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It's Not Global Warming...


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Haven't I already said that is happening? what are you trying to do here but make me look silly?


Not something that requires a lot of effort, eh Jake? You look like a complete tool to be frank. A working fusion reactor would be quite a discovery, and not something that anyone would keep quiet about.


ImechI is a good organization also.... it governs what an engineer can get away with.... ITER are a load of bull persons who have no professional credentials like I do..... I have said in the past you can email me for my credentials and put them against any serving member of ITER any day'


What on earth is ImechI? Do you mean IMECHE? I'm not even slightly convinced of your credentials if you don't even know the acronym. What exactly does that have to do with this discussion anyway?


Iter is bull? It's your example mate, you fucking linked it you loonatic.


you can prove this fact by the way I assume?


You want me to prove something doesn't exist? That's not how it works chump. You're the one who says you won't believe anything unless the source is linked. Many of us have linked the ITER timeline for producing the FIRST possible fusion reactor, some 35-50 years in the future. What have you proved with sources? Nothing other than you're a headcase.


maybe I needed a sucker like you to take the bait as you do not realize it was a tongue in cheek comment


Nice backpeddling. Pedal faster loon.

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haha! you actually show yourself up for being dumb here Virginia (sounds quite American to me) I am not American honey, I am a Welshman, born and bred.... I attended Birkenhead High public school, spent six years in the Royal Marines


Right, how many groups can I upset here?


So, Jake is a public school Welsh Scouser with an American girlfriend.



That concludes the debate I think.


Half of my posts have gone missing..... but I bet you wouldn't kick me out of bed honey..... assuming I would go there with you.


I bet you are fat. :D


Only fat birds are so disturbed as you..... take your own advice to the Americans and eat less...... you greedy girl.

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Haven't I already said that is happening? what are you trying to do here but make me look silly?


Not something that requires a lot of effort, eh Jake? You look like a complete tool to be frank. A working fusion reactor would be quite a discovery, and not something that anyone would keep quiet about.


show me your credentials my friend....


Shut up or put up.... you are very silly indeed.


I will give you a business link to me anytime you request it but forum policy forbids me being so open..... though I don't mind if they give me permission... its always extra business to me if you can afford it...... What do you do for a living slim?

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Mods..... can I post a link to me here as this has turned from a global warming issue to one about me..... I will be more adept at handling questions if I can prove who I am.

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Shut up or put up.... you are very silly indeed.


I will give you a business link to me anytime you request it but forum policy forbids me being so open..... though I don't mind if they give me permission... its always extra business to me if you can afford it...... What do you do for a living slim?


I dont need any qualifications to know the difference between fusion and fission. Any high school physics student could tell you the same.


Let's reiterate what you said, backed by your engineering credentials:


"France has set up the first nuclear fission plant that generates electricity with near zero emissions and only half the waste of a "fusion" plant"


In fact, the first nuclear fission plant was constructed in 1942 in the usa. There are no Fusion plants.


You're full of it mate.

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Mods..... can I post a link to me here as this has turned from a global warming issue to one about me..... I will be more adept at handling questions if I can prove who I am.


You can do what you like. Your mates at ScreamingWhisper already filled in the blanks for me.

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Shut up or put up.... you are very silly indeed.


I will give you a business link to me anytime you request it but forum policy forbids me being so open..... though I don't mind if they give me permission... its always extra business to me if you can afford it...... What do you do for a living slim?


I dont need any qualifications to know the difference between fusion and fission. Any high school physics student could tell you the same.


Let's reiterate what you said, backed by your engineering credentials:


"France has set up the first nuclear fission plant that generates electricity with near zero emissions and only half the waste of a "fusion" plant"


In fact, the first nuclear fission plant was constructed in 1942 in the usa. There are no Fusion plants.


You're full of it mate.


We shall see.


Can you please tell me what you do for a living?

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Mods..... can I post a link to me here as this has turned from a global warming issue to one about me..... I will be more adept at handling questions if I can prove who I am.


You can do what you like. Your mates at ScreamingWhisper already filled in the blanks for me.


Funny how I am so open isn't it ..... I knew certain "friends" will keep following me..... I made this fact known to uni..... SW is another forum and you must by rights be sure of your facts they give you before you accuse me of anything.


I wish you to spell out those facts please and have some proof for the basis of any argument you wish to accuse me of. I have never changed my user name or become someone different ans..... I am in a mood to sue you..... like them. In particular .....Alison also known as the Cat and her lover Halstead Lad. you see Alison made an accusation about me to the Institute of mechanical engineers that had no bearing on my professional life..... these people cannot let me go.... they are stalking me.


My life is my own business and when you join into attacking me, be right in your facts.....


I wish you to tell me what you know is factual about me on here right now.... go ahead.... I am listening.

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Mods..... can I post a link to me here as this has turned from a global warming issue to one about me..... I will be more adept at handling questions if I can prove who I am.


You can do what you like. Your mates at ScreamingWhisper already filled in the blanks for me.


Funny how I am so open isn't it ..... I knew certain "friends" will keep following me..... I made this fact known to uni..... SW is another forum and you must by rights be sure of your facts they give you before you accuse me of anything.


I wish you to spell out those facts please and have some proof for the basis of any argument you wish to accuse me of. I have never changed my user name or become someone different ans..... I am in a mood to sue you..... like them. In particular .....Alison also known as the Cat and her lover Halstead Lad. you see Alison made an accusation about me to the Institute of mechanical engineers that had no bearing on my professional life..... these people cannot let me go.... they are stalking me.


My life is my own business and when you join into attacking me, be right in your facts.....


I wish you to tell me what you know is factual about me on here right now.... go ahead.... I am listening.




i know jake from sw and he is good friend of mine he is very opioniated and twat and genuinely nice guy .

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I wish you to tell me what you know is factual about me on here right now.... go ahead.... I am listening.


You don't know the difference between fission and fusion.

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I wish you to tell me what you know is factual about me on here right now.... go ahead.... I am listening.


You don't know the difference between fission and fusion.


I am genuinely awaiting your response as to who and what has been said about me on SW and what you have been filled in on..... forget everything else.


You brought this up so do prey tell.

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Just to be boring. THIS BBC ARTICLE makes fascinating reading on the subject of Global Warming.


Armies of insects once crawled through lush forests in a region of Greenland now covered by more than 2000m of ice.

DNA extracted from ice cores show that moths and butterflies were living in forests of spruce and pine in the area between 450,000 and 800,000 years ago.

Writing in the journal Science, the researchers say they believe the DNAs are the oldest pure samples obtained.


The ice cores also suggest that the ice sheet is more resistant to warming than previously thought, the scientists say.


Studies suggest that even during the last interglacial (116,000-130,000 years ago), when temperatures were thought to be 5C warmer than today, the ice persevered, keeping the delicate samples entombed and free from contamination and decay.

At the time the ice is estimated to have been between 1,000 and 1,500m thick.

"If our data is correct, then this means that the southern Greenland ice cap is more stable than previously thought," said Professor Willerslev. "This may have implications for how the ice sheets respond to global warming."


So, what then of the suggestions that a rise of just 3C would trigger the melting of the ice cap?


Trying to pull this thread back from the "I love Jake" Narcisism it has decended into back to the first discretion we got into away from the original subject that God is causing the floods in the UK due to Gays I thought I'd like to provide some information on Lonan3's post about the Greenland Ice Sheet.


RealClimate.Org has a nice article discussing it.


The context for ... [this research] is the uncertainty associated with the history of the Greenland ice sheet - particularly what happened during the last interglacial period (also sometimes called the Eemian) around 125,000 years ago - a time when the orbital configuration lead to Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures being perhaps 1 or 2 deg C warmer than today (and 3 to 5 degrees warmer around Greenland). It is uncontroversial that sea level was then about 4 to 6m higher than present but exactly which ice sheets (Greenland vs. Antarctica) provided this extra water and in what proportion is unclear. The last word on the subject was probably from two papers in Science last year, which suggested that it was roughly half/half with 2m or so from Greenland, and the rest presumably from Antarctica.


Those studies had used as a data point the fact that the Dye 3 core did not appear to have any Eemian ice (unlike ice cores further north), and the minimum Greenland contribution came from a calculation of the minimum amount of ice Greenland would have to lose in order to deglaciate Dye 3. The new data in this weeks paper implies that at least some ice there appears to predate the Eemian (although the dating is uncertain enough so that it can't be absolutely ruled out), thus the maximum Greenland contribution is likely slightly less than the numbers reported earlier.


Lonan3 - as ever this is good complex science which has been reported to make it a controversey. The last interglacial was a well known orbital phenomena where the precession of the earth and obliquity of its orbit around the sun warmed the northern hemisphere and especially the artic - these things are NOT occurring today and the global warming currently being measured is trully global.


The IPCC 4 report was deliberately cautious on sea level rises: RealClimate post discussing this issue.


Models used to date do not include uncertainties in climate-carbon cycle feedback nor do they include the full effects of changes in ice sheet flow, because a basis in published literature is lacking. The projections include a contribution due to increased ice flow from Greenland and Antarctica at the rates observed for 1993-2003, but these flow rates could increase or decrease in the future. For example, if this contribution were to grow linearly with global average temperature change, the upper ranges of sea level rise for SRES scenarios shown in Table SPM-3 would increase by 0.1 m to 0.2 m. Larger values cannot be excluded, but understanding of these effects is too limited to assess their likelihood or provide a best estimate or an upper bound for sea level rise.


This is how the IPCC works - its peer reviewed - the scientists couldn't make strong enough pronouncements on Ice sheet flow data and so it was removed from the projections - this shouldn't be seen as a weakness, its due to the rigour of the reports - if it can't be justified it isn't in.


As time goes on the understanding and the data will improve and the projections will get better - the estimates from the projections first put out in the 1990s are pretty good - AND underestimate the changes - the science and understanding are increasing all the time.

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i know jake from sw and he is good friend of mine he is very opioniated and twat and genuinely nice guy .


I love you too honey...... one of many apparently.... I guess ans can give me names of people here and dates and such?

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