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Iom Govt Turning A Blind Eye


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Prosecutions of employers for breaches of the law in employing young people have more than doubled in the latest figures. Twenty employers were convicted of breaches of the Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Act in 2005, the year covered by the figures. This compares with just 10 in the previous year Under the terms of the Act, employers can take on 14 and 15 year olds for light work, while the minimum for a regular job is 16. Sixteen and seventeen year olds must also receive a 30 minute break if working for more than four and a half hours. And they must get two days off every week. During 2005, officials from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment carried out inspections at the premises of 2,007 employers. In Ireland a total of 26 prosecutions were taken, resulting in 22 convictions, in the IOM the figure is__.

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Population of Ireland = 4,000,000

Population of Island = 80,000

Island's population compared to Ireland = 2%


# of convictions in Ireland = 22

2% of 22 = 0.44


Therefore, most years you wouldn't expect a conviction.

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in the IOM EXaminer to-day its rep[orted that tehre is to eb a new register that "will help protect child workers".


The legal and administrative manager in the Dept of Education is quoted.


It says "the DoE would prefer to advise employers rather than prsecxute".


And "we used to have a similar system to England where everyone had to have an employment card but it was so cumbersome people never bothered."


and "we take action against them but not before we have worked with the employer"


According to the paper's fact file on the subject:

breaching the regulations is an offence and could lead to a fine of up to £5,000.


seems to me like a man with his eyes closed and wearing patches over his eyes walking round in a room with a black out and his trousers down and someone has switched a bright torch on and its in his face and he realises his trouswers are around his ankles.


how many children are there working and are they legal? do you know of any child workers?

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how many children are there working and are they legal? do you know of any child workers?


Fuck that's my chimney blocked this winter .....

Why? Are the illegal children hiding in there? :unsure:

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