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Taxi Chaps


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It seems according to your local news, that your taxi chaps are up in arms about the possibility of more liciences being granted.


What are they scared of...someone having rates that are resonable, taxi chaps that are pleasant, understanding and sociable?


Don't look at you as though you are a peice of xxxx, if your words are a little slurred.


I know its not an easy job, most folk are reasonable in their behaviour, if a little intoxicated...but well thats why most people catch a taxi.


Come on IOM taxi chaps..your'e robbing dogs ...if you want to cut your overheads...dont buy a bloody £20,000 Merc.Do as they now do in the Uk..a £12-13,000 grand people carrier, that will carry a few folk, take punters to

the airport in comfort.


And remember smile!!...and wear deoderant..tips will improve no end.

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More licences is the issue. More licences = a good idea IMO. It's a part time job for most of the drivers / licence owners. And there aren't enough cabs.


There aren't enough cabs during school hours (because problem children get free cabs each thanks to the DO Education - and the problem children are not allowed to share cabs). And not enough cabs during peak hours. And there aren't enough cabs at non - peak hours because not enough drivers go out during non peak hours.


Many (most?) of the licence owners sub contract to other drivers and take a cut. If there are enough drivers to subcontract then they should get their own licences.


There should also be better standards for the quality of the cars. Black cabs, as a minimum. I'm sick of cabs which stink of fag smoke, or are cold - or have drivers who insist on playing horrible radio stations - or freaking me out in a 'League Of Gentlemen' kind of way.


For some weird reason taxi drivers have undue political influence in every town, everywhere. It's always a mafia business.


Time to clamp down on them and open up the business. Anyone who is sober at 2am and isn't on any government list should be allowed to ply for trade.

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what about the drivers/licence owners who are trying to make a full time living? Just because at certain times of day there 'aint enough' cabs should thier income be made to suffer? There is only him utilising the taxi and of late he has commented how the Island is saturated in cabs, reducing the amount of work and income for some of them...


I ride to work across the prom each morning, every day there are at least 6/7 cabs outside of the Villa, sometimes theres at least 5 from one firm...


My dad has been driving for years, he's finally worked his way up from driving crappy cabs to owning a Superb motor, its taken him 10 years to earn that cab... (Well deserved seeing how he in the thing for up to 10 hour s day)


I dont see issuing more Taxi Plates a solution to anything, apart from lining the Governments pockets just a little bit more...


And for the record I reckon you'll see way more 'League of Gentlemen' type cabbies before you know it!!!

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I heard there was some form of "protest" out by Quarterbridge, but all I saw were a load of taxis doing nothing useful and acting as if they own the road... ...quite how that is any change from the norm is beyond me.

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There were police outside the Sefton blocking off that little side road that joins back onto the Prom this morning. I thought they were pulling taxis over for spot checks or something, until I heard about the protests.

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I'm delighted they're considering a 'Day of Action'. Can't come fast enough as far as their customers are concerned.


Yep now they've done it, alienated any support they ever had and that wasn't much.

Ah lets make all our customers late for work, GREAT idea eh. How to win support. NOT.

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I hear there was a massive queue of traffic coming in to Douglas from St John's way this morning - some people took an hour to get in. This was the result of a long line of taxis on a 'go slow' drive in.


People were not best pleased. That should be an offence of some sort I think.

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I dont see issuing more Taxi Plates a solution to anything, apart from lining the Governments pockets just a little bit more...

My apologies if I sound like a divvy, but aren't Douglas Corpy giving out "Free" plates, not the Government making money?


Part of the annoyance is that Taxi drivers *sell* their "free" plates as if they are selling a business, by issuing more free plates they see this as a threat to their future "selling on" revenue as much as any current loss of business.


If they were so hard up they should try pulling up outside the Sea Terminal on a Sunday evening when the Ben arrives. Half a dozen times I have come off the boat from a weekend away to find myself and many other passengers wondering why the rank is empty.


The shortages of available cabs stretches beyond Friday and Saturday nights (most peoples immediate thoughts). At least on those nights the cabbies can be excused for being in short supply because they are busy.


It doesn't take a lot of intelligence to work out that boat arrivals = passengers.

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Yeah, I'm gonna go down on saturday night and block them in to the taxi rank with a few friends in their cars for half an hour or so. Public protest.


See how they like it, ha! ha!  :D


Heh, you should get a lot of friends together and get all hands from the forum as well. That'll teach em.

Just who do they think they are trying to monopolise taxis?

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I don't think they can be that badly off as a few of them have told me, quite openly, that if they have a good weekend (Fri & Sat night) then they don't need to work during the week. I don't see why they would say that if it wasn't the case?

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what about the drivers/licence owners who are trying to make a full time living?  Just because at certain times of day there 'aint enough' cabs should thier income be made to suffer?  There is only him utilising the taxi and of late he has commented how the Island is saturated in cabs, reducing the amount of work and income for some of them...


Why should taxi drivers income be in any way protected by government?

All other businesses have to compete for work, why should they not?

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