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Dave And Posh


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Well Posh hasn't gone down well with her 1 hour TV special, "Coming to America"


New York Post-"If this weren't a one-shot deal and people were exposed to her vapid, condescending behaviour on a weekly basis, she'd not just be unwelcome in America, she'd be run out on a rail"


New York Times-"alikened her to a static wheel of cheddar cheese ripening"


Los Angeles Times would not review the show.


New York Daily News-"an orgy of self-indulgence so out of whack with, er, reality that you'll sit there slack-jawed at the gall of these people, she constantly poses even in her own home and offers insights such as how her new phone has changed her life" They rated the show as no stars out of four.


Who'd have thought it, she'll be well and truly gutted. She'll probably put it down to jealousy though.

The articles are well funny to read :lol:




New Girl in Town Gets Settled With Hubby (NY Times)


Invasion of the Bridiots (NY Daily News)


Maybe they consider this a fair trade in Britain, since our country has contributed Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan to the world of cartoon celebrity. So the Brits give the Beckhams to Los Angeles now and call the whole thing even.

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a nation so open to media hypnosis that a Web site devoted to the ripening of a 44-pound wheel of cheddar has received more than a million Internet hits


a ) hypocrisy at its ripest

b ) does anyone know the address of the cheese site?

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a nation so open to media hypnosis that a Web site devoted to the ripening of a 44-pound wheel of cheddar has received more than a million Internet hits


Didn't come as much of a surprise that the quote came from the NYTimes, which often comes across as mildly anglophobic (in addition to its usual haughty disdain for anything not East Coast). Someone needs to remind the writer of that article that, despite being as hypnotised by media razamataz as we are, we're not the ones importing the Beckhams ;)

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