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Taxi Chaps


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It's always a mafia business.


That’s a bit harsh - there’s a world of difference.. One specializes in a low skill but well paid profession that aggressively defends its market stranglehold and exhibits behaviour that is considered a public nuisance and.. oh, wait…

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I think that Ripsaw hit the nail on the head. The "Plate" owners are abit miffed the plates are getting issued at face value, not the big bucks they paid for them.


Owning a plate is not a sure income. You have to get of your arse and look for work. Like someone said, alot off them sub the car out and take a cut.


Makes me laugh, when was the last time, if ever, 50 cabs have been on the road in Douglas on a weekday morning. But then their not that daft as to withdraw the cabs over the weekend nights as first suggested.

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Why should taxi drivers income be in any way protected by government?

All other businesses have to compete for work, why should they not?



Exactly! Well said that man!


And anyway, if they'd worked a bit harder while they were at school they might have got themselves a decent job with decent money instead of being content with sitting around on their arses all day reading The Sun, smoking fags and becoming pseudo militants.

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They should get done for their antics this morning.


Look at it this way if you're doing a driving test and you fail to keep pretty close to the speed limits where appropriate then they fail you for "not making progress" and for causing a hinderance to other road users.

I believe there is actually a traffic offence that relates to not showing consideration to other road users so they ought to get done for it to teach them they can't just do what they want when they want.


They should make the majority re-take their driving tests too seeing as most of them don't appear to know the first thing about the highway code.


Popular bunch eh? :rolleyes:

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Yeah, but taxi drivers are above the law aren't they?


You'd think so anyway, from the way they get away with driving like wangers at any speed they want every day.


Doesn't look like anyone on here is behind the taxi drivers does it (apart from someone whose Dad is one).

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I was outside the Sefton this morning, enjoying an after breakfast cigarette, the police were stopping the cabs and checking their tyres etc.


The local constabulary seemed to find it funny for some reason, unless they all had wind.

They would have been better to have gone to the taxi drivers protest, to do the buggers for blocking the road.


I've nothing against cabbies, but they are bloody expensive over here.


Maybe you should have a people's protest, when no one uses a cab for 24 hours...see how they like that!

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...more Plates would merely dilute the "black market" price a little and while that's a slight issue, they have more grievance with the inevitable wage decrease.


It is different to other businesses in that their fares are regulated so you can negate the "fair trade" argument in that they don't have the same freedom of trade as other businesses do.


As for being unpopular, that's no more than the usual few idiots blighting it for the majority. I also find it highly amusing that people assume Taxis are the public's "property". Since when was it 100% their responsibilty to get anyone home, to work etc etc.


Can't say I agree with the demo though. Foot, shot, self etc etc...



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Simple realliations:


1. No more tips ( I'm normally fairly generous, even though it's just cost me £7.80 to go from the Prom to the QB)

2. Don't be considerate towards them when they want to edge-out, pull-in, do U-turns on the Prom etc.

3. Everyone phone up on Friday/Saturday and make a ficticious booking under the name of Mr M T Wallet. And when they've clicked onto that, make up your own amusing names (caller ID blocked obviously)

4. When you do have to get a cab, perform the full Peter Kay repertoire (I'm informed they're sick of that now)

5. Ask them for a receipt after every trip

6. Tell them you would feel more comfortable if they wore their seatbelt.

7. Leave the doors open when you get out

8. Smuggle a few 'month-old' prawns and skillfully secrete them behind the seat

9. Offer them directions at each turn (providing of course, that you are not asked to do this anyway !!)

10. Pay with the lowest denomination coins available.


Childish and pointless you say......damn right.


Or, taking on from another forum topic, if they actually call at your door to pick you up (highly unlikely i know), pretend they were breaking in and beat them with a baseball bat. :P

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Maybe you should have a people's protest, when no one uses a cab for 24 hours...see how they like that!



yeah yeah...i was just gonna say that - how about we all boycott em this weekend (wonder if the govt. might step in and organise an emergency bus-service, paying the drivers the cost of fare per distance per passenger - HA! they woould be COINING it in!!)


...wonder if other emergency services might step in too - police, paramedics, firefighters...(only if they had nothing better to do like...) :ph34r:

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Looks like there might be another demo tonight after work - they weren't letting on too much on Manx Radio though.


As they are driving soooo slow, why not have your own game of Grand Theft Auto tonight. Pull them out of their cabs (baseball bats optional) and steal their taxi's [press R3 button to enter Taxi missions!!]



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If they're going to be going as slowly as they were this morning I might be tempted to get some spuds, creep up behind them as they crawl along the prom and ram the odd one up their exhaust pipe....

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Sorry dont know how to get quotes.


Manxman said about asking the taxi drivers to wear a seatbelt when you get in the cab.


I did this on the way from Douglas to Ramsey a couple of weeks ago. The cabbie told me that by law he didnt have to, so he wouldn't.


When i commented on the fact that just because it wasn't against the law that it would not stop him gitting killed if he crashed into a tree, he radioed another driver and said that if he was using the mountain road later that night to keep an eye out for me cause he was going to kick me out for moaning at him.


He was joking (i think) but they just think that they are above the law altogether.

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I was outside the Sefton this morning, enjoying an after breakfast cigarette, the police were stopping the cabs and checking their tyres etc.


The local constabulary seemed to find it funny for some reason, unless they all had wind.

They would have been better to have gone to the taxi drivers protest, to do the buggers for blocking the road.


Perhaps it was a way of discouraging taxi drivers from blocking that area. A few more spot checks of taxis in the next area they plan to block might make them think twice

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