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Not A Proper Church


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The Vatican has described the Protestant and Orthodox faiths as “not proper Churches” in a document issued with the full authority of the Pope.


Anglican leaders reacted with dismay, accusing the Roman Catholic Church of paradoxical behaviour. They said that the new 16-page document outling the “defects” of non-Catholic churches constituted a major obstacle to ecumenism.


The document said that the Orthodox church suffered from a “wound” because it did not recognise the primacy of the Pope. The wound was “still more profound” in Protestant denominations, it added.


Excellent stuff - not only does it scupper any chances of major Christian churches uniting - it also provides yet another opportunity for a religion-bashing thread! :D

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This "proper" church has had bad Popes. The Borgia and Medici Popes were horrible and to a large extent caused the Protestant Reformation.


Some Popes have been corrupt, and some were married (God forbid!)


I am sure other Christian denominations have had similar instances of bad leaders.


So allowing a single mortal to have primacy is debateable.

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The Vatican has described the Protestant and Orthodox faiths as “not proper Churches” in a document issued with the full authority of the Pope.


That's not at all suprising really... and it makes sense. For the Catholics to be the 'proper' church, it surely means that all others are not!! I don't see why the Protestants should complain, since they'd say exactly the same thing about the Catholics.


That is, unless they are changing their doctrines... again.

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That's not at all suprising really... and it makes sense. For the Catholics to be the 'proper' church, it surely means that all others are not!! I don't see why the Protestants should complain, since they'd say exactly the same thing about the Catholics.


That is, unless they are changing their doctrines... again.


Doesn't the Mormon Church believe it is the only true Church?


What do you mean by the Protestant Church changing their doctrines again? Do you mean like the Mormon Church does? E.g its attitude to Polygamy and black people - just two examples.

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heh, two bad examples. :D


like I said, it's quite a normal concept.. and yes, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also takes that stand. How this is "news" at all is suprising. Go back some years, and see what the catholics were saying about the protestants then.

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