanation as to why the rest of the Island should hold you and give you some love...... you need it.




You know..... I have great respect for the Manx people and I truly love your Island and the many people I have met in the years of my frequent trips to the TT there. I have to say though, that your vendors make the most of that time. I would do so too, given that it is trade.


I have always seen your gathering as a truly multi-cultural event and the most fantastic thing is I have made some good friends from around the world that I hope I will never lose.


You can either accept my arguments or you can toss them around..... either way technology improves and so does the thinking behind it..... I think you have to be pretty small minded to ignore it and use insults as a way of getting your point accross to better your belief.


We can quote all kinds of media release to substantiate any argument but the fact is whatever you read is aimed at the individual by the individual they wish to emcopass into their own philosophy.


Debate boards must surely be about individualism and self expression rather than the clique system I have seen here..... if any of us are able to move forward then we need to talk in order to understand one another not simply try to do one down in order to score a point.


Whatever you people on here do just remember one thing....... a bit of kindness goes a long way.


My very best wishes to you all......

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Jake, everyone here respects your opinion, and you're fully welcome to it.


But you didn't present your opinion in this thread, your first post in this thread was to 'educate' someone. You posted things which were wrong, so were 'educated' in return. Those points weren't items for debate, they were pretty well known facts, and you called it wrong.


You seemed to take offense at this, myself, if I've said something clearly wrong, I'd have gone with 'oops, my mistake, ta for pointing that out' other than continuing to argue and somehow using your job to prove you're right. Christ knows, I've gotten it wrong plenty. You clearly got Fusion and Fission mixed up for example, much better to put your hand up than to carry on arguing and basically treating us like idiots. That's far more arrogant than I think anyone else here has been to be frank.


Ans baiting you is entirely separate, I'd have just ignored him personally, he clearly picked up on something you said about another forum and used it to wind you up, but there you go.


Anyway, I enjoy the debates here, I like to test my knowledge, and I'm happy to have my opinion challenged, and if that means looking things up and researching my gaps, fine. Shame you didn't.

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Isn't that cute. His internet girlfriend is defending him.


You know..... I have great respect for the Manx people and I truly love your Island and the many people I have met in the years of my frequent trips to the TT there. I have to say though, that your vendors make the most of that time. I would do so too, given that it is trade....


blah blah blah



This isn't about the TT, and this isn't about the Manx. This is about you making and sustaining claims that are simply and quite obviously false, labouring under the miscomprehension that all claims should be treated as true until disproved (no matter how outrageous).


Now you can continue making these claims, and you can carry on obstinately refusing to justify them with anything more substantial than posturing and semi-esoteric references to some hidden knowledge you have, but please don't swamp what has become a discussion about you telling massive porkies with third rate melodrama and the kind of mock profundities about the nature of debate that would make even the most po-faced and earnest of adolescents recoil.

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I pretty much agree. I do not work as a scientist but is what my background was in to degree level. I see my self as a total layman in such issues but take an interest and I think that my background and training gives me a head start on reviewing postings in the debates. Bits I can check on other sites, bits I can check with my training and knowledge. If the bits I know about stack up with my knowledge and understanding then I obviously normally accept the balance of an information in the post.


Unfortunately in this debate no matter how well qualified Jake may be and his current area of expertise and work he did state many pretty well know facts that were wrong. No wonder he got a bit of a bashing in return. Other points you might have got right but it is difficult for us layman to pick on these potentially more complicated issues when we are aware of simple mistakes in the easier ones. Also as poor dullards if we are wong we need to be explained to in everyday language not just told I am more experienced than you so accept what I said.


Jake may have experience and knowlede in many of the areas that he states but that is not how it came across in the posts which appeared to contain errors and mistakes. It is all vey well to be Einstein but unless you explain the points correctly and simply then it aint much use to the rest of us.


Jake, everyone here respects your opinion, and you're fully welcome to it.


But you didn't present your opinion in this thread, your first post in this thread was to 'educate' someone. You posted things which were wrong, so were 'educated' in return. Those points weren't items for debate, they were pretty well known facts, and you called it wrong.


You seemed to take offense at this, myself, if I've said something clearly wrong, I'd have gone with 'oops, my mistake, ta for pointing that out' other than continuing to argue and somehow using your job to prove you're right. Christ knows, I've gotten it wrong plenty. You clearly got Fusion and Fission mixed up for example, much better to put your hand up than to carry on arguing and basically treating us like idiots. That's far more arrogant than I think anyone else here has been to be frank.


Ans baiting you is entirely separate, I'd have just ignored him personally, he clearly picked up on something you said about another forum and used it to wind you up, but there you go.


Anyway, I enjoy the debates here, I like to test my knowledge, and I'm happy to have my opinion challenged, and if that means looking things up and researching my gaps, fine. Shame you didn't.

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[Debate boards must surely be about individualism and self expression rather than the clique system I have seen here.....


You see a clique, I see a number of individuals who happen to express their personally drawn opinion that you're posting bollocks.



As for,

technology improves and so does the thinking behind it..... I think you have to be pretty small minded to ignore it and use insults as a way of getting your point accross to better your belief.


... is like saying that just because we can think of something like, say, matter transporters on Star Trek, that one day they must be a reality and we shouldn;t criticise anyone who says that they will be :rolleyes:

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... is like saying that just because we can think of something like, say, matter transporters on Star Trek, that one day they must be a reality and we shouldn;t criticise anyone who says that they will be :rolleyes:

One day they will be a reality. To matter transport a human requires knowledge of the type and exact position and movement of every atom of the person (a hundred thousand million million million million atoms). To send that information on, say, the fastest fibre optic we have today would take longer than 1500 million billion years. Scientists have already transported photons (beams of light) which do have mass. By the end of this century scientists expect to be able to transport a few tens of atoms.


When computers and data transmission systems become fast enough (and probably nothing like we perceive them to be at the moment), it would be possible to transmit this information e.g. to Mars, where a similar computer and technology could place (from buckets of ingredient atoms) a similar atom of the type and exact position and movement - so producing a copy of a human, leaving the original on Earth.


All theoretically possible in the next few hundred years.

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... is like saying that just because we can think of something like, say, matter transporters on Star Trek, that one day they must be a reality and we shouldn;t criticise anyone who says that they will be :rolleyes:

One day they will be a reality. To matter transport a human requires knowledge of the type and exact position and movement of every atom of the person (a hundred thousand million million million million atoms). To send that information on, say, the fastest fibre optic we have today would take longer than 1500 million billion years. Scientists have already transported photons (beams of light) which do have mass. By the end of this century scientists expect to be able to transport a few tens of atoms.


Actually putting the matter back together at the other end without loss and in the right order is also going to be quite a challenge!


Apparently, they've done it already, in France. It's a secret only known by that most shadey of elite organisations, the engineers!


(sorry, will try to behave, honest)

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... is like saying that just because we can think of something like, say, matter transporters on Star Trek, that one day they must be a reality and we shouldn;t criticise anyone who says that they will be :rolleyes:

One day they will be a reality. To matter transport a human requires knowledge of the type and exact position and movement of every atom of the person (a hundred thousand million million million million atoms). To send that information on, say, the fastest fibre optic we have today would take longer than 1500 million billion years. Scientists have already transported photons (beams of light) which do have mass. By the end of this century scientists expect to be able to transport a few tens of atoms.


When computers and data transmission systems become fast enough (and probably nothing like we perceive them to be at the moment), it would be possible to transmit this information e.g. to Mars, where a similar computer and technology could place (from buckets of ingredient atoms) a similar atom of the type and exact position and movement - so producing a copy of a human, leaving the original on Earth.


All theoretically possible in the next few hundred years.


Have you not seen enough films about cloning to know that the copies will all turn out to be evil? :rolleyes:


Besides, just to be pedantic, that's not matter transportation, it's creating a copy of existing matter a long way away using different matter.

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Its a very famous thought experiment.


Mr Spock gets into the matter transporter - it whirs and clicks, but Spock is still on Earth.


"Oh blast" says the operator. "Its gone wrong again - sorry Mr Spoke, but you have been teleported to the Enterprise, but the system forgot to destroy your body here on earth. If you just wait a minute I'll set the beams to distruct and we can carry on."


Knowing this would you really get into one!

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When computers and data transmission systems become fast enough (and probably nothing like we perceive them to be at the moment), it would be possible to transmit this information e.g. to Mars, where a similar computer and technology could place (from buckets of ingredient atoms) a similar atom of the type and exact position and movement - so producing a copy of a human, leaving the original on Earth.


All theoretically possible in the next few hundred years.


I read a sci-fi short story where this happend (Phillip K.Dick?). But since it would be daft to have a Declan on Earth and an exact replica on Mars, they killed the original in the transporter machine. But no one knew this happend and just thought that the person was being transported.

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