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Ramsey Marina


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There is usually an engineering solution for most situations. I think if the residents of Ramsey (and I used to be one) dont want a marina then the matter should be closed, and save the Manx taxpayers funds.


If they dont want:


Increased leasure tourism

Spin off from support services

Wealth generation

New restaurants bars amenities

and so on


Then thats fine, it should not be forced upon the residents of Ramsey, and they may be content to leave their house prices lower than the rest of the Island.


Perhaps more pressure should be put onto Port St Mary which could house the Island first non tidal marina. Port Soldrick could also be a non tidal marina although there is no village or infratructure to support it, and a small break water would be required; big investment - it is close to the Island's capital.

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I personally feel that the Marina for Ramsey is welcome and long overdue. As Wilddog stated earlier in the thread, it was a small number of the Ramsey Commissioners who (during the last consultation) assisted in the formation of RAID. The ratio of commissioners who want a facility currently outnumbers the number who are against. I applaud the commissioners who have stuck by their guns for so long, in the knowledge it will be a boost for Ramsey and that the majority of the town want a facility also. Unfortunately, the last time around it was the RAID minority who shouted a lot louder, which is what the media picked up on. I hate to say it, but you had to hand it to Wilf Young et al - they decided against the proposal, sufficiently covered the newspapers and radio with their message and went out on the streets of Ramsey to get signatures of people who were opposed to the idea, while the majority of the town who actually wanted something to happen sat quietly and awaited the outcome.


Lets hope that this time around, it's the majority that make themselves heard.

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When the govm't pushed for a new marina in douglas ,they rolled out all the same reasons that are being used to justify a marina in Ramsey!,


The main one being ! increased tourism ,meaning more revenue for the town .


The reality is!!!

" A giant boat park" . Talk to the people who run buisinesses in and around the harbour of douglas???


There is no increased revenue raised ,through yachting traffic around douglas harbour ? the only people who gain are the D.O.T.! , who gain , with revenue raised through charging harbour dues on the yachts permanantly

moored in the harbour .The yachtmen/woman who have been visiting the Isle of man for years ,would much prefer to tie up on their 24h" berth in the outer harbour as they can come and go, on all stages of the tide as they please (they still paid harbour dues).In the inner harbour marina ,you can only gain access, two hours before high water and two hours after, add that to the lifting bridge periodicly breaking down,and the daily disruption of local traffic caused by the road bridge adds up in my opinion to a waste of money!

If the govm'nt has untold millions to invest in Ramsey they can still spend it on upgrading the buildings and infrastructure around the harbour area ,the Queens Pier etc.After all a marina is just somewhere you go ,to tie your boat up when you are visiting somewhere .

You still need a reason to visit in the first place?


For once ,I would just like to see the powers that be come up with something that is "innovative and exciting"and would actually make people want to visit the Isle of Man instead of these half-assed schemes which are undertaken because they have money to spend ,and have to spend it to keep their budget for the next year??.


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When the govm't pushed for a new marina in douglas ,they rolled out all the same reasons that are being used to justify a marina in Ramsey!,


The main one being ! increased tourism ,meaning more revenue for the town .


The reality is!!!

" A giant boat park" . Talk to the people who run buisinesses in and around the harbour of douglas???


There is no increased revenue raised ,through yachting traffic around douglas harbour ? the only people who gain are the D.O.T.! , who gain , with revenue raised through charging harbour dues on the yachts permanantly

moored in the harbour .The yachtmen/woman who have been visiting the Isle of man for years ,would much prefer to tie up on their 24h" berth in the outer harbour as they can come and go, on all stages of the tide as they please (they still paid harbour dues).In the inner harbour marina ,you can only gain access, two hours before high water and two hours after, add that to the lifting bridge periodicly breaking down,and the daily disruption of local traffic caused by the road bridge adds up in my opinion to a waste of money!

If the govm'nt has untold millions to invest in Ramsey they can still spend it on upgrading the buildings and infrastructure around the harbour area ,the Queens Pier etc.After all a marina is just somewhere you go ,to tie your boat up when you are visiting somewhere .

You still need a reason to visit in the first place?


For once ,I would just like to see the powers that be come up with something that is "innovative and exciting"and would actually make people want to visit the Isle of Man instead of these half-assed schemes which are undertaken because they have money to spend ,and have to spend it to keep their budget for the next year??.


Dont agree. When you own a yacht you require security which you would not get if berthed on the battery pier. The marina provides for this with access codes and CCTV. You also dont want other vessels berthing up next to you, particularily when the Ben or the sea cat come in which produce turbulance whilst turning and destroy your fenders or worse. To say that income is not generated is strange? Have you not been down to North quay recently, Coasters is now twice the size, the Railway re vamped, Clinchs is flat out busy, not to mention the reinvestment made by DOT down to Ridgway Street. The place is improving month on month...

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The marina provides for this with access codes and CCTV.


So, in other words, it's somewhere for the yacht owners only. Plebs like me won't be able to wander up and down for a look see as we wouldn't pass through 'security'. There aren't any posh boats in Ramsey that I can see when I drive through. I would rather see the money spent on the Pier. We could visit Ramsey witht he kids and have something else to do other than admire some grotty old yachts.


Anyway, as someone pointed out, houses are cheaper in Ramsey so why not keep it that way for the locals?

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When the govm't pushed for a new marina in douglas ,they rolled out all the same reasons that are being used to justify a marina in Ramsey!,


The main one being ! increased tourism ,meaning more revenue for the town .


The reality is!!!

" A giant boat park" . Talk to the people who run buisinesses in and around the harbour of douglas???


There is no increased revenue raised ,through yachting traffic around douglas harbour ? the only people who gain are the D.O.T.! , who gain , with revenue raised through charging harbour dues on the yachts permanantly

moored in the harbour .The yachtmen/woman who have been visiting the Isle of man for years ,would much prefer to tie up on their 24h" berth in the outer harbour as they can come and go, on all stages of the tide as they please (they still paid harbour dues).In the inner harbour marina ,you can only gain access, two hours before high water and two hours after, add that to the lifting bridge periodicly breaking down,and the daily disruption of local traffic caused by the road bridge adds up in my opinion to a waste of money!

If the govm'nt has untold millions to invest in Ramsey they can still spend it on upgrading the buildings and infrastructure around the harbour area ,the Queens Pier etc.After all a marina is just somewhere you go ,to tie your boat up when you are visiting somewhere .

You still need a reason to visit in the first place?


For once ,I would just like to see the powers that be come up with something that is "innovative and exciting"and would actually make people want to visit the Isle of Man instead of these half-assed schemes which are undertaken because they have money to spend ,and have to spend it to keep their budget for the next year??.


Dont agree. When you own a yacht you require security which you would not get if berthed on the battery pier. The marina provides for this with access codes and CCTV. You also dont want other vessels berthing up next to you, particularily when the Ben or the sea cat come in which produce turbulance whilst turning and destroy your fenders or worse. To say that income is not generated is strange? Have you not been down to North quay recently, Coasters is now twice the size, the Railway re vamped, Clinchs is flat out busy, not to mention the reinvestment made by DOT down to Ridgway Street. The place is improving month on month...

There are C.C.T.V. cameras all around douglas harbour and the battery pier/, as most people only stay for a day or two anyway they end up sleeping on their yachts so your assertion that visiting yachts need security doesn't really stack up. Unattended yachts will on the other hand need security ,which begs the question if they are unattended , how do they benefit the local economy???.

As for your statment that "Railway is revamped and that coasters is twice the size" etc this has got f**k all to do with visiting yacthies , the barbary coast has allways been busy at the weekends and summer months!and with the influx of new residents is going to look even busier!. Yes the buildings do look pretty but you could have done all this work without building a marina?.

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Anyway, as someone pointed out, houses are cheaper in Ramsey so why not keep it that way for the locals?


Urban myth.

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Plebs like me won't be able to wander up and down for a look see as we wouldn't pass through 'security'.


Anyway, as someone pointed out, houses are cheaper in Ramsey so why not keep it that way for the locals?


Property might be a little bit cheaper but who actively wants to live in an undesirable town to save a few quid on housing? Surely if values went up that's good news for those locals who've already bought? Believe me in terms of housing Ramsey has a real problem coming up with the proposed redevelopment of Jurby. All the new money is going to go there (Doctors surgery's, shops, leisure facilities) and all the new first time buyers are going to flood there. As Anne Craine said today Ramsey has got to look successful to be taken seriously and without the marina it isn't. All the money is going to flow out of Ramsey if they are not careful and it will just end up looking worse than it already does.

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Believe me in terms of housing Ramsey has a real problem coming up with the proposed redevelopment of Jurby.


Who the fuck with any brains would volunteer to live at Jurby, it's far to windy.........

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I can't see how a marina in Ramsey would actually do anything for the town, IMHO the the money proposed could be far better spent repairing the pier, and improving what is already there.


I certainly don't think the 'yachties' would bring much in the way of income into the town, - they're a very transient bunch that might be around for a couple of months during the summer, but that would pretty much be it.


Far better to spend the money on something that would benefit everyone.


Fantastic looking skate/bmx 'park' you have there now!!

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