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The Manx People Have Lost Out.


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Funny how forums exist all over the world with little or no moderation yet on the Isle of Man everyone has to watch what they say, and posts are edited and removed almost daily.


It's not just web forums where problems can happen. Demon Internet got done over some usenet newsgroup posting



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Thanks for the explanation, m_m. I don't really want to comment on stuff I know very little about, BUT (and I'm sure it's been said before) if some people don't like the way the forum is run/moderated then why don't you just p*ss off and post somewhere else and let the others, who don't have a problem, get on with it without listening to constant whinging! Some of the moderation does seem a little extreme/personal to me, but if the moderators choose to do it then just get over it, it's not the end of the world! I'd ban you all if you were complaining constantly like this :P

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Interesting case Old Git...


At the end of the day all forms of media are subject to some form of moderation. Editors of newspapers, radio and news programmes all filter what we ultimately end up reading, listening to or watching. Each editor will have their own ideas of taste, decency, legality and to some degree political bias.


If you dont like the way that a certain newspaper is editted then you buy another one - I suggest that those at odds with the editting of this forum adopt a similar approach.

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No one has made moderation decisions on moral principals but on practicality and that is what you're consistently failing to accept.


I am happy to accept moderation because I recognise that it can be a neccessary evil at times. Which makes your "consistantly failing" bit complete and utter nonsense. I also disagree that decisions have been made on practicality only. You have your opinion, I have mine.



PK, What is the problem? It seems to me that people have tried to explain the way this forum is run time and time again to all and sundry.

But  if ANYONE is blatantly trying to undermine this forum. A forum that a person  out of the goodness of there heart set up for us with no obligations from anyone to contribute, starts causing trouble or breaking the forum rules or deliberately bringing the past up to undermine any poster, I haven't yet but I for one will start exercising my moderation powers.


Again, If you don't like the way these forums are run don't post here. Simple really isn't it.




I KNOW how it is run and I have never required any further explanation. As a moderator you can make a judgement call on posts. I can judge whether I think you are right or wrong. I have explained that time and time again. What is the problem?



Your wrong pk, the moderation is for legal reasons. It's a result of the threat of legal action.

How interesting as that's not how WD Forte sees it nor others. Some say it's all for legal reasons, some for practicality, others for forum rules and so on. Quite a stir really.


Anyone care to tell me how despising homosexuals is legally wrong?


It's Friday lunchtime, what a shame. See you Monday.

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Let's get you modded up then girl eh?


Ban 'em all.... yeah.....



Omigod, I have enough stress in my life without getting the sort of sh*t you mods get from whingey arses! And, anyway, there'd be hardly any members left.........I'd ban people if I didn't like the sound of their name or the look of their avatar, and if anyone dared to disagree with me I'd hunt them down and give them a hiding! :D

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Suggestion: Mods become invisible i.e. their member status does not reveal 'Moderator'. Mods also have to log in invisibly so nobody can guess who is moderating at any one time. Failure to comply with the above results in Mod being banned. Moderation carries on invisibly and without giving reasons, thereby moderating the site but without generating personal hate campaigns
I agree with mods not having to give reasons. A persons post would not be moderated without a reason in the first place.

A moderators decision is final. Decisions are not taken lightly. The moderators could infact moderate a lot more but they don't.

It doesn't matter if a moderator is invisible or not, if they edit ,delete a post or even suspend a user the action will still take place. If a poster takes offense thats tough, they know the rules and they know what the owner will do if these rules keep getting broken. Yep you got it, the plug will be pulled and NO more forum.

Moderators are not there to be banned. They are there for the smooth running of the forum and to carry out the owner of the forums wishes so we still have a forum in the morning.

Don't forget with all this whineing and moaning about the way the forum is run Unisol could just say "right I've had enough of this. This forum is more trouble than its worth". He doesn't have to tell you that he's shutting it down.


Complaints are to be submitted to the Admin team, if a member complains about something such as moderation on the forum then an Admin member has to ask the member to contact them via e-mail / pm if they complain again on the forum then they get another warning, after that they are banned.


That's why the admins have moderators to sort the problems out, if a problem can't be sorted between poster and moderator it will go to the admins. This is the way it's always been.

Seems to me you don't like the moderators much on this forum. ;)


I do think some moderation on here is based on personal bias but hey we are human after all. Maybe the above could help things a little.


Could you elaborate on that please

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(Slim @ Nov 5 2004, 11:50 AM)

Your wrong pk, the moderation is for legal reasons. It's a result of the threat of legal action.




How interesting as that's not how WD Forte sees it nor others. Some say it's all for legal reasons, some for practicality, others for forum rules and so on. Quite a stir really.



It's Friday lunchtime, what a shame. See you Monday.


Pk Can you not grasp the concept that it is a combination of all those things.

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I agree with mods not having to give reasons. A persons post would not be moderated without a reason in the first place.

A moderators decision is final. Decisions are not taken lightly. The moderators could infact moderate a lot more but they don't.

It doesn't matter if a moderator is invisible or not, if they edit ,delete a post or even suspend a user the action will still take place. If a poster takes offense thats tough, they know the rules and they know what the owner will do if these rules keep getting broken. Yep you got it, the plug will be pulled and NO more forum.

Moderators are not there to be banned. They are there for the smooth running of the forum and to carry out the owner of the forums wishes so we still have a forum in the morning.

Don't forget with all this whineing and moaning about the way the forum is run Unisol could just say "right I've had enough this. This forum is more trouble than its worth". He doesn't have to tell you that he's shutting it down.

The point of being invisible is to stop people taking offence so IMO it does matter.


That's why the admins have moderators to sort the problems out, if a problem can't be sorted between poster and moderator it will go to the admins. This is the way it's always been.

Seems to me you don't like the moderators much on this forum.


If someone feels they are being victimised then they should report it directly to the Admin team and not the person they feel they are being victimised by, surely this makes sense?


I am not really bothered either way by the mods on these forums seeing as I have never been moderated. Seems to me that you are paranoid.


Could you elaborate on that please


I could but I don't really want to get drawn into this argument. I have made my suggestion, take it or leave it.

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The point of being invisible is to stop people taking offence so IMO it does matter
That's your opinion but you don't run this forum.



If someone feels they are being victimised then they should report it directly to the Admin team and not the person they feel they are being victimised by, surely this makes sense?


Yes but there are plenty of other sympathetic moderators who could sort it out. The mods on this forum don't treat it as a closed shop.

But whatever the poster wants to do is fine, but if the admins keep getting contacted when they are busy trying to make a living they would soon get sick of it and it would probably lead to the end of the forum.


I am not really bothered either way by the mods on these forums seeing as I have never been moderated. Seems to me that you are paranoid.
You made a couple of suggestions I answered them how does that make me paranoid?



I could but I don't really want to get drawn into this argument. I have made my suggestion, take it or leave it.


Nobody is having an argument, you suggested I answered ,end of story.

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WTF was all that about?


From what I've seen of this forum, it is well run. We get to spout our opinions without too much moderation. When someone steps over the line, which may result in outside consequences then it's pulled. Seems a fairly sensible approach to me.


If something of yours is pulled, then I'm sure your a little peeved, but I wouldn't want to see the Forum at risk for the sake of some of the more 'loose tongued' members.


If you don't like what goes on, on this FREE forum, then post elsewhere.


And someone asked why Carter was banned? Probably 'cos he's a xxxxx, just look at some of the sh1te he posts.

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To Wilddog.


Thanks for pointing out that I don't run the fourm. I am sick of reading the constant bickering between certain posters and mods and I speculate that many other members feel the same way.


Although I have not yet fallen victim to it I do feel that certain posters are vicitimised by the mods on this site. I also feel that other members get away with posts that the victimised members cannot and that there is a general feeling of us and them between the parties involved. The reasons for this may be many and could relate to old fueds from previous fora, but whatever I feel that Admin should either step in and ban the member and or mod involved or that mods should become invisible thereby removing the opportunity for personal hate campaigns.


Again I don't want to get drawn further into this 'argument' as seen in the last few pages of this thread but have made a suggestion for a possible solution.


You said "seems to me that you don't like the moderators much on this forum" which is why I said it seems to me like you are paranoid because I don't really have any feelings for them apart from being tired of reading the bickering between mods and certain other members.


Your tone seems to suggest that you do run the forum and speak on behalf of all the mods and admin team. If a member cannot make a suggestion to a problem that seems to be out of your control then maybe it is time to leave, life is too short to put up with BS from people like you.

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