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Ramsey Marina


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Ramsey may be able to attract business and jobs without a makeover which the Marina may be part of but to date it has not shown any evidence it can to date. As I replied elsewhere there is nothing else being offered as a catalyst to give Ramsey a kick start so why turn down the only thing that might. OK it might no suceed but even if it fails it is not going to make Ramsey any worse off.


I would be careful at calling for Pedestrianisation and look at some UK examples rather than Europe. In some towns Pedestrianisation has killed the town off. People can now no longer park in the street for there odd bit of shopping etc so they go to the next town where they can or just drive to the local Tesco


The classic example of this is Leatherhead in Surrey which was a bustling little Market town until they pedestrianised it. Subsequently it got voted the worst town or high street in the UK. It might be pleasant to walk along the pedestrianised zone but most of the shops have moved out as locals just went and shopped elsewhere.


I see we're having a chicken and egg debate now - you're assuming that we cannot attract business and jobs without a makeover and are suggesting that the marina will help this. I would suggest that a new marina would simply add another area of the town that will become under used and delapidated as there is a distinct lack of people working or visiting the town. Also I can't see that a Marina would sway any business into moving to Ramsey.


A proper regenration of the town would do well to start with pedestrianising Parliament street and turning it into a nice place to do business - take a leaf from europe perhaps in design and outlay. Do something with the old Albert Road school building or the old catholic school land - there was talk of putting a TT museum in the town a few years ago which would be something that'd set the town apart and generate visitors far more effectively than a marina. Even if the Mooragh Park was expanded upon, added to or simply sold a bit more to the rest of the Island or tourists it would bring people up north and then into the town.

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Unfortunately, even if they do construct a marina, there is little or nothing to attract people to the town. Any development needs to include places of entertainment - a cinema or small theatre, one or two decent restaurants and so on.

Ramsey is becoming an extremely depressed area and it really does need a development plan rather than a single project that may, or may not, lead to improvements. What it really needs is some 'joined up' thinking and planning from both the government and the commissioners - something that's likely to happen when horses lay eggs.

I agree, turning Ramsey around is more than just a marina. I think the most important thing that could happen is the the government to relocate some offices / departments 'up North'.


A main problem is Parliament street - the structure of many properties is poor - ideally it would all be demolished and rebuilt.

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Unfortunately, even if they do construct a marina, there is little or nothing to attract people to the town. Any development needs to include places of entertainment - a cinema or small theatre, one or two decent restaurants and so on.

Ramsey is becoming an extremely depressed area and it really does need a development plan rather than a single project that may, or may not, lead to improvements. What it really needs is some 'joined up' thinking and planning from both the government and the commissioners - something that's likely to happen when horses lay eggs.

I agree, turning Ramsey around is more than just a marina. I think the most important thing that could happen is the the government to relocate some offices / departments 'up North'.


A main problem is Parliament street - the structure of many properties is poor - ideally it would all be demolished and rebuilt.


Why would Government take on office space in Ramsey when they know that the majority of civil servents would refuse to work in such a shit hole as Ramsey is now without a Marina?

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They're civil servants, like they have standards....


Ramsey would benefit from something, like a bomb? I don't know. I don't see that much difference between it and many of the other towns tbh. The park could do with a bit of extra promotion, businesses aren't going to invest because it's run down and 'too far'. Apart from Castletown (10miles from Douglas and next to the airport) which other towns (not including those part of the Douglas area conurbation) on the island have any businesses in them?


If the businesses come, so will the people. When I worked in Douglas, it often took less time getting from my house in Ramsey to Hilberry than it did getting from Hilberry to where I worked. Businesses need incentives, ones that benefit their bottom line, there aren't many premises though and what developer is going to build an office complex with no-one to fill it? Iit has been looked in to before. It's a conundrum alright!


The question is whether the marina will benefit the town in a any way what-so-ever. There aren't that many pleasure/leisure boats in the harbour, will a marina attract enough people to make it worthwhile? What else can they spend this money on though, if a better alternative could be found, would it be considered? How about an entertainment centre? Cinema, kids play area, sport facilities.

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Why would Government take on office space in Ramsey when they know that the majority of civil servents would refuse to work in such a shit hole as Ramsey is now without a Marina?


The time to have done that is long passed. Maybe if government jobs had been relocated 10 years ago then the shops and other support services would have built up around it as hundreds of people would be wanting to buy sandwiches, drinks and eat out etc. Now even buying a packet of crisps in Parliament Street is a major chore - best bring a packed lunch if your down there for the day. As many people have said businesses are not going to invest in the town as is as its dying on its arse. Even Barry Curran has now off'ed it to Douglas which would seem to be a sensible move despite higher property costs.

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To answer a couple of points:


No, I am not a comeover, I am Manx and live in the lawyer infested crime capital that is Douglas


Ramsey is not Dandara free, Queens Valley their latest posh estate adjoining the coast road, you may spot it if you bother to leave town more than once every five years.


The marina water retention scheme and bridge in Peel has more than doubled the turnover of several businesses in the sunset city.


A marina would be wasted on Ramsey, in fact daylight is wasted on Ramsey.

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To answer a couple of points:


No, I am not a comeover, I am Manx and live in the lawyer infested crime capital that is Douglas


Ramsey is not Dandara free, Queens Valley their latest posh estate adjoining the coast road, you may spot it if you bother to leave town more than once every five years.


The marina water retention scheme and bridge in Peel has more than doubled the turnover of several businesses in the sunset city.


A marina would be wasted on Ramsey, in fact daylight is wasted on Ramsey.


I take it you don't like Ramsey then ????

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To answer a couple of points:


No, I am not a comeover, I am Manx and live in the lawyer infested crime capital that is Douglas


Ramsey is not Dandara free, Queens Valley their latest posh estate adjoining the coast road, you may spot it if you bother to leave town more than once every five years.


The marina water retention scheme and bridge in Peel has more than doubled the turnover of several businesses in the sunset city.


A marina would be wasted on Ramsey, in fact daylight is wasted on Ramsey.


I don't remember anyone saying that Ramsey was or is Dandara free. After Governers Hill it was one of the first areas to get a new fangled housing estate up Jurby Road. Also, only the old people, tourists and those on the bus travel that way out of Ramsey, have you seen the state of the coast road? Plus, if you bothered to read the signs or even get half a clue, then you'd realise that Dandara's latest posh estate was, in fact, a Hartford Homes development. I can see how you'd be confused though, Heritage, Hartford, it's all the same....(and for your benefit, there's more than a hint of sarcasm in that last sentence).

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I think people are missing the real benefit of water retention schemes, in that they mainly make a harbor area more attractive. Tidal areas with industrial works are rarely attractive. That is not what encourages people to be in the area. The main problems with Ramsey are twofold: a lack of willingness to get things done and a lack of investment. Wilf Young shouts a lot about the Marina in a totally negative way but several of the buildings in the town that make it look semi derelict are his, as are several of the wrecks in the harbor. If Wilf really wants to improve the town then he could start with his own property. I think a lot of his shouting has more to do with this. It is very easy to be negative but harder to come up with positive ideas. The reason why Peel has come on so far is because of people with ambition and drive. Their events and attractions have brought much to the Town. There is nothing that Peel provides that with the will and ambition could not occur in Ramsey, it is just a matter of having enough people who want it. Ramsey has a beautiful park which is the envy of much of the Island. Its flowers and garden displays are fabulous and at last we now have a small town museum. The Farmers Market is also popular and worth a visit. These are a good start but even more could be done with what we already have before we even get on to the subject of a Marina. When it comes to investment though, it often appears that if you are in the North you have to justify every request for money in ways that do not seem to happen in the likes of Douglas. The talk about wasting tax payers money on the Pier or on a marina are just the tip of the iceberg. The Government has quietly wasted millions on Douglas with little or no comment. I had heard that the Tower of Refuge quietly had or has a substantial amount of money to be spent on it for repairs. The same reasons for repairing the Pier at Ramsey or not, apply to the Tower of Refuge. The only difference is that one is in Douglas and one is in Ramsey. Just think of how much could have been done if we didn't have all those tourism grants for dubious holiday cottages. Wasting money - thats a whole new subject. I love Ramsey and I am for a marina, not for the yachties but for the difference it will make to an attractive town. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, some people just need to open their eyes and appreciate what they have.

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This is an interesting debate. The majority of Commisisoners are in favour of regeneration and only 2-3 against a marina - the RAID members and yet they got re-elected last time round. The last time this came up it was lost in Tynwald after the Ramsey Commissioners sought approval to sell land to allow a scheme to proceed.


If a water retention scheme is included how high will the water be - its unlikely to be higher than the weir at the stone bridge so when the tides out how can the area flood.


Twice a day the tide comes in and surprisingly goes out. If a flood is going to happen it will happen on a high tide (when the water would be well above and water retention level) and not when the water in the harbour is only 2-3 metres deep. This being the case why not allow a retention scheme to go ahead and reap the obvious benefits realised in Peel and Douglas.


There are pro's and con's


property prices up

more employment

more business for the shops


on the down side if it ends up like Douglas full of thugs and drunks and not safe to go out in it would be awful but that could be avoided with proactive policing and a community approach

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But one James Von Posh ahs parked his Yacht up in the Ramsey Marina, where is he going to go? Some of the run-down pubs full of 15 year old slappers and 'tough nut' lads in their tracksuits?


Someone else here hit the nail on the head. The thing that Peel has that Ramsey does not is cohesion. The Peelites all seem to pull together and push their projects through. They care for their town. They put on events and make a fuss.


Ramsey is a commute town. In the daytime it is a ghost town. Everybody leaves for Douglas, socialises in Douglas and comes to Ramsey to go to sleep. There is no community feeling there like there is in Peel. Hence, nobody gives a shit about the town, least of all the people who live there.

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Which is why everyone in peel bitched about not wanting the Dandara development, discovered corncrakes and made them move the festival, are in up in arms about attempts to improve parking so that visitors can get near the shops.


The biggest downer Ramsey has is people such parchedpeas talking it down.


The Ramsey National Week shines above any other community event on the Island and unlike Peel and Douglas when you join in the street party you arn't looking over your back waiting for johnny yob to have a go at you just because you've got two arms and two legs.

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Which is why everyone in peel bitched about not wanting the Dandara development, discovered corncrakes and made them move the festival, are in up in arms about attempts to improve parking so that visitors can get near the shops.


The biggest downer Ramsey has is people such parchedpeas talking it down.


The Ramsey National Week shines above any other community event on the Island and unlike Peel and Douglas when you join in the street party you arn't looking over your back waiting for johnny yob to have a go at you just because you've got two arms and two legs.


Development has to be well thought out and seen to be beneficial to a town. Something like Peel's Water-Retention-Scheme-with-added-boat berths (named as such to avoid the use of the word Marina) has worked wonders because it has focused attention on Peel's biggest asset - its harbour. The footbridge has been one of the best things in Peel for many years. But, no matter where the area is, If anyone proposes building 600 odd houses tacked on the edge of a small town, then there will be understandable protests. I would say the estate is a Douglas Dormitory, rather than Peel itself.


As for the festival, I thought it was a joy to see it so well organised & so efficiently managed. It was a bigger joy to have all the nay-sayers proved wrong, & Peel didn't turn into the desparate level of traffic hell that people expected to happen


Posters here are right to say that Peel is being driven at the moment by people who do genuinely care about the development of the town. The creation of the Centenary Centre has been a triumph of huge proportions & I don't think its no coincidence that in the recent Yn Cruinnaght festival, having moved the vast majority of events to Peel, has been lauded as one of the best


I think that having people such as the CC committee who created the centre with such altruistic reasons to promote arts, to provide entertainmant areas & a community focal point, rather than to be simply profiteering, is the key, rather than to be stuck with such a negative NIMBY attitude, which simply wont get you anywhere.

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Weird that all Ramsey residents continuously talk about yobs in Douglas yet there was a thread on here the other day about people feeling intimidated by large gangs of youths in Parliament street. Rose tinted glasses anyone?

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