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Iom Post Office - Driving Licences


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I got my Courier through the door tonight too. I intend posting all the ads inthe Livestock section as news stories, just to ensure the advertisers get their three penny worth in this wholesale regurgitation of the rest of the paper.

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Sorry, I must be thick but I don't get the significance of the door knob.


However, refusing someone a driving licence because they insist on covering their face with a veil seems to me a reasonable decision. If the criteria for a photograph on a licence is that it enables a copper to identify the licence with the driver then that is fair enough. Photo ID is required for entry to the Island on an aeroplane. If, therefore, someone wearing a veil produces a photograph of themselves wearing said veil how are we supposed to know is actually behind the veil?


Religious sensibilities should not place people above the law of the land. If anyone has a problem with that then they can always find another land in which to set up shop.


Is this political correctness directly getting in the way of justice?

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Sorry, I must be thick but I don't get the significance of the door knob.


However, refusing someone a driving licence because they insist on covering their face with a veil seems to me a reasonable decision. If the criteria for a photograph on a licence is that it enables a copper to identify the licence with the driver then that is fair enough. Photo ID is required for entry to the Island on an aeroplane. If, therefore, someone wearing a veil produces a photograph of themselves wearing said veil how are we supposed to know is actually behind the veil?


Religious sensibilities should not place people above the law of the land. If anyone has a problem with that then they can always find another land in which to set up shop.


Is this political correctness directly getting in the way of justice?


Absolutely agree, and when the Government gets it wrong, as they did in this case by sacking the employee who pointed out that it was wrong to issue licences to people in certain circumstances, it's the good old taxpayer who picks up the bill every time. The managers responsible should lose their jobs, but that would probably cost us even more.

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I haven't read the story, but if the applicant was wearing a hijab, their face would've been visible as the hijab is the head scarf.




The full veil is the burqa (or burka)



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Sorry, I must be thick but I don't get the significance of the door knob.


Drop the word 'door' and the remaining word is what Albert is calling copycat, I would imagine.

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If the allegations are true and driving licences have been issued where the holder cannot be identified by the photo, then I'd say that was definately cause for concern. There are strict rules for the acceptance of passport photos (clicky) but it seems not for driving licences?

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Sorry, I must be thick but I don't get the significance of the door knob.

I thought putting a picture of a door knob was far more polite than a penis.

And as both are frequently handled and pulled - and respond to attempts to "come".....

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When in Rome, do as the Romans do.


When the Cronky family moved here a few years ago we understood that we were not relocating to 'Little England in the Sea' but to a different country with a different culture. That is why we wanted to move here - because we liked it. It would have been highly innapropriate to go round saying 'these rules don't suit me so you must adapt to my culture'.


I spent some time in Pakistan in 1997 and there were big signs up in a tourist town I visited asking you to cover up because of the local reilgion. Fine. Respect for the local culture is appropriate. I didn't have to be a visitor but I chose to. So, if the Isle of Man rules say that the want a full mugshot for a driving licence then you should oblige and not argue the toss. I note that this lady won her petition so the point is accepted.


A couple of weeks ago my wife had a girl friend staying who is a civil servant for a large UK government department. Fascinating hearing her talk about her life in a 'politically correct' environment where everything is governed by the need to avoid offending anyone over anything. This lady had a Moslem employee who took a huge amount of time off for unspecified reasons. For 'political correctness' it was not possible even to make mention of this in her annual appraisal. In another case there was an employee who was slack to the point of doing virtually no work. When our friend broached the subject with the employee a complaint of bullying was immediately made. In another case our friend suspected that an immigrant employee might have had a falsified degree certificate. Again, not possible to pursue this because of potential accusations of discrimination.


When I now read stories of UK Government departments failing I understand why.


The Isle of Man is a tiny place and asking people to respect the culture and ways of doing things seems entirely reasonable to me. Yes, there is a boat in the morning

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