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[BBC News] Undercover police target drivers


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Poor drivers in the Isle of Man are targeted by officers in a fleet of new undercover police cars.

Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/...man/6913022.stm


Saw one of these the other day. It was an unmarked silver saloon with flashing blue lights from within the front grille and a really loud siren, bombing past me through town at about 60mph. Very undercover :)

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They've got two unmarked Ford Focus STs. One silver and one blue.

It's funny 'cos the boy racers get to say, "My Saxo can out accelerate a Focus ST like" as they fly up the prom, followed swiftly by "oh fuck".


More new toys for the little children to play with.

The roads policing unit isn't the bunch of wankers it used to be. They're actually pretty sound now.

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That's good news for the police. At least with undercover cars they will be able to sit around doing fuck all without the public noticing


LOL - Beauty :)


I suspect they'll just be able to drive around and see plenty of the following though:-

The cars are fitted with digital video recording equipment to catch motorists using mobile phones, poor driving and dangerous overtaking.
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i got stopped by the silver focus st last tues night at about 10.30pm for doing 40 on douglas prom, he was pretty sound though

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Oh well done Isle of Man Police !, a "fleet of new cars", (pity they couldnt have spent the money on some more uniformed officers patrolling the streets of the Island. Hope the cars all have air conditioning cause it would be a nightmare if the cheeseburgers steamed up the windscreens !!, For chr*st sake !, what the he*l is happening here ?. I think the Isle of Man should be renamed "West lancashire", it seems that year on year we are losing our identity, those things which take us apart from "mainland" Britain.


First (and in no particular order !) we have the Police changing their blue shirts to white !, then the nonsense with the vehicle registration plates, what is that all about, to my reckoning there are 40,000 (forty thousand ) registration numbers available between MN1 - MN 9999 and 1 MN - 9999 MN, then MAN 1 - MAN 9999 - 9999 MAN, never mind all the BMN, CMN, DMN numbers etc !. Seems to me to be change for the sake of keeping more and more Snivel Serpents ( oops !, I meant Civil Servants ! ) in a job, a well pensioned job at that !.


Talking of registration plates, whats this nonsense about "illegal plates". Now, I understand and agree that all plates should be of the correct dimensions and clearly visible, after all, if your wife, child, husband granny etc was knocked down by a hit and run driver then you would want someone to be able to read the registration plate of the offender !, but, riding my motorcycle, which is very distinctive and admittedly has an "illegal" registration plate, a Manx registration plate, just to be clear here. (pressed aluminium letters and numbers on a black background - but, very visible and actually larger that the law dictates), I am sitting at Quarterbridge roundabout, in TT week , with bikes everywhere ( and 1 guy overtaking me in a line of traffic with NO HELMET ! ), and an unmarked police car behind me, so, guess who gets pulled up in the car park of "McDonalds", yep, ME !.


After the formal "booking ceremony", my reply to caution, " quote - you are wasting my time and yours because it will never go to court and you only pulled me in because you wanted something to eat - un-quote", well guess what ?, never went to court and the "Officers" involved did indeed go into "McDonalds" and bought their lunch which they ate in the car park over a period of 47 minutes ( I know, because I sat at the back of the filling station and watched them just out of curiosity ).


Now, I may be coming over as sort of "anti Police", but I am not. If I were in trouble I would have no hesitation in calling them and I have helped them out many times when they were having bother around the town, however, surely, common (or should that be community ?) sense should prevail. We should all be working for a safer Island instad of continually punishing the motorists.


Give it 2 or 3 years and those "safety" cameras at Woodboourne Road and Ballaugh Bridge will suddenly sprout radars, cameras and fines flying to a doorstep near you.


Good Night and remember - don't have nightmares !.

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Oh well done Isle of Man Police !, a "fleet of new cars".......Britain.

Heh? Do you expect them to walk around or something? I think you will find that they get new cars on a regular basis and the old ones are sold back to the UK (afaik).


Talking of registration plates, whats this nonsense about "illegal plates". Now, I understand and agree that all plates should be of the correct dimensions and clearly visible, after all, if your wife, child, husband granny etc was knocked down by a hit and run driver then you would want someone to be able to read the registration plate of the offender !, but, riding my motorcycle, which is very distinctive and admittedly has an "illegal" registration plate, a Manx registration plate, just to be clear here. (pressed aluminium letters and numbers on a black background - but, very visible and actually larger that the law dictates), I am sitting at Quarterbridge roundabout, in TT week , with bikes everywhere ( and 1 guy overtaking me in a line of traffic with NO HELMET ! ), and an unmarked police car behind me, so, guess who gets pulled up in the car park of "McDonalds", yep, ME !.

Er..ok..you had a plate on your bike that you knew wasn't right and now whinge about that a copper noticed it and pulled you? I guess your plate might have joined the wall of fame at police hq now? (Some funny ones there, btw..)




We should all be working for a safer Island instad of continually punishing the motorists.

TBH, that's pretty much what the roads policing unit is doing - to quote BigDave: They're actually pretty sound now.


And the onboard camera thingy isn't new either, btw:


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Oh well done Isle of Man Police !, a "fleet of new cars", (pity they couldnt have spent the money on some more uniformed officers patrolling the streets of the Island. Hope the cars all have air conditioning cause it would be a nightmare if the cheeseburgers steamed up the windscreens !!, For chr*st sake !, what the he*l is happening here ?. I think the Isle of Man should be renamed "West lancashire", it seems that year on year we are losing our identity, those things which take us apart from "mainland" Britain.

The police here are worlds apart from mainland britain police. Over there, they're given targets to meet, whether they believe this is good policing or not. They are forced to alienate the "law abiding" public, by catching and ticketing them for minor infringements, knowing that they are making their own job that much harder. They receive less and less help from the general public by meeting these targets.


You want more police on the beat here, go over to the UK and the only time you'll see them is mid afternoon when the sun's out, in pairs. Almost never after darkness falls.


Here, you regularly see them up and down the prom, quite often on a friday or saturday, outside Jaks at closing time, and often just one lone bobby.


Yes you see them having lunch, most civilians have lunch also, don't you?


If you know you have an illegal plate on your bike, don't moan when you're caught. Accept it, you knew it could happen. Over here, we really are far removed from the UK and ought to be grateful for it.

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The police here are worlds apart from mainland britain police. Over there, they're given targets to meet, whether they believe this is good policing or not. They are forced to alienate the "law abiding" public, by catching and ticketing them for minor infringements, knowing that they are making their own job that much harder. They receive less and less help from the general public by meeting these targets.


the problem is that people who decide what 'minor' laws they can break cos they 'don't see why' then get away with it, try bigger laws they don't want to abide by to break. i would guess that very few people who get a caution actually think they were punished at all, just caught ha ha. most weeks in the local papers you read of so and so getting a last chance, usually after 6 or 7 previous similar convictions which don't include the slapped wrists and cautions.

if people were actually prosecuted rather than let off they would be less likely to do it again and less likely to move down to bigger things.

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If you knowingly break the law and get caught, you have no reason to complain.

Personally, I'm really looking forward to seeing lots of drivers being prosecuted for using their mobile phones while they're driving - or for pulling over and causing an obstruction in order to do so. I'm also hoping that there will be plenty of fines/bans handed out for dangerous overtaking maneouvres, excessive speeding, shooting through pedestrian crossing when people are just stepping onto them, and so on.

And before anyone else says it - yes, if taxi drivers do it, I hope they get caught and punished as well.

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