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[BBC News] Undercover police target drivers


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Talking of registration plates, whats this nonsense about "illegal plates". Now, I understand and agree that all plates should be of the correct dimensions and clearly visible, after all, if your wife, child, husband granny etc was knocked down by a hit and run driver then you would want someone to be able to read the registration plate of the offender !, but, riding my motorcycle, which is very distinctive and admittedly has an "illegal" registration plate, a Manx registration plate, just to be clear here. (pressed aluminium letters and numbers on a black background - but, very visible and actually larger that the law dictates), I am sitting at Quarterbridge roundabout, in TT week , with bikes everywhere ( and 1 guy overtaking me in a line of traffic with NO HELMET ! ), and an unmarked police car behind me, so, guess who gets pulled up in the car park of "McDonalds", yep, ME !.


So they pulled you in their lunch break? Seems pretty efficient to me, well done the police. Shame they don't have rights to enforce clarksons law and shoot law breaking motorcylists in the face.

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unless your bike is older that 1973 (i think) you must by law have the yellow and white number plates.


you have no one to blame but yourself.


I think it is actually older than 1990. I certainly remember being able to buy black plates freely in 1989.


Ed to add - I actually find it a bit stupid. The old black plates had much bigger letters and were easier to read by far. It is simply that the new plates show up much better on a camera

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I for one am made up with these Police finally catching all the dickhead drivers, people on mobiles, women applying make-up as well as the "i have a fast car and have to try and kill everyone in the process" brigade, and old people doing 20mph in a 50mph/no speedlimit zone, they are just as responsable for accidents as the maniacs.


I have been learning under L plates for a while as i could not afford regular lessons, but now am only weeks from my test (after only 3 lessons) and i have to ask, why do most people on the road not only have to sit right on my bumber and no-one elses, but also have to overtake me when in a que of traffic on mountain, only to contently sit behind car in front the whole way, judging by this, my theory was they were worried about my driving ( which is actually fine, amazing in comparason to some ) but if they were worried, they only need to be a safe distance behind and not on my bumper, i hope every one of them gets caught, ha !


Maybe they could also do the pedestrians who just walk out in front of cars (old guy in Ramsey today, who then said i was driving too fast, old git, my fiancee is pregnant and i am very careful about my driving)


Anyway, i now feel good for getting that out, and sure, some people will think i am a bad driver, and my attitute now is a little agressive, but i am sure i'm not alone in this rant.

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Good on them for trying to catch some of the very many idiot drivers out there.


Personally though I think they would have much better odds of catching more of them if they just got their new unmarked cars and kept quiet instead of making a public thing out of telling everyone they're going to have a purge on bad drivers. They should constantly be having a purge on them and maybe there would then be a lasting effect.


As it is, they'll probably catch a few people but a lot of dangerous tossers will be on the lookout knowing full well which cars to keep an eye open for, then once things have quietened down a bit they'll be out being just as dangerous.

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unless your bike is older that 1973 (i think) you must by law have the yellow and white number plates.


you have no one to blame but yourself.


The cut off date here for black plates is Feb 1990. I had some nosy tosser of a traffic warden try to book me for it and he was disappointed when he found out it was just an old car in good nick.


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I for one am made up with these Police finally catching all the dickhead drivers, people on mobiles, women applying make-up as well as the "i have a fast car and have to try and kill everyone in the process" brigade, and old people doing 20mph in a 50mph/no speedlimit zone, they are just as responsable for accidents as the maniacs.


I have been learning under L plates for a while as i could not afford regular lessons, but now am only weeks from my test (after only 3 lessons) and i have to ask, why do most people on the road not only have to sit right on my bumber and no-one elses, but also have to overtake me when in a que of traffic on mountain, only to contently sit behind car in front the whole way, judging by this, my theory was they were worried about my driving ( which is actually fine, amazing in comparason to some ) but if they were worried, they only need to be a safe distance behind and not on my bumper, i hope every one of them gets caught, ha !


Maybe they could also do the pedestrians who just walk out in front of cars (old guy in Ramsey today, who then said i was driving too fast, old git, my fiancee is pregnant and i am very careful about my driving)


Anyway, i now feel good for getting that out, and sure, some people will think i am a bad driver, and my attitute now is a little agressive, but i am sure i'm not alone in this rant.


Amen to that! Took me several goes and several hundred pounds to pass my test due to nerves. That was a couple of years ago and every day since Day One of driving fully fledged I've seen a good handful of examples of crappy driving - at best, stuff that would've easily failed the driver if they had to do a re-sit and at worst, potentially life-threatening. The stringent test standards don't work without common sense and giving a f*ck about other people.


There are so many things that get on my tits but the chief one HAS to be people driving up my ass. Not only are they not going to get anywhere faster (in fact they'll be late because I slow down to 5mph to make a point) but if I had to brake suddenly, we'd both be f*cked. That's why there's a rule about it but some idiots don't seem to give a toss. I wish people would get pulled up for stuff like this, not just speed, but I guess the police would really have their work cut out then.


Anyway, good luck on your test Visionary!

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