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Douglas Corporation - The One And Only Leader


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I was reading in the newspaper about Douglas Council topics.




It always seems to be the same voice speaking. Do the newspapers actually attend the full Council meetings or do they just meet David somewhere and have a chat about things, or even just an email would do. This sort of reporting always reminds me of the hacks portrayed on Spitting Image, smoking in a dark dingy pub attempting to fill up some column inches between ordering another drink.


It just seems like sloppy journalism to me. I'd rather have no news than be fed the continual bleating viewpoint of the Council 'Leader'*.






*I am not sure what the Council 'Leader' is but I know it is not the Mayor. I think it is like one of those superbugs such as MRSA, or even a SuperMHK as feared by LibVan if we start having all-Island elected members of the legislative council.

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I think the "council leader" is a title "given" to the Chairman of the Policy and Resources committee of the coucil. If my memory serves me right until a few ago their was no such title and the Chairman of the committee was simply the Chairman, then David Christian who was Chairman of the committee at that time came up with the grandios title purely on the basis it was the largest of the Corporation's committees


He did relinquish it for a while but took over when the relevant person stood down as Chairman. I can not remember who stood down but it was one of the lady councillors.


It all reminds me of when Michael Hessiltine became a minister across and was the Minister of the DTI. This was not grandios enough for Hezza who very early on reserected an old title President ofthe Board of Trade. You got the impression it was so that he could be referred to as President and was seen just a run of the mill minister. Basically it gives the impression that there are a few around who just like their egos pampering


If you look at the Corporations web site you might find difficulty in finding any deatils about who or what the "council leader" is. Certainly I could not find anything obvious.


*I am not sure what the Council 'Leader' is but I know it is not the Mayor. I think it is like one of those superbugs such as MRSA, or even a SuperMHK as feared by LibVan if we start having all-Island elected members of the legislative council.
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Ithen David Christian who was Chairman of the committee at that time came up with the grandios title purely on the basis it was the largest of the Corporation's committees

Master of the Rolls would have been a more apt title - he's a carpet-fitter isn't he? I think he also does upholstery cleaning - so technically he is perfectly right to call himself a 'chairman'. :D

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On the Corpy web site he describes himself as a businessman! I never know what describing yourself as a businessman means as it could cover virtually anything including hanging around on street corners asking passers by if they are looking for a bit of business


Master of the Rolls would have been a more apt title - he's a carpet-fitter isn't he? I think he also does upholstery cleaning - so technically he is perfectly right to call himself a 'chairman'. :D
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so technically he is perfectly right to call himself a 'chairman'. :D


reminds me of a gent in Ramsey years ago who had a furniture shop, T H Corkhills, and was also chairman of the commissioners, used to have a chair painted on the top front of his big furniture vans saying 'The Chairman'

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Ithen David Christian who was Chairman of the committee at that time came up with the grandios title purely on the basis it was the largest of the Corporation's committees

Master of the Rolls would have been a more apt title - he's a carpet-fitter isn't he? I think he also does upholstery cleaning - so technically he is perfectly right to call himself a 'chairman'. :D


I remember a few years ago that this person started up a cleaning business, cleaning telephone boxes. He became a town councillor and has never stopped talking since! Was there not a proposal that the chairman of the policy and resorces committee should only hold the post for a limited number of years? It is the most powerful position in the council, virtually a dictatorship. I think that was suggested by Bill Corkish when he was in the council but the load of dummies that we have now are probably to dumb to challenge the situation.

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The chair of the policy and recourses committee is the chair of the committee that consists of the chairs of all the other committees, it stands to reason this committee is the most powerful on the council. However, the chair has no power AS SUCH and is reliant on the members to be allowed to exercise any influence on them. They are subservient to the council's agreed policies and can only work within limits defined by the available resources. That's why it's called 'policy and resources'. It is a check on excesses by members.

The chairman has no 'casting vote' as is popularly believed. The vote only comes into play if there is a tie on any vote, the 'casting vote' must always be cast against a motion if it is not carried in the normal event. Any chair that votes in favour of a motion when it has not been carried by a majority is malignant and should not hold that position.

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It is the most powerful position in the council, virtually a dictatorship.


I think that with what has gone on in Braddan Commissioners Tynwald should actually act and make none of these people able to build up little fiefdoms. Any post should be three years maximum, even committee chairman and you should wait at least 5 years before being elected to the same post. Once these people get in the woodwork they stick, they can do what they like, and they are answerable to nobody.


I wouldn't mind if any of these committees actually did anything but they don't (save twinning Douglas with shitty Irish backwaters).

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I was reading in the newspaper about Douglas Council topics.




It always seems to be the same voice speaking. Do the newspapers actually attend the full Council meetings or do they just meet David somewhere and have a chat about things, or even just an email would do. This sort of reporting always reminds me of the hacks portrayed on Spitting Image, smoking in a dark dingy pub attempting to fill up some column inches between ordering another drink.


It just seems like sloppy journalism to me. I'd rather have no news than be fed the continual bleating viewpoint of the Council 'Leader'*.


*I am not sure what the Council 'Leader' is but I know it is not the Mayor. I think it is like one of those superbugs such as MRSA, or even a SuperMHK as feared by LibVan if we start having all-Island elected members of the legislative council.



I'm glad I'm not a Douglas rate payer, I'd be really hacked off at that amount of money being spent on the town hall and a bloody pretend gull!! Mind you it appears that whatever the Government have the Corpie have to have as well. Check out the carpet in the Millennium Room (I think that's what it's called) in the wedding cake building (tynwald blue with gold insignia and celtic design, carpet you sink in too) and the carpet in the lobby and reception of the Town Hall (claret with gold insignia and carpet you sink in too) spot the similarity - can't imagine what either of them cost, but more than what it would take to carpet our whole house and some I would think.

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Check out the carpet in the Millennium Room (I think that's what it's called) in the wedding cake building (tynwald blue with gold insignia and celtic design, carpet you sink in too) and the carpet in the lobby and reception of the Town Hall ..


Well he'd know which carpet would be less likely show the fluff.

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I was reading in the newspaper about Douglas Council topics.




It always seems to be the same voice speaking. Do the newspapers actually attend the full Council meetings or do they just meet David somewhere and have a chat about things, or even just an email would do. This sort of reporting always reminds me of the hacks portrayed on Spitting Image, smoking in a dark dingy pub attempting to fill up some column inches between ordering another drink.


It just seems like sloppy journalism to me. I'd rather have no news than be fed the continual bleating viewpoint of the Council 'Leader'*.


*I am not sure what the Council 'Leader' is but I know it is not the Mayor. I think it is like one of those superbugs such as MRSA, or even a SuperMHK as feared by LibVan if we start having all-Island elected members of the legislative council.



I'm glad I'm not a Douglas rate payer, I'd be really hacked off at that amount of money being spent on the town hall and a bloody pretend gull!! Mind you it appears that whatever the Government have the Corpie have to have as well. Check out the carpet in the Millennium Room (I think that's what it's called) in the wedding cake building (tynwald blue with gold insignia and celtic design, carpet you sink in too) and the carpet in the lobby and reception of the Town Hall (claret with gold insignia and carpet you sink in too) spot the similarity - can't imagine what either of them cost, but more than what it would take to carpet our whole house and some I would think.


exactly - see other thread on Corpy spendthrifts :angry:

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well it is always nice and clean and that when we go there and it has to be kept tidy and smart lets face it. but when you think of all the people who are involved in building a big house for that sort of money then I do wonder what they are goeing to do, especially when you tthink that buying a house for 300 thousand pounds includes the cost of the land which is pretty expensive so really the example shown is even worse.

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