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Another Nail In The Coffin Of Holocaust Denial


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The same can be said, unfortunately, for every single religion in the world, yet rarely do you hear the phrase "International Christian Conspiracy" "International Islamic Conspiracy" "International Buddhist Conspiracy".


Or Intrernational Hindu Conspiracy, I think they'd make good conspirators what with all those Gods, but they can't even save one cow.

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International Buddhist Conspiracy


Cracking name for a band.


I thought all of the denyists (if that's not a made up word) had all moved to Iran permanently. Where they have an excuse for sounding the mentalists they are.


Sun has gone to me head Gov'nor honest.


A good read can be found here




It has this very famous picture which makes me want to vomit.


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Interesting thing about that Cow


DEFRA vets use a test which doesnt actually confirm the presence of TB in a cow, it merely confirms the potential of a cow to have TB. The actual test which would confirm the presence of it was deemed "Too expensive" by DEFRA when they were rolling it out nationwide following the last big TB Scare.


Then again, when it comes to financial mismanagement, DEFRA are so far ahead of other government departments, its almost like theyre a private company :)

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A holocaust denial movie, in 30 episodes, on the subject of Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec. Banned at Youtube.

sorry not austwich




the soviets are spoken of a lot in these vids.the kremlin has just made avalibal ww2 death camp documents for some reason zionist jews dont want them made public


imagine my shock


Imagine mine when I discover you are as usual talking rubbish.


Russia Shares Archives Detailing Early Holocaust Attacks on Jews


Russia's Federal Security Service turned over copies of 15,000 pages from the archives of the former Soviet KGB to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Monday in a gesture of openness that may shed new light on the first mass killings of Jews after the German attack on the Soviet Union in 1941.


BBC News report including Jewish groups welcoming the opening up of ICRC archives.


Testimony of members of the The Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance, and Research outlining continuing progress in opening archives and increasing academic access to Holocaust research.


Wiki debunking denier claims - with some reference to Mr Elf's video - which isn't banned on Youtube as he claims.


Site providing links refuting Holocaust denial.

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That bleedin cow got more airtime than Ermintrude - what is the UK coming to!


Actually, that seemed like a very British news story. Years ago they'd have made it into a film with Peter Sellars and Joan Sutherland (not the cow, the incident). Small community of rural eccentrics stand up to Whitehall Bureaucrats. Only the cow would have been saved.

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