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The Manx People Have Lost Out.


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Residents of the Isle of Man have lost any chance to oppose the present Government as it stands. The APG is all but gone, only Brenda Cannell left, Labour party does not exist and even peter karran has had his hornes cliped. We may have one or two others who can be outspoken but at the end of the day they too get told to sit down if the topic they bring before the court of Tynwald dont suit the Boss.

The reduction of the Mannin line was the end of any opposition to the Government and its workings, and I for one dont believe anything other than in was the Government that shut it down. Over the past twelve months the radio and press have reported openly on topics such as Mount Murry, Grants and the landfill Site, Topics that have brought the public back to the Mannin Line and Readers Write pages. The Government did not like this so had to do something about it and they did, they sent in the Advocates, (its not just the Goverment that leak information).

We have just over twelve months to wait for the chance to make a change, make it count, get rid of of those MHKs that you feel that aint fit for the job. And I say this because I believe that most of the posters/readers on these forums are the youth of the Isle of Man, the same people that are paying the high prices for properties that in a few years will have no value or very little at all, and you can thank the present Government for that.

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I don't care what anyone says the old Manx forum was closed by your goverment.


The very fact that Corkhill, made a great point of saying not so in your local rags speaks for itself.


Now if Blair was a subject of police enquries...as your chap is...how long do you thing he would last?


Democracy ends the minute you leave the ferry.

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Sorry to be a bit vociferous tonight but there is a point here, that Feegan has made very well elsewhere.


The fact that people really do believe "It was the Government that did it" speaks volumes about our society, and trust of our Government. Why do so many people believe it was them? Paranoia probably. But what brings on that paranoia... etc.


One day . . . one day . . . I just hope we are all made aware of the forces that really did close down the previous forums. Whoever they were I am sure they were very selfish people who I find it hard to believe have made this Island their home.


Mmmmhh, come to think of it, they'll fit in quite well on this Island these days won't they.

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Ask your MHK for the truth old Bean :rolleyes:


Not only do I not have a clue who my MHK is, I don't need to. If you choose to believe rumours and information gathered at 9.30am meetings, that's up to you.


I prefer to take the word of the people who ran the closed sites when they've told me the reasons directly. Hey, wouldn't want the facts to get in the way though eh?

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Its seems that you only believe in what you say.


The people from one of the closed sites are in court tomorrow, and could end up in prison


And the court starts at 9-30 old bean


Well these must be different people to those that ANS refers to - just who is in court tomorow ?


The world is full of conspiracy theorists, but the that doesn't make them right.


The X Files has a lot to answer for, but taking a line from that infamous series ' The Truth Is Out There' you just have to open your eyes and see instead of keeping the tunnel vision blinkers on.


I know our Government havent got the balls, the know how or the means to silence the masses and if you believe they do then you then you watch too much TV.



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