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It's Not Global Warming...


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What's wrong, PK - feeling neglected underneath your rock? Jake's statement is wrong, plain and simple. That you are happy to ignore this fact just to have a cheap shot, without making any contribution whatsoever to the discussion, at Slim and I shows just how pathetic you are, although it wasn't really that well hidden to begin with.


Off you go now, back into the barely coherent drooling stupor you call a life.


Talk about cheap shots.

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I am such an idiot


Likewise, I have fixed your post for you also....... no charge either.

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From what I know the longest sustainable fusion reaction lasted 5 seconds. ITER in 10 years time will be able to sustain it for about 5 to 10 mins.


This is impressive when you think that what they are doing is putting the sun inside a box - but when compared to generating usable power its not exactly inspiring.


Jake, if you are working on this stuff I'd have thought you'd find better links!


I've already stated some time back that I deal in mechanical engineering. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4629239.stm now tell me this place doesn't exist.

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Dear Jake,


If you could harness some of the egos on here, such as Mr Slim and Mr VinnieK, then the world energy problems just wouldn't exist.


Unfortunately you can't so you'll just have to massage them as expected.


No charge (sorry!)



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I think we should give Jake the benefit of the doubt here for not realising that Virginia P is a parody account mocking one of the vapid American women that post on here.


now tell me this place doesn't exist.


Ok. It doesn't exist. Not for another ten years at least.




"Construction of the ITER complex is planned to begin in 2008, while assembly of the tokamak itself is scheduled to begin in the year 2011"

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I think we should give Jake the benefit of the doubt here for not realising that Virginia P is a parody account mocking one of the vapid American women that post on here.


now tell me this place doesn't exist.


Ok. It doesn't exist. Not for another ten years at least.




"Construction of the ITER complex is planned to begin in 2008, while assembly of the tokamak itself is scheduled to begin in the year 2011"


ahhhh! another wickedpedia freak. :D do you know that article is over ten years old? The French are using this technology right now.


I see you are another who likes to stigmatize people in the vein of their birthplace. Venom is born out of guilt as they say.

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ahhhh! another wickedpedia freak. :D do you know that article is over ten years old? The French are using this technology right now.


Well, the timeline on the official ITER website seems to claim to the contrary but I suppose that's wrong too eh? After all, what do they know?




"Current expectations are that the ITER Organisation should be established around the end of 2006, and following licensing, begin construction in 2008"


I see you are another who likes to stigmatize people in the vein of their birthplace. Venom is born out of guilt as they say.


The user VirginaP is parodying is vapid and American. That's not saying that all Americans are vapid, nor is is saying that all vapid people are American, just that this particular user is both.

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I am well aware of ITER as much as I am aware of ImechI...... neither publish full facts, nether are allowed to either by Govts. If you look hard enough you will find what you want to see as they say. I know this but I didn't have to look very far through professional contacts to see this has become reality.


I must admit that I have found it difficult to find genuine links to this site..... I will pin the site down and get back.


I am so glad you are not anti American ans. Maybe I can bring my girlfriend round one day then.


My whole point in the beginning was that if we shared this technology with the rest of the world then we would make an amazing difference to all of our lives..... we could also look to each other when we have a problem and hopefully never see a Chernobyl again.... We don't because we want to sell it.


Technology should be free like the Internet.... just charge someone a user tariff for it.

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I am well aware of ITER as much as I am aware of ImechI...... neither publish full facts, nether are allowed to either by Govts. If you look hard enough you will find what you want to see as they say. I know this but I didn't have to look very far through professional contacts to see this has become reality.


So what you're saying is, there's a secret fusion reactor in france, managing to produce power from nuclear fusion that nobodys heard about but you?


My whole point in the beginning was that if we shared this technology with the rest of the world then we would make an amazing difference to all of our lives..... we could also look to each other when we have a problem and hopefully never see a Chernobyl again.... We don't because we want to sell it.


Um, you said that and used ITER as an example of us not sharing technology? ITER which is a joint international research and development project, you even linked us stories about India joining ITER. It's an international knowledge sharing organisation, with origins from a collaboration between the then soviet union, France and the USA. Europe is now involved, as is Japan. It's a true collaberation, very open and exactly the kind of thing you're saying we should be doing.


What is isn't is a working fusion reactor. Such a thing does not exist. You can dig all you like, you can claim to be all sorts of expert, but so far all you are is consistently wrong about everything you've posted.


Technology should be free like the Internet.... just charge someone a user tariff for it.


I think that summs up your brain dead posts pretty well, "it should be free, but charge for it". You're a genious.

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haha! you actually show yourself up for being dumb here Virginia (sounds quite American to me) I am not American honey, I am a Welshman, born and bred.... I attended Birkenhead High public school, spent six years in the Royal Marines


Right, how many groups can I upset here?


So, Jake is a public school Welsh Scouser with an American girlfriend.



That concludes the debate I think.

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I know this but I didn't have to look very far through professional contacts to see this has become reality.


No offence, but I'd be surprised if you could get a mobile phone contract, nevermind anything else.

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I am well aware of ITER as much as I am aware of ImechI...... neither publish full facts, nether are allowed to either by Govts. If you look hard enough you will find what you want to see as they say. I know this but I didn't have to look very far through professional contacts to see this has become reality.


So what you're saying is, there's a secret fusion reactor in france, managing to produce power from nuclear fusion that nobodys heard about but you?


Haven't I already said that is happening? what are you trying to do here but make me look silly?


My whole point in the beginning was that if we shared this technology with the rest of the world then we would make an amazing difference to all of our lives..... we could also look to each other when we have a problem and hopefully never see a Chernobyl again.... We don't because we want to sell it.


Um, you said that and used ITER as an example of us not sharing technology? ITER which is a joint international research and development project, you even linked us stories about India joining ITER. It's an international knowledge sharing organisation, with origins from a collaboration between the then soviet union, France and the USA. Europe is now involved, as is Japan. It's a true collaberation, very open and exactly the kind of thing you're saying we should be doing.


ImechI is a good organization also.... it governs what an engineer can get away with.... ITER are a load of bull persons who have no professional credentials like I do..... I have said in the past you can email me for my credentials and put them against any serving member of ITER any day'


What is isn't is a working fusion reactor. Such a thing does not exist. You can dig all you like, you can claim to be all sorts of expert, but so far all you are is consistently wrong about everything you've posted.


you can prove this fact by the way I assume?


Technology should be free like the Internet.... just charge someone a user tariff for it.


I think that summs up your brain dead posts pretty well, "it should be free, but charge for it". You're a genious.


maybe I needed a sucker like you to take the bait as you do not realize it was a tongue in cheek comment..... oh by the way genious is spelt Genius in the English language...... coming from a simple Welsh man and all.







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