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Steam Packet Select Committee Wants Your Input

Albert Tatlock

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From iomtoday: "A TYNWALD select committee set up to investigate the fares and service of the Steam Packet Company is urging the public to submit evidence. The committee has been charged to examine the fare structure of the ferry operator over the past 12 months – and to consider whether prices are fair and offer value for money or if any excessive charging has taken place.


Its membership now comprises Mr Rodan, Mr Malarkey, Juan Turner MLC, Graham Cregeen (Malew and Santon) and George Waft MLC. Any members of the public wishing to make a submission should do so in writing, or via e-mail, by August 31 this year.


Submissions should be addressed to: Mr A. Swan, Committee Administrator, Legislative Buildings, Douglas,IM1 3PW or by e-mail at a.swan@tynwald.org.im"

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It must be quite good fun be an MHK.


It's like the Mannin Line but FOR REAl, so you actually get to ask questions to the people that matter and when you are on a committee it is even better!!!


Result is not dissimilar to having a good moan on the now virtually defunct Mannin Line.


We may as well dispense with all the Government, join in with Westminster, have one MP for Isle of Man....oh and bring back Andy Wint and the weekdays Mannin Line.

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