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Iom Petrol Prices - Heading North As Oil Prices Touch $77 Per Barrel


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The BBC is reporting oil prices at an 11 month high of $77 a barrel - how long before it filters through for petrol price rises on the IOM?




and following publication of the National Grid report in June what are the MEA and Manx Gas doing about buying gas forward for the winter???



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I can't get over the comments the other day in that place where all the hot air is spouted, about vehicles running with headlights in daylight, and how much CO2 will be released by the extra fuel used running the headlights !

Next thing they will be charging us extra to drive at night, and will be sending the government employees home before it gets dark (if they don't already ;) )

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We need to use up all of this fuel, sooner rather than later. If we try on conserve the existing fossel fuel energy that we have then there will be no incentive for new technologies and incentives! Get it used up so we can move onto more environmentally friendly ways of energy use. It may also stop a war or two along the way!

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