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[BBC News] Artist defends her gull sculpture


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Krista Magee said people should also consider the benefit of art to society as well as its cost.


But this isn't art, and in this instance she's not working as an artist. She received a commission to design a seagull and she designed a seagull. That's not art, it's 3d graphic design.

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here are the photo's that inspired krista

post-7123-1185905068_thumb.jpg isn't it stunning the way the light glints in the eye of the subject and the contrast of colour in the total coastal landscape

post-7123-1185905089_thumb.jpg again see how gracefully the subject attacks is foe and gulps the food down its gullet, the way the light shimmers on its throat feathers its almost enchanting :whistling: ,

post-7123-1185905112_thumb.jpg she must have took this one when they started divebombing her when she ran out of chips


and this is what she came up with

post-7123-1185905218_thumb.jpg= £30.000 :o


mind you 'Fair play' if she gets paid most people wouldn't have the neck to ask for that much

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So, instead of the gull, what should/could be there? Ideas? Suggestions? :unsure:




Original pic if anyone's bored:




linkage of a picture to share with the rest of use would be nice

Piccy on Iomtoday

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How about a sculpture based on -




Replace the boat with a rock, throw in a few strategically placed bottles and glasses and you have an artistic representation of "60,000 alcoholics clinging to a rock".

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I personally think the Gull concept is a bloody good idea. I can wait to see it covered in bird shit. It'll give me great pleasure to know that those little bastards are shitting on one of their own for a change.



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£30,000 is nothing - they spent hundreds of thousands on the '3 Legs' sculpture up at Nobles Hospital, didn't they?

This is comparitively cheap when you consider parts, labour etc for both the design process and the finished item.

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£30,000 is nothing - they spent hundreds of thousands on the '3 Legs' sculpture up at Nobles Hospital, didn't they?

This is comparitively cheap when you consider parts, labour etc for both the design process and the finished item.


I was only thinking about that 3 legs the other day when I went past. How striking and utterly pointless it is. I know I'm on the Isle of Man - why do I need a big arty stylised metal 3 legs over the hospital entrance to remind me? More to the point, would you really give a f*ck if you were being whisked into A & E? Would a plain old sign saying 'hospital' over the entrance not have sufficed? And plain slidey doors as opposed to some giant revolving teleportation device with fake shrubbery in it?


It seems to be part of a policy of pointless embellishment which the govt seems to fall helplessly into every time they're already giddy with overspending. The Wedding Cake and all its trimmings is another particularly gross case. Not to mention the pretty colour-change lights on the power station chimney (now removed?) and the architectural-award-winning 'Viking sails' of the incinerator. From that, right down to frigging Celtic knotwork on dustbins and bus shelters (instead of comfortable seats you can sit on without ass-cramp).


Stop frittering away tax/ratepayers' money on this childish shite! And that includes gull sculptures!

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How about plastic traffic wardens?? there seems to be more of them than gulls around at the mo!


A real statment as to the way the powers that be ,in the D.O.T./corpy have "improved"? conditions around the harbour and town.


And they;d probably be more useful than the real ones!.

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