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Ramsey Marina


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Just got back from a trip up north, and I would say that Ramsey is as pretty a place as anywhere else on the island. The seafront is pretty unpretty (note, not ugly), but as long as I can remember it never has been pretty and, overall, the town has improved immensely since I remember it in the 70s and 80s. The view from the mountain road over Ramsey towards the Point of Ayre, is beautiful.


Stop knocking Ramsey; it would compare well to many dormitory towns of a similar size in the UK and it certainly does not 'let the IOM down'.


/Waits for someone to produce a link to Mousehole or some other picture postcard place across./

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Ramsey bashing aside I think the important thing to pull from this Marina thread is that no one in Ramsey wants no investment or development just the simple question of is the marina actually going to be this miracle investment opportunity or should we do something that helps bring something different to ramsey/the island and adds true value to the investment rather than just slapping yet another marina in yet another town.


Sadly it seems we (or the people in power) cannot have a reasonable discussion about what is the best way forward without slinging comments like "well if you don't want the marina then you're backward" and other sweeping statements.

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a marina would be a great idea, you could get rid off all the thieving chavs as they will all drown while trying to work out how to nick the wheels of the big white floating cars in the harbour!


That is the first argument for a Marina I can agree with!

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Ramsey bashing aside I think the important thing to pull from this Marina thread is that no one in Ramsey wants no investment or development


I'm guessing that is the nub. But you have to accept that to many (developers largely) this is an "investment opportunity"; you might hate to see it this way but that is all it is. If the commissioners chase off the idea then diddly squat else is going to come Ramsey's way for decades. It might not be a cure all for Ramsey but its something that government & developers are prepared to back, and it might kick off other investment in the town.


There were long threads on Charterhouse downsizing and the worry at the time. That is the only finance sector business interested in Ramsey. There is little else. Nobody wants to relocate there and nothing is happening to keep people in the area in business. This might just be the acid test and if its not wanted Ramsey might kiss goodbye to most other things that might emerge.


There is no need for Ramsey to be a "commuter town" it should actually be a centre for serious employment but it isn't and this might be the boost it needs? No other Manx town has had it easy in terms of development on their terms but there has been a time when other places have said "yes" and the money has followed.

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To be fair ,I would think that the developers could not give a toss about a marina ,as it wouldn't make them any money.


they would be happy enough with the land to build on! as that is obviously where the profit is .

As the government in all probability has no intention of saving the queens pier ,could not some agreement be reached with the developers to undertake the work on the pier(or pay for it),in return for land, building rights or such like??


This would equal ---Queens pier saved =tourist attraction,----new development around the harbour and town= developers happy and last but by no means least river layout left as original= wildlife and birdy types happy!!!



Dead easy???

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Yeah I agree there aren't many other opportunities for investment into the town and the past few years since the last marina plan has shown that we've not had anything drop on our lap... I say responsibility for this lays at the commissioners and the governments feet. Look at Castletown who have had Canada Life move their business down there. Ramsey could have the same if it went out there and started attracting business and offering rate free 10 years or some other incentives to a company to relocate not just sitting around arguing with each other.


Equally in this day and age of internet etc why can't a few govt depts relocate to other towns? There is land for development on the north prom in Ramsey and with the right parking allocations could become an attractice alternative.


I would like to see some evidence of options being explored and revisited and Ramsey being sold as a place to do business and develop rather than just sat back and waiting for some magic golden cow to appear and solve all our problems.


My fear is we take on the Marina and all we're left with is a great pool of empty water and more buildings laying around under used and falling apart.

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My fear is we take on the Marina and all we're left with is a great pool of empty water and more buildings laying around under used and falling apart.


If that is the worst case scenario what is the problem? Its paid for by someone else.

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Because it becomes yet another eyesore?


If you spend cash on the Iron Pier (for example) and it fails to bring more business into the town you still have a lovely pier that will benefit the people of Ramsey.

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Because it becomes yet another eyesore?


If you spend cash on the Iron Pier (for example) and it fails to bring more business into the town you still have a lovely pier that will benefit the people of Ramsey.


The iron pier is not going to bring one tourist into Ramsey. Ignoring a couple of sad satchel wearing blokes in sandals who want to wank off at the end of a genuine Victiorian Iron pier. Why can't people see this? Its a waste of millions of pounds.


You want to have money spent for the benefit of the community, for jobs, and to bring the town upto date. What Ramsey needs is jobs and until it gets a makeover there are going to be no takers.

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Note I used the phrase "for example" as the iron pier is a totally different debate - I answered your query on my reasons for disliking a wasted Marina.


I see we're having a chicken and egg debate now - you're assuming that we cannot attract business and jobs without a makeover and are suggesting that the marina will help this. I would suggest that a new marina would simply add another area of the town that will become under used and delapidated as there is a distinct lack of people working or visiting the town. Also I can't see that a Marina would sway any business into moving to Ramsey.


A proper regenration of the town would do well to start with pedestrianising Parliament street and turning it into a nice place to do business - take a leaf from europe perhaps in design and outlay. Do something with the old Albert Road school building or the old catholic school land - there was talk of putting a TT museum in the town a few years ago which would be something that'd set the town apart and generate visitors far more effectively than a marina. Even if the Mooragh Park was expanded upon, added to or simply sold a bit more to the rest of the Island or tourists it would bring people up north and then into the town.

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Ramsey is a place I visit a lot but only for a cup of tea during a quick stop off on a blast round the course.


The TT Museum would be ideal in Ramsey if the idea is to attract more people up there. Maybe one of your MHKs should note the point amongst Tynwald before such a facility is built in Douglas.



If the exhibition currently in the Manx Museum is anything to go by, a TT Museum would be a success. Perhaps it could be incorporated into the Pier somehow - or is that taking things too far?

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Just to re affirm, Marina's to generate income for the local area where they are sited. Take Whitehaven as a case example before and after their Marina was commissioned - the town has transforrmed. The contractors bring new income in during the build phase and there would be ongoing generation on income when opened both from visitors and locals who service and use the facility. In my opinion, although I am a supporter of the Ramsey Pier and I support local herritage, I feel Ramsey will keep slipping unless projects like this are brought forward. GIVE RAMSEY A CHANCE TO IMPROVE (GRACTI)

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I can not see what the downside of a Marina is as the very minimum it should greatly improve the appearance etc of Ramsey and provide a potential facility. Just look at Douglas an Peel to see how the appearance of both harbour areas have been improved since the water rention schemes have gone in. At the vey least it makes the area a much more attractive place which must be a good think and potentially attract people to Ramsey, wether it to visit, live, work etc. It sure as hell is not going to scare them away.


If Ramsey reject it what else is queing up. Nothing. So the choice to me appears to be stay as it is and possibly continue to decline or accept the Marina as there is nothing else on the horizon which might kick start some regeneration.


As to whether it will bring money to Ramsey. I have not got a clue but potentially yachtsman might stop off and have some refresments in the town, buy provisions etc. They sure as hell will not if it is not built and from the few boat owner I know they have a few quid and whenever they berth anywhere over night etc they always happy to have a decent meal on shore rather than sit on board. I would also thought that a Marina would have more potential than a pier which at best might attract people to visit it once or twice a year on a nice summers day, walk along it and buy an ice cream.


Put simply the Marina may not be what Ramsey needs and may not turn around Ramsey's fortunes but it just might be the catalst the town needs and when there is nowt else on the horizon turning down the only offer on the table seems to me to be very foolish




Just to re affirm, Marina's to generate income for the local area where they are sited. Take Whitehaven as a case example before and after their Marina was commissioned - the town has transforrmed. The contractors bring new income in during the build phase and there would be ongoing generation on income when opened both from visitors and locals who service and use the facility. In my opinion, although I am a supporter of the Ramsey Pier and I support local herritage, I feel Ramsey will keep slipping unless projects like this are brought forward. GIVE RAMSEY A CHANCE TO IMPROVE (GRACTI)
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Unfortunately, even if they do construct a marina, there is little or nothing to attract people to the town. Any development needs to include places of entertainment - a cinema or small theatre, one or two decent restaurants and so on.

Ramsey is becoming an extremely depressed area and it really does need a development plan rather than a single project that may, or may not, lead to improvements. What it really needs is some 'joined up' thinking and planning from both the government and the commissioners - something that's likely to happen when horses lay eggs.

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