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For Gull-ible Ratepayers


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Someone please tell me that THIS is just a wind-up.


An extraordinary piece of 'public art', 50 feet in height, is set to be installed on north quay, Douglas, at a cost approaching £30,000.

Commissioned by the Douglas Development Partnership, it's described as a fibre-glass gull, suspended from a three-legged support structure, and designed to move with the wind, like a weather vane.

It would be placed alongside the lifting bridge, at the start and finish of the 'Road of the Gull' footpath, which goes around the Island.


Or perhaps its symbolic of our politicians being a load of grasping scavengers?

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it's described as a fibre-glass gull, suspended from a three-legged support structure, and designed to move with the wind, like a weather vane


I'm sure the local chav community will quickly learn how to appreciate this kind of art :ph34r:

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On the same day David Christian is quoted as saying Douglas is "run down".




Yes. Run down but never mind lets put some shitty street art up to celebrate shitehawks.


Maybe he should ponder whether the total lack of vision and lack of planning on behalf of the Corpy is the reason why why Douglas is run down in the first place. Douglas ratepayers pay some of the highest rates on the Island for absolutely bugger all and paying £30k for this load of CRAP won't fix it.



Bless you! *hearty applause*

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I may be wrong but I think the shitehawk is to be paid for by the Douglas Development Partnership.


The corpy are out of funds having spent all our rates on:


Tarting up the town hall and heating it to about 80 degrees


Renting an ex bank in Victoria Street to put the library in because they knocked through into the old library when tarting up the town hall


Renting a bin wagon facility from Dandara after selling the one they owned.......to Dandara


Personally I don't mind a giant non-shitting shitehawk on the quay as long as they shoot all the real ones first, but its the pigeons I really hate etc. etc. etc,

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Yes. Run down but never mind lets put some shitty street art up to celebrate shitehawks.


But its something big and expensive that shits all over you. The perfect symbol for the corporation really :-)


This is a highly imaginative and original idea.




But wait a minute...................hasn't Belfast got a giant fish on the waterfront, and isn't this a bit copycat ? (washes mouth out with soap and water)


Why not build a Giant Manx Crab?




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Isn't the gull the symbol of the Raaid Ny Foillan? It sounds like its going to mark the start of the path.

To be honest, I would much rather see art like this as a sign of a flourishing and developing society than some shite blocks of flats and crowded, pokey and flimsy new housing...

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Isn't the gull the symbol of the Raaid Ny Foillan? It sounds like its going to mark the start of the path.

To be honest, I would much rather see art like this as a sign of a flourishing and developing society than some shite blocks of flats and crowded, pokey and flimsy new housing...


.................and there was me, along with 90% of the population, thinking that The Way of the Gull was to rip open all the black bin liners and scatter the contents around for the longtails.


Deja Vu! Didn't a bloke called De Lorean make a fortune out of the ratepayers with a gull sculpture idea?



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Personally I don't mind a giant non-shitting shitehawk on the quay as long as they shoot all the real ones first, but its the pigeons I really hate etc. etc. etc,





I recommend therapy for your irrational hatred.

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