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Brown Stamps His Foot On Premiership?


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I've heard a few news stories over the last couple of weeks that have suggested changes to UK policy with regard to terrorism that seem somewhat more hardline than those of Blair. To cite two such examples: the extension from the current 28 days to 56 days (for the detention of terror suspects) and the proposed ID card system (with fingerprint ID) for anyone living in the UK or visiting the UK for 6 months or more.


Is this simply a case of a new broom sweeping clean, or were these proposals already in the pipeline and Brown is just the figurehead for them now he's taken charge?

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Jeez! The title made me think this was going to be about football violence!


More seriously, though, I think GB is currently concentrating on pushing all the right(wing) buttons in order to undermine the present leadership of the Tory party - possibly with the intention of calling an election fairly soon. At the same time he's managing to press on with a far more socialist based agenda than his predecessor in order to rally his own troops behind him. Its a very delicate balancing act that seems to indicate that he's a far more adroit politician than most people give him credit for.

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