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Manx Radio Plans Digital Broadcasting


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it was pathetic listening to MR news this morning. they just seem aboslutely desperate to get DAB, and its being considered by the Council of Ministers, so to help plead their case for taxpayers money they rolled out an interview with some chap from RTE in Ireland who are doing a trial and who said "it has benefits for the listeners" but didn't say what they were. it just all smacked of small children pester power syndrome "look mummy they have one and we want one too" - God forbid that's what it comes to for getting support from CoMin! If there was a fully verified business plan that showeed the radio station could for the most part fund the development and roll-out of DAB on the Island then fair do's they should have some support but that's not the case - they want Govt/taxpayers money to support something that Joe Public doesn't even know he wants or needs and is in the main happy with his lot with what he's already getting. There are lots more deserving cases for taxpayers money and CoMin should think about health and welfare and social co-hesion before giving hand-outs for what is effectively a fashion accessory.

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a lot of these stations on digital are only broadcasting on 128/192kbps, BBC included... so whats the point, they feed them with uncompressed linear audio and then it get compressed down. The only benefit is the sub-carried data to tell you who's on air or what songs being played, we can do that with FM!


128 is overkill for a spoken word only station like Radio 4. The point is these stations are taking up far too much of the spectrum.

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There are lots more deserving cases for taxpayers money and CoMin should think about health and welfare and social co-hesion before giving hand-outs for what is effectively a fashion accessory.


Do you just ignore everyones posts or what?

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Manx Radio’s news editor should consider his position after this morning’s blatantly bad item about DAB radio.

In my view, the item was included only to try and lever support for the station to get resources for these new transmitters.

Mandate is in a bad enough state these days without Mr Bell coming up with this stunt. The item was not balanced, and as already reported, RTE is only running a trial service. I understand that the full DAB service is already in use in the large parts of the UK.

Maybe the news editor could spend some time getting the reporters out into the community and away from lazy telephone interviews. Get some real stories back on to what was the flagship current affairs programme.

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Manx Radio’s news editor should consider his position after this morning’s blatantly bad item about DAB radio.


I'm guessing there's an angle here that's behind all this bleat? DAB can only be good news, more stations, better service, what's not to like?


Operators of other stations worried about being squeezed out or something?

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There are lots more deserving cases for taxpayers money...

Such as psychological help for those who are obsessed about every penny spent on Manx Radio - to such an extent that they even blame it for any shortfall in health service allocations?

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Of couse a fully functioning DAB system on the Island would not JUST benefit Manx Radio.


Why can't the government set it up and pay for it and let anyone apply for space on it - proper community radio after all these years of being TOLD what we like to listen to. That bloke from Laxey could have a station, we could have Student Radio for all the sixth forms and college students and loads more.


And, of course, Manx Radio could have their spot. Everybody wins.

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Of couse a fully functioning DAB system on the Island would not JUST benefit Manx Radio.

Why can't the government set it up and pay for it and let anyone apply for space on it - proper community radio after all these years of being TOLD what we like to listen to. That bloke from Laxey could have a station, we could have Student Radio for all the sixth forms and college students and loads more.

And, of course, Manx Radio could have their spot. Everybody wins.


Spot on!

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As the Darwin report suggests... it is not commercially viable for a fourth radio station on the Island, it pointed in the direction that there wasn't enough room for three but as they say that is all history now.

As in the UK... student, or RSL stations simply can't afford to go on digital (RSL or restricted service license stations normally broadcast from transmission equipment located at their site of broadcast), it costs a lot for digital transmission so they wouldn't be transmitting locally, and they most certainly couldn't afford to go on a multiplex.

You may find that the multiplex to be installed on the Island will only carry existing services or allocations only for existing services, you may even get the likes of virgin who are not detrimental to the profitable income of the Manx advertising and sales market

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If DAB ever does see the light of day here on the Island, and really it has to because they WILL be closing both FM and AM in the next 5 - 6 years, let's hope that the accountants don't call the tune on the sample rates that are adopted for transmission. Where I live North of Douglas, I'm at a height that allows me to receive about 30 stations from 3 different mutiplexes, very few of them come up to a decently processed FM broadcast. In the UK, the multiplex owners have elected to go for quantity over quality to the extent that some of the stations are absolutely unlistenable, AND IN MONO (for music based programming!!). The minimum sample rate for a service that's only really on a par with FM is 192Kps....some of these stations run 60Kps mono.....this is progress!?!?.

The only reason I can see for this move off the band is so that the British Government can sell it off to 'the highest bidder'...remember the fiasco that was the last sell-off of the old VHF TV band and the extraordinary prices paid for spectrum by the various telecoms?!...Utter nonsense it was.

Co-incidentally, DAB IS very old technology, overtaken practically all around the DAB world by DAB+, which I believe is based on AAC+ compression algorythms.

Let's hope that IF and WHEN they do it....they do it right.

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If DAB ever does see the light of day here on the Island, and really it has to because they WILL be closing both FM and AM in the next 5 - 6 years, let's hope that the accountants don't call the tune on the sample rates that are adopted for transmission. Where I live North of Douglas, I'm at a height that allows me to receive about 30 stations from 3 different mutiplexes, very few of them come up to a decently processed FM broadcast. In the UK, the multiplex owners have elected to go for quantity over quality to the extent that some of the stations are absolutely unlistenable, AND IN MONO (for music based programming!!). The minimum sample rate for a service that's only really on a par with FM is 192Kps....some of these stations run 60Kps mono.....this is progress!?!?.

The only reason I can see for this move off the band is so that the British Government can sell it off to 'the highest bidder'...remember the fiasco that was the last sell-off of the old VHF TV band and the extraordinary prices paid for spectrum by the various telecoms?!...Utter nonsense it was.

Co-incidentally, DAB IS very old technology, overtaken practically all around the DAB world by DAB+, which I believe is based on AAC+ compression algorythms.

Let's hope that IF and WHEN they do it....they do it right.

Sentience who please is the they you refer to and how do they "close" the FM and AM frequencies? iand what is going to stop stations on the IOM continuing to broadcast on FM and AM?

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