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Celibacy In Catholicism


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I am atheist but will protect peoples right to practice whatever religion they like free of oppression. This is oppressive to catholics and therefore I must protest at this puerile attempt to vilify them.


Rubbish. If the South Africans had said that apartheid was part of their religion, would you be up there defending them ? The "celibacy" issue has attracted a lot of coverage recently because of the numerous misconducts by so-called examples of the faith, and it's not an example of faith-bashing, more a commentary on current events. If they're that serious about celibacy, how about cutting their nuts off when they enter the priesthood ?


Before I answer I will ask a question, do you realise that religion and politics are completely separate, one being a faith based code of conduct and living, the other being the art of the possible and general management of society to the good of all members of that society regardless of race, creed or religion.

The South African regime that introduced Apartheid were racist and fascist. I opposed it totally.

Religion is a harmless piece of fantasy practised by adults (although they do sometimes involve their children ) that does no real harm to society. I don't oppose it, rather let them get on with it as long as they don't frighten the horses.

I wonder where you make the connection between the two?

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I would suggest that history shows that religeon and politics are NOT completely seperate


I would also suggest in the world today that they continue in many countries not to be seperate. Religions are very much involved in politics and to describe that "Religion is a harmless piece of fantasy practised by adults that does no real harm to society" is one of the biggest loads of baloney I have read in a long time.


If you listened to the News outside the Isle of Man you might pick up that religion all over the world continues to cause problems and that relates both to Christianity many of its forms and other religions?

If it does not cause problems then it still gets involved in politics at all levels of society



Before I answer I will ask a question, do you realise that religion and politics are completely separate, one being a faith based code of conduct and living, the other being the art of the possible and general management of society to the good of all members of that society regardless of race, creed or religion.

The South African regime that introduced Apartheid were racist and fascist. I opposed it totally.

Religion is a harmless piece of fantasy practised by adults (although they do sometimes involve their children ) that does no real harm to society. I don't oppose it, rather let them get on with it as long as they don't frighten the horses.

I wonder where you make the connection between the two?

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No one seems to be arguing that religion is not fantasy, that's a good start to the argument.

Whether it is harmless or not seems to be the main point to the debate. Religion 'per se' is harmless. It is the practitioners of said religions that are the dangerous ones here. How can a set of ideologies cause harm, they are ideas and arguments to support perceived beliefs. 'Sticks and stones'.

Where the trouble starts is when society, by it's cowardice to a challenge the followers of various ideologies, allows religious beliefs to dictate how society should be run. Why does the bishop have a vote in Tynwald? WTF is it to do with him (or her) how the politics of the IOM are conducted? What gives him the right to say how I should lead my life? Did anyone on this forum vote for him? Definitely not is the answer.

Were you aware that the church gets informed if someone is admitted to hospital and their respective religion, if any.? No you did not and that is the scandal perpetrated on society by the church with the collusion of some politicians on this island.

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I really am not sure what you are on but by the same token a loaded gun is harmless it is only when somebody points it at somebody else and pulls the trigger that it is dangerous a loaded.


So ideologies are harmless provided no body follws them, a bit like most dangerous things


Religion 'per se' is harmless. It is the practitioners of said religions that are the dangerous ones here. How can a set of ideologies cause harm, they are ideas and arguments to support perceived beliefs. 'Sticks and stones'.

Where the trouble starts is when society, by it's cowardice to a challenge the followers of various ideologies, allows religious beliefs to dictate how society should be run. Why does the bishop have a vote in Tynwald? WTF is it to do with him (or her) how the politics of the IOM are conducted? What gives him the right to say how I should lead my life? Did anyone on this forum vote for him? Definitely not is the answer.

Were you aware that the church gets informed if someone is admitted to hospital and their respective religion, if any.? No you did not and that is the scandal perpetrated on society by the church with the collusion of some politicians on this island.

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