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Hospice To Drop St Bridget's From Name - Its Up For Sale


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If the Hospice needs more help with fund raising, marketing and public relations why hasn't it in the first instance appealed for some voluntary workers to help?


The last thing the hospice needs is help fundraising. It sucks in more charity cash than anything else on this Island. I'm not saying that its not a great cause and a fantastic facility but it does not need any more help to raise cash.


What is your problem with a change of name and a new logo ?????


Did they not ask you first?

Have to say I agree with you Boredom. I was amazed that after the Mighty Oak appeal they started another appeal, that time aimed at businesses, after sucking out a huge amount of free money within the economy that could have gone elsewhere. Not that I do not support the hospice, but it is only one charitable or good cause over here that needs support. Manx Workshop for the Disabled being one that springs to mind as a deserving Cinderella of charities which not only helps disabled in a social way but, more importantly, gives their employees a sense of self worth and productivity which must be better than just handing out benefits.


This concern with the name and public personna, and entering into a public debate about it, smacks of an organisation which has more belief in image than the work it does. In my mind it is the Hospice, no matter what it is called, now get on and do some hospicing.

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He was a she, Grant. I suspect she was a lady's complaint doctor, but I don't know.


When I were a lass, you didn't have child psychiatrists, just a clip round the ears!



Come on Glad - you're not that old!!!

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