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He can reform all he likes, but what did his economy, and is utterly unsaveable, is that he pillaged all the farms, the staple food of his people, to "Liberate" them from the white farmers. Unfortunately, in the process he destroyed all the farming machinery and drove out all the people who knew how to farm the crops so he could give the land to his cronies.


Zimbabwe used to provide a huge surplus of agricultural goods, now its a wasteland and nationalising all the companies wont help since sanctions prevent inward investment from arriving.


Creating a climate of fear for all his opponents and for anyone white coming into the country doesnt exactly help his cause either. Then again, his degeneration into a 3rd rate tinpot dictator has long since done his credibility in the outside world anyway.

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I'm not a violent person but some people really need a bullet in the head.

Agreed... but it would have to be a very precise bit of shooting to actually hit his brain.

Not necessarily....



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Another tin pot dictator who has screwed a country with great potential into the dust. Sooner he stops breathing the better. Pity theres no oil there....................

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