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My son has a PS2 and we are now on the third Lego Star Wars Video Game which does not work in his machine. The first which he has had for quite some time stopped playing with a Disc Error message, and we thought it was just broken or corrupted or whatever happens to games discs, so I got another off eBay, but the same thing, and we thought that may have been a duff one. So I bought a brand new one from Game and same thing. Yet, the PS2 plays other games quite happily.


Is it something that can be put right or should I be looking for another PS2?

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Have you tried running a lens cleaner through the ps2? Also which version of the ps2 is it? The older ones seem to get knackered fairly easily after a while and stop reading some discs. My brother has a silver ps2 and I have a slimline one and we do get the occasional gamee that his wont even load and work on mine fine.

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Thanks Jools, it's not the ultra slim version but the one that can stand on one end or flat. We have had it for about four years now, so I suppose it is reaching the end of its life, but the lad likes the PS2 (he has an Xbox 360, which he hardly uses), so I will try a lens cleaner then keep an eye out for a cheapie on eBay.

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