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Dave And Posh


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Well all that advance pr worked, scenes of crowd excitement on the news when Dave and her landed. Serves the US right, more than adequate recompense for the infliction of the Osmonds on us all those years ago.

Now America can experience Uber Chavery at its finest.

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Yup... I can feel quite mean spirited really which is out of character for me - nobody else has that effect on me... the very sight of her and I bristle and it absolutely is not an envy thing for those who might suggest it. I just don't know what it is.... the same pushed pout on every pic, the pathetic obsessive rake thin (ugly!) frame... I do not even get her (apparently super??? Eh??) style that many rave about... I usually think she looks something of a parody, certainly not something I would be keen to emulate.


There ya' go.... I told you I could get mean spirited about her!

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Nah... it'll be some Posh devised image overhall masterplan for the states.... press leaked probably!


After all her mates aren't Thomas Cruise... etc etc... she's a bright girl that one.

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Can't say I am a fan either, Obs. She was on The One one evening at some red carpet do and she really was a parody/charicature of a famous fashion icon, much like Mrs Shilling in her hats at Ascot. At least the latter had some humour about her. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn41...18/ai_n14280593


Have to say, she will probably fit in so well in the States with her self-obsession.

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I cant decide if the idea of Becks trying to raise the profile of footy in the states is a good one or not. His missus is a boot but will always remain in the headlines because of the media culture we live in.


Would be interesting if the pair of them move to the church of scientology, i wonder if that would make a difference to the people in the UK if one of the footballing icons of the decade started to believe the guff that those people spout.


On a side note, i wrote to a few contacts from the scientology church in the UK asking them if there were any plans to open an affiliation in the Isle of Man, after some lenghty emails to make sure i was not winding them up, the long and short of it were if i pay them an obscene amount of money they would open a church over here and give me a slice of the profits. I questioned them about the morals of the church and how i was more interested in the teachings rather than money and the mails stopped.

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Well Posh hasn't gone down well with her 1 hour TV special, "Coming to America"


New York Post-"If this weren't a one-shot deal and people were exposed to her vapid, condescending behaviour on a weekly basis, she'd not just be unwelcome in America, she'd be run out on a rail"


New York Times-"alikened her to a static wheel of cheddar cheese ripening"


Los Angeles Times would not review the show.


New York Daily News-"an orgy of self-indulgence so out of whack with, er, reality that you'll sit there slack-jawed at the gall of these people, she constantly poses even in her own home and offers insights such as how her new phone has changed her life" They rated the show as no stars out of four.


Who'd have thought it, she'll be well and truly gutted. She'll probably put it down to jealousy though.

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I watched part of it - she has to be a leading nomination for biggest waste of space featured on TV 2007. And I thought that Paris Hilton was thick as a brick................

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Well seeing as nobody likes posh and becks what's the attraction? Someone somewhere must absolutely love them, I can't be doing with either of them myself.

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Well seeing as nobody likes posh and becks what's the attraction? Someone somewhere must absolutely love them, I can't be doing with either of them myself.

A consumate PR machine and strategy.

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