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World Of Warcraft


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Well, I've been playing kust over a week now. Bloody marvelous game. I did spend the odd night playing faaaarrr too long, but it is damned addictive.


Me and the missus are both on Hellfire, if any of you are about. Look for Regolan (me) or the missus (Nieren)

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  • 2 weeks later...

A nice in game thing happend to me yesterday, I was hanging about by the mechanar waiting for my friends and bumped into some people I havent seen for ages, it was like meeting old friends in the pub..I think I play this game too much, or not because what else would I do? watch TV? Play some other game? goto the pub? errr...yeah WoW is most fun.

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I used to think that... I'm very glad I gave it up though now I have more time in the evenings for seeing real people and doing odd jobs I was letting go

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  • 4 weeks later...

for the reality of the game watch the southpark W.O.W episode, very funny. the games box says 8 million registered users. at around £90 a year in subscriptions thats over 70 million quid a year to someone. big money.

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