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World Of Warcraft


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I'm thinking of getting a copy ofthis today.


Can anyone offer opinions on the game?


I used to play Asheron's Call years ago, but that just turned into an online "chatroom/dating service" so I lost interest.


I have a high spec pc, so it should run ok, but I haven't a clue as to how good the game is.



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My 11 year old son introduced me to it at Christmas after i'd notplayed games for a long time. I now have wo accounts, 1 for each kid and i have characers on both so i can play with either kid (and myself).


download yourself the free 10 day trial version and have a go. if you don't like it then your lost nothing.


there's quite a few on here who've been playing a long tim who can proably comment better than me.

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Depends if you know anyone else that plays, i would look for a new realm because there will be more people just starting out so you will meet people who are in the same boat as you.


Leveling up is the best part of the game IMO so take your time and enjoy all the quests you can. Its a case of either you like it or you dont so give it a try.

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you can play without the expansion for the majority of the game but if you want the new races you'd need the expansion


it is a highly addictive game which took 2 years of my life but I did enjoy it and met some cool people

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bugger it! I've created an account and fired it up and it's now downloading a 600mb patch!!


Bit of port forwarding jiggery pokery and it's now gonna take 2-3 hours to get the patch

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I really enjoyed it for the first year but once i got levelled up to the max the game became a bit of a chore and in the end I decided to quit around christmas.


If you really get into it prepare for no life for the next 18 months mind you :)

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just got a 10-day burning crusade through the post today, anyone else get one? (no idea which company it's from)


The same. I won't be picking up WoW again for a while, it did become a bit of a chore in the end. Great in the early stages though.

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The game is as much of a chore as you allow it to be, me thinks :). We have been playing with the same friends for the last 'x' months/years (too scared to do /played anymore), TBC was a bit of a disruptive influence to begin with, people rushing to 70 and then GM's going all 'dictator' on you, "Get Kara attuned or be demoted in guild" - how about stick your crappy guild and we'll go at our own pace. We've made truly ace friends while playing WoW - funny how complete strangers from Sweden become IRL friends through an internet game, very stange feeling of missing people you dont actually know when you go on holiday or vice versa. I have many 'messenger mates' who I met through WoW. TBH I would rather play WoW than go to the pub now, its social and fun and you dont get a hang/smoke over.


My bro-in-law is a 'game head' he finishes games as a hobby....so I introduced him to WoW, thinking it would beat him..not! He has a pile of lvl 70 chars and a life as well. It's rather handy having him around, makes up for my lack of ability at games :) Thats another great thing about WoW, you dont have to be good at games to play it, by the time you get to 70 you know your char well and it's almost like you are good at games.


We're on Darksorrow Misfit, I have a few chars dotted about the place on other servers too. Hope you enjoy it, its not really online smack....says she who is refusing to go out over the weekend because she NEEDS to gring a million motes to make her Battle set :P oh mainline my internet connection to my brain.

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