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You'll be ignorantly burning empty holiday homes next won't you mate, like the one next door to me, owned by a live-away Manx family who take advantage of cheap car tax by still having their cars registered here.


Edited to remove my foul language though you can still read the originl post! :rolleyes:

Cheap car tax? last time i checked prices for car tax it was more expencive to tax your car here.


A bit harder to compare now as since 2001 the UK has used CO2 emissions to tax cars so as a quick look I've used the DVLA figures for cars made before 2001.



Engine size (cc) 12 months

Not over 1549 £115.00

Over 1549 £180.00



Exceeds But not exceeding Annual duty £

1200CM3 60.00

1200CM3 1800CM3 100.00

1800CM3 2500CM3 140.00

2500CM3 3500CM3 220.00

3500CM3 **** 260.00


Isle of Man cheaper for cars under 2500cm3. More expensive for bigger capacity engines. Gets very confusing when you start looking at emission figures!


But then if my part-time neighbours (part time as in Easter and the Summer) tax their cars here then they must also have them insured here. Now when i moved here I saved a lot on my insurance as the IOM was deemed safer than most parts od the UK. So possibly a double whammy of cheaper car tax and insurance. But then I've gone totally off-topic and try to avoid anything made in china if possible (which is quite hard!) as the quality controls out there are poor and they will cover up problems to avoid losing face.

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Mattel are now up to almost 20m recalls of kids toys. Its probably a lesson to all those global businessess that thought they could increase profits by having shabby goods knocked up by third rate manufacturers in China. It could bankrupt Mattel yet as their brand could be damaged for years - who in their right mind would buy a Fisher Price toy if it could poison little Johnny?


Just like all those banks now pulling call centres back out of India, you'll gradually see manufacturers pull out of China as consumers tend to get pissed off when you poison their kids just so you can cynically make a few extra quid at their expense. Your banks call centre might have nicked your VISA details but they never tried to kill you or your kids.


Its the worlds number one manufacturer of third rate sheight, it will remain so for quite some time, and its time global brands realised the business risks of using such shitty unregulated dump zones as a base for making their global products.

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Mattel are now up to almost 20m recalls of kids toys. Its probably a lesson to all those global businessess that thought they could increase profits by having shabby goods knocked up by third rate manufacturers in China. It could bankrupt Mattel yet as their brand could be damaged for years - who in their right mind would buy a Fisher Price toy if it could poison little Johnny?


Just like all those banks now pulling call centres back out of India, you'll gradually see manufacturers pull out of China as consumers tend to get pissed off when you poison their kids just so you can cynically make a few extra quid at their expense. Your banks call centre might have nicked your VISA details but they never tried to kill you or your kids.


Its the worlds number one manufacturer of third rate sheight, it will remain so for quite some time, and its time global brands realised the business risks of using such shitty unregulated dump zones as a base for making their global products.

Well said that man. Clearly all is not well in China and Jobrobistan etc. I doubt many manufacturers will pull out though, there is too much money to be made, and consumers have very short memories - especially if it involves saving a few quid.

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I have terrible trouble when I go shopping, I only have 2 rules (self imposed) that I have to abide by, buy local & avoid Made in China. Clothes are incredibly hard to buy, I find TK Maxx has the best range of things that are made not in China.

I made a massive mistake in M&S a few weeks ago I bought some giant Strawberries, only noticed that they had been flown in from America when I got them home, I was very upset and havent been back to Marksies since (they hid the American strawberries in amongst the Scottish ones). Shoprite are minxes too, they have crappy English milk before the Manx milk (in Vic road store) and they rarely have Manx Free range Eggs and when they do they are hidden under the cheap English Battery eggs.

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Yes i work in the building trade and the immigrants are a nuisance. Also the influx of English and other undesirables has made the Isle of Man more prone to drugs and violence. There is a boat in the morning yessir!!!


You sound like one of the old gits (with plummy accents) who used to always be on the moanin' line. Always blaming the comeovers for any problems yet if you'd bother looking at the names and addresses of those convicted of drugs and violence offences you'd find the majority were locals from Pully or Jurby! :cool:

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Sorry mate, not old never been on mannin line. But while we are generalising i would say you sound like the typical office nob that frequents wine bars ect trying to look trendy.


Sounds like we're both well off the mark with our generalising then! ;)


Only time I ever looked slightly trendy was when bloody students discovered combat pants and para boots when the levellers became cool! :P

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levellers became cool


When was that Mr Static? They're a bunch of crustie folk singers :D lol - just the sort of music 'Casl'sloane Rangers' are into I'm sure.


Seem to remember them becoming cool with the student crowd about the time "One way" was a (s)hit single. Price of para boots suddenly shot up as it became trendy to be a pseudo-crustie, levellers gigs went downhill because all the bloody students did was stand there looking into their pints rather than dancing and the sight of 50,000 people at Glastonbury singing "there's only one way of life and that's your own" in unison was quite ironic. The levellers never seemed quite the same to me after that! :rolleyes:

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