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Ramsey Marina


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Fantastic looking skate/bmx 'park' you have there now!!


Thanks. I can often be seen falling of my skateboard late on at night when all the kids have gone home.

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Ramsey is long overdue investment, it pains me to walk through the street and see the charity shops grow and the town fall apart but is a marina the answer?


I see the regeneration of the quay in Douglas but is it really down to that Marina or is it part of the town planning and regeneration that has been planned for years?


I don't have the knowledge on Marinas or tidal patterns etc to make an informed opinion on all this, I don't like this attitude that some people have that if we turn down a Marina Ramsey doesn't want to prosper or get investment which isn't true at all.


We have the Mooragh Park which is a lovely spot and a pier that could be renovated as a tourist attraction which are things that set us apart from the other towns whilst a Marina is pretty common... I mean why would you sail to Ramsey when you can sail 16 miles and go to the capital? would berthing fees be that much different? The town still needs investment to be a place worth putting your yacht in at.... I mean seriously how many yachts are there floating round the Irish Sea desperate to berth in the many ports we have?


that's my uninformed 2 pence anyway... sorry it was more than one line amadeus

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Ramsey is long overdue investment, it pains me to walk through the street and see the charity shops grow and the town fall apart but is a marina the answer?


I see the regeneration of the quay in Douglas but is it really down to that Marina or is it part of the town planning and regeneration that has been planned for years?


I don't have the knowledge on Marinas or tidal patterns etc to make an informed opinion on all this, I don't like this attitude that some people have that if we turn down a Marina Ramsey doesn't want to prosper or get investment which isn't true at all.


We have the Mooragh Park which is a lovely spot and a pier that could be renovated as a tourist attraction which are things that set us apart from the other towns whilst a Marina is pretty common... I mean why would you sail to Ramsey when you can sail 16 miles and go to the capital? would berthing fees be that much different? The town still needs investment to be a place worth putting your yacht in at.... I mean seriously how many yachts are there floating round the Irish Sea desperate to berth in the many ports we have?


that's my uninformed 2 pence anyway... sorry it was more than one line amadeus





Well said and agreed Rhumsaa. The point, which is so obvious, is that the proposed marina has nothing to do to with the regeneration of Ramsey, neither does it have any connection with the supposed flotillas of yachtsmen sailing round the Irish Sea so desperate to call into Ramsey, where are they? As a real Manx based yachtsman I can say with certainty that they don't exist.


The proposed Ramsey Marina has very little to do with regenerating the town and attracting the odd passing sailor. it's all about building houses and providing yet more profits for Dandara and co.

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Believe me in terms of housing Ramsey has a real problem coming up with the proposed redevelopment of Jurby.


Who the fuck with any brains would volunteer to live at Jurby, it's far to windy.........


I accept what your saying. But the reality is that if your a first time buyer you'll live anywhere if they're building houses you can afford. Why pay for some scrappy old house in a scrappy old street in Ramsey that needs work on it when you can have a puropse built house on a new estate with a little garden and a garage. Its not what I would do but its the logical thing for a first time buyer who is priced out of everywhere else.


Also if your a developer. Where would you build an estate. In some backwater run by luddites who want the town to continue to dwell in the 1970's, or in an area that the government has already spend £40m building a new prison and upgrading the infrastructure? Ramsey is talking itself out of any chance to turn things round. The fact that people would probably see living in Jurby as a better option than Ramsey speaks volumes for the lack of vision applied to anything in Ramsey.

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I never reliased how horrible everyone thought Ramsey was until this thread!


What's up with it?



Its bleak, tatty and utterly charmless.


The seafront is an ugly jumble of piss poor 1960s buildings.


The main street is a depressing array of crap shops, most of them obviously struggling to survive.


The best thing about Ramsey is that its easy to get out of.

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Its bleak, tatty and utterly charmless.


The seafront is an ugly jumble of piss poor 1960s buildings.


The main street is a depressing array of crap shops, most of them obviously struggling to survive.


The best thing about Ramsey is that its easy to get out of.


And so say's the man charged with running this years "Visit Ramsey" campaign!!!!!

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Its bleak, tatty and utterly charmless.


The seafront is an ugly jumble of piss poor 1960s buildings.


The main street is a depressing array of crap shops, most of them obviously struggling to survive.


The best thing about Ramsey is that its easy to get out of.


Do I take it from that post that you neither live or work in Ramsey then?

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Its bleak, tatty and utterly charmless.


The seafront is an ugly jumble of piss poor 1960s buildings.


The main street is a depressing array of crap shops, most of them obviously struggling to survive.


The best thing about Ramsey is that its easy to get out of.



Agreed about the piss poor '60s buildings but that's about it. What would you like to see in Ramsey, soulless 'exec' estates alongside the new marina?? The shyte 60s stuff came about due to people then having exactly the same point of view as those currently espousing the (doubtful) benefits of a new marina and it's inevitable crap housing development. Ramsey is an honest working harbour town, the south of the island has long since lost it's identity and sadly Peel now seems hell bent on taking the same path. I'm not saying that Ramsey is perfect but where is?? As Peel is already discovering there's precious little advantage in becoming a dormitory for Douglas. Local business gains nothing and all the area gets is countryside vandalised by Dandara.


You've got to be a comeover (no apologies for invoking the word either) what is you people want from our island must we become a clone of Cheshire or Surrey before you are satisfied?


Ramsey seems to be the last bastion of Manxness, long may it continue too.

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The seafront is an ugly jumble of piss poor 1960s buildings.


which ones would these be?

That'll be Kings Court and Queen Court then, and the St Paul's Square complex. Not the most architecturally inspired buildings in the world but I'm sure considered a thing of beauty at the time.


Ramsey's long overdue a bit of investment, but how to go about it is a mystery to me. A marina would tidy up the harbour basin a bit, and by the sounds of it would be used since marina space in the British Isles is limited so I'm told, but in terms of people actually coming to Ramsey and it being a catalyst for regeneration I'm not convinced by the "if you build it, they will come" arguement. I'd rather see Ramsey become somewhere you'd want to visit first then compliment it with a marina.


I'm not one for conservation for conservation's sake. Keeping Ramsey as an honest working harbour town with a nice manxie identity is a lovely quaint idea, but that doesn't necessarily provide opportunities to put food on the table or pay the mortgage. Places need to change to fit the requirements of the people who live there, Manx or otherwise, or the people will all go to work and shop in Douglas and the town dies on it's arse. It's really got nothing to do with creating a mini England for comeovers - it's about creating opportunies for the younger manx people of the north so they have an alternative to joining the 9-5 slog in Douglas. Anyone who dismisses regeneration ideas as the comeovers wanting to take over needs to take the blinkers off, have a good look round and think exactly what are your children going to do when they grow up? Oh yes, move to Douglas.

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The seafront is an ugly jumble of piss poor 1960s buildings.


which ones would these be?

That'll be Kings Court and Queen Court then, and the St Paul's Square complex. Not the most architecturally inspired buildings in the world but I'm sure considered a thing of beauty at the time.


Ramsey's long overdue a bit of investment, but how to go about it is a mystery to me. A marina would tidy up the harbour basin a bit, and by the sounds of it would be used since marina space in the British Isles is limited so I'm told, but in terms of people actually coming to Ramsey and it being a catalyst for regeneration I'm not convinced by the "if you build it, they will come" arguement. I'd rather see Ramsey become somewhere you'd want to visit first then compliment it with a marina.


I'm not one for conservation for conservation's sake. Keeping Ramsey as an honest working harbour town with a nice manxie identity is a lovely quaint idea, but that doesn't necessarily provide opportunities to put food on the table or pay the mortgage. Places need to change to fit the requirements of the people who live there, Manx or otherwise, or the people will all go to work and shop in Douglas and the town dies on it's arse. It's really got nothing to do with creating a mini England for comeovers - it's about creating opportunies for the younger manx people of the north so they have an alternative to joining the 9-5 slog in Douglas. Anyone who dismisses regeneration ideas as the comeovers wanting to take over needs to take the blinkers off, have a good look round and think exactly what are your children going to do when they grow up? Oh yes, move to Douglas.



I'm sure that a Ramsey Marina would already be under construction if it wasn't for all the selfish, nimby, parasitical ostriches, who don't want it because it would start to cost them something to moor their boats. Currently they just squat them in the harbour area for "free".

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It is not free to moor boats in Ramsey.

There is a development of some size in Ramsey, just by the hotel.

New buildings are designed to blend in with the character of existing buildings within the town area.

Ramsey in independant of the likes of Steam packet and Dandara, they can keep smelly, busy, noisy, soulless, crime ridden, drug ravaged, traffic clogged, lawyer led, office orientated town of Douglas and leave us northerners alone and in peace.

If there were a marina built in Ramsey (incorporating the pier as a 'low water berth') it would be so much better than the shanty town with ducks that is Douglas marina.

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Ramsey seems to be the last bastion of Manxness, long may it continue too.


I like going to Ramsey because it reminds me of what a dump the Isle of Man was until the economy picked up in the late 80's. Its become "the land that time forgot" and if that's what counts as the last bastion of Manxness then fair dos you're welcome to it.


Most people would prefer to live in the 21st century and share in some of the Islands economic prosperity. There's always the criticism that Douglas gets all the investment. Now I can see why. As Dave says - think of what is going to tie your kids and family to the town 10 or 15 years from now. The answer is very little unless someting is done to stop all the investment and jobs going everywhere else.

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