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The Manx People Have Lost Out.


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I can guess who was responsible for Slim closing his forum and maybe they also had a strong affect on the closure of Manx.net. I honestly do not think Ned was the leader of the pack.


I've never commented on this individual or topics relating to them before because I like forums and I want them to stay open, but also because there simply aren't the words.... There goes my membership!


I could be completely wrong of course, in which case I'd better get out the Mystery Machine and drive around outside abandoned goldmines in thunderstorms looking for some clues.

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Ideally PK, we would embrace free speech as much as possible but I'd prefer some limitations and for this forum to actually exist.


As has been said, these fourms have been created voluntarily for everyone's benefit.


Allowing more leaway to say what you want requires a lot of work, not only scouring for possible litigation problems, but dealing with all the complaints.


No one has made moderation decisions on moral principals but on practicality and that is what you're consistently failing to accept.

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PK, What is the problem? It seems to me that people have tried to explain the way this forum is run time and time again to all and sundry.


Slim summed it up

(Slim @ Nov 5 2004, 09:24 AM)

If you don't like that, post somewhere else, this isn't costing you a penny.


As for anyone donating money for the gallery that's exactly what it was "a donation".


If anyone has any problems and they wish to private message any moderator I know they will do there best to sort the problem out for the poster.

But if ANYONE is blatantly trying to undermine this forum. A forum that a person out of the goodness of there heart set up for us with no obligations from anyone to contribute, starts causing trouble or breaking the forum rules or deliberately bringing the past up to undermine any poster, I haven't yet but I for one will start exercising my moderation powers.


Again, If you don't like the way these forums are run don't post here. Simple really isn't it.



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Your wrong pk, the moderation is for legal reasons. It's a result of the threat of legal action.


If that legal action is justified or will succeed or not isn't relevant. If someone complains about a thread, your only choice as a hoster is to nuke it. If you don't, and they take legal action, then you as hoster could be found liable for not acting on the complaint in good time.


As there's no way you can, as a hoster, validate the legitimacy of every complaint, so the only choice is to delete.


And a donation is a donation, you're not paying that in return for access to the forum. The forum is free.

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This forum is going just fine. The sooner people move on and stop flogging this dead horse the better. Considering it's the same one or two people asking the same questions every other day, only to be given the same answers, I wonder exactly who it is that's stuck in the past....

Interesting mindset, similar it seems to that of Manx Radio.


Surely the purpose of an open forum is to allow people to air their opinions and ask questions. If half a dozen members keep asking the same old questions, let them, no-one is obliged to read or comment on the post.


What is often the case though, both here and on the Mannin Line, is that the few ask the questions that the many want to hear the answers to. If these questions, often of a political nature, don't appear to be fully answered or a feeling of distrust is left by the answer then you would have to look at the responders.


It seems perculiar that the longest thread at the moment is "Business As Usual - Ned" perhaps it is time for our politicians to re-brand themselves before they re-brand the Isle of Man in their own ilk.

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My head hurts reading this, am I the only bod who hasn't got a clue what's going on here???  :(


Edited to add: I think maybe I don't want to know either.


I'm gonna tell you anyway, in a completely generalised nutshell:


Thread was started moaning about our MHKs, and the fact that we've lost some of our ways to complain publicly (mannin line and some forums)


Some people blame our Gov for shutting them down.


It was pointed out that, in the case of the forums at least, this wasn't the case.


The real reason for the forums shutting down has never been stated, but by reading between the lines the clever people have worked out that it was because of threatened legal action from an un-named individual (not Ned Flanders).


It's been suggested the legal action wouldn't be successful, so why worry about it?


The answer is, the people who run the forums haven't got the time or money to defend any legal action, successful or not. In fact, just dealing with run of the mill complaints is enough hassle.


So everyone should just stop moaning.

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Exactly what judgement has been made that you disagree with/have found unfair and see as over moderation? I'm assuming this is something recent, rather than a generalised moan relating to something historical?


Wrong assumption. I think some moderation is done on personal preference rather than legality, taste and decency. Simple really.


Like I said before - exactly what and when? Or is it just a hunch you have?

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Funny how forums exist all over the world with little or no moderation yet on the Isle of Man everyone has to watch what they say, and posts are edited and removed almost daily.


Sweeping statement and overgeneralisation - please substantiate.

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Exactly what judgement has been made that you disagree with/have found unfair and see as over moderation? I'm assuming this is something recent, rather than a generalised moan relating to something historical?


Wrong assumption. I think some moderation is done on personal preference rather than legality, taste and decency. Simple really.


Like I said before - exactly what and when? Or is it just a hunch you have?



How about like banning carter from posting for a day for example? for what?


Sweeping statement and overgeneralisation - please substantiate.

Eh? you want proof other forums exist? I post on about 10, and none have anywhere near the amount of moderation seen on here - and most have thousands more members.

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If you can't see why Carter was banned for a day then I suggest you spend the day reading up on the last day or two's posts - sadly a lot of it is deleted, even so plenty remains.


You said that the forums existed with little or no moderation - I wanted to know on what basis you made that statement? All forums have moderation to a degree and perhaps those that don't are not worth visiting. I also want to know where you see posts being deleted daily - as all posts go to a trash can that the moderators all view and I am not seeing these deletions..... oh no.... it's a conspiracy! The other mods are against me :-(

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Suggestion: Mods become invisible i.e. their member status does not reveal 'Moderator'. Mods also have to log in invisibly so nobody can guess who is moderating at any one time. Failure to comply with the above results in Mod being banned. Moderation carries on invisibly and without giving reasons, thereby moderating the site but without generating personal hate campaigns.


Complaints are to be submitted to the Admin team, if a member complains about something such as moderation on the forum then an Admin member has to ask the member to contact them via e-mail / pm if they complain again on the forum then they get another warning, after that they are banned.


I do think some moderation on here is based on personal bias but hey we are human after all. Maybe the above could help things a little.



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