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Iom Electricity Price Hike

Albert Tatlock

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How the fk do they condone all these price rises when everyone in their workforce seems to be driving around in new vehicles?

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But don't forget the good news in this item "On the positive side this year we do not anticipate that there will be a need for a fuel cost adjustment - and last year that was a penny a unit."


And... it's still a a 6.9% price rise. I haven't had a pay rise in 4 years which equates to a pay cut of 12%+ so no matter how little he says it is per month, it's still £2.25 a month more than I am currently paying, if only it were so little. BTW where are these average households? I'd like to live in one as they always seem cheaper to run than mine, just like average wages are always higher than mine. But then, I should take solice in the fact that I am not average!

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Someone got their predictions a bit wrong, a 3% predicted increase in demand turned out to be a 1.6% derease, probably due to the price rises.


Reminds me of years ago when there was a 'fuel crisis' (allegedly) where everyone was told to reduce demand, I think the telly closed down at 10pm to get people to go to bed early too.


The reult of this was that demand and profits fell, so they put the price up to get the profit level back again.

Strange how when demand crept up again they didn't complain about the extra profits and reduce the price again !

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There’s good and bad news this morning as the MEA announces a 6.9% price rise for electricity.


The MEA says that is in line with Tynwald’s rescue package, when the authority agreed to hold increases to inflation plus 2½%


Chairman Eddie Teare (pictured) says this year, there’ll be no need for a fuel cost adjustment – making the rise slightly more affordable.


He explained what the price hike – due on September 1 - will mean to consumers awaiting bills:


Do you know, I'm heartily sick of Mr Teare and his good news bad news shit. Where's the good news Eddie!! and more affordable by whom!! This is absolutely ridiculous - fuel prices across are going down, this shower haven't been in power for a year yet and they've forgotten about the voters! and just to make things even better - Eddie is leaving the job at the end of the year and that clown Corkish is taking over (well he's the deputy at the moment so I assume he will). This is the bloke who hasn't even made a speech in Tynwald yet, sits rearranging his files (I watched that from the gallery) and seems keener to be Mr Entertainment at the Villa than represent his voters in the Keys. (Hope he and his wife enjoyed the trip out to sea watching the basking sharks - that was so important!!)


When are we all going to stop taking this shit and start refusing to pay the increase. I've said this before, if we all refuse to pay the increase (not the whole bill when it comes) they can't put everyone in prison, no matter how much room they have in the new place. Why should we have to pay for the cock-up. Bombard your MHK with phone calls and letters protesting (that's of course if you can get them as they're probably away on holiday now, because they can afford to go!!) Write every couple of days saying I haven't heard from you yet so that they've so much mail when they get back they won't be able to get the front door open. If it's easier email them they've all got email (first name.surname@gov.im) Make a note of each letter/email/ phone call you don't get a reply too and then let the papers and the radio know the result. I'm still waiting for a reply to three letters I sent Mr Anderson about the Steam Racket 3 years ago!! Then when they come round promising to get you the world in 5 years time you can tell them they've been completely useless and didn't bother to reply to you in the past so why the hell should you vote to get them their job and pension again!!


Enough is enough!! :angry:

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When are we all going to stop taking this shit and start refusing to pay the increase.


Who's going to pay their debts? It's a public company, we're all liable.



I know nothing about company law etc so perhaps this is going to be very naive, but if it's a public company and we're all liable for the debts, then shouldn't we be getting something when the times are good then. Surely you can't just be hold "it's a public company you're liable for the debts" in the bad time but get nothing in the good times. Because we've never had the really low prices in the good times - do you see what I'm getting at. And, if it's a public company and we're all liable then why didn't someone ask us whether we wanted a state of the art power station and agreed with the large borrowings from the bank. Shouldn't we have more say then.

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I know nothing about company law etc so perhaps this is going to be very naive, but if it's a public company and we're all liable for the debts, then shouldn't we be getting something when the times are good then.


We do, or we would if it ever made a profit, the MEA features on the government balance sheet.


Surely you can't just be hold "it's a public company you're liable for the debts" in the bad time but get nothing in the good times. Because we've never had the really low prices in the good times - do you see what I'm getting at. And, if it's a public company and we're all liable then why didn't someone ask us whether we wanted a state of the art power station and agreed with the large borrowings from the bank. Shouldn't we have more say then.


Yes, that was a fuckup, the £120m wasn't properly approved by government, so our elected representatives didn't represent us. Those involved have gone, the mistakes being dealt with by a rescue package, and we're all paying out of our pockets. What do you suggest as an alternative?

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When are we all going to stop taking this shit and start refusing to pay the increase.


Who's going to pay their debts? It's a public company, we're all liable.

I think teapot is referring to, what seems rife over here in most of the monopolies and is also demonstrated by a lot of our MHKs - low personal standards and a consistent failure to achieve them. If you don't believe that - then I suggest you read some of the manifesto's on the election website.


On the elctricity front this is demonstrated as prices go down in the UK and up by twice the rate of inflation in the Isle of Man. Though going by Geoff Corkish's manifesto, prices are likely to soon go down again, and we can no doubt expect some money back, and some 'heads to roll':





It is apparent to us all that more control and responsibility is required for the day to day management of our nation’s income and departmental budgeting. Coming from the business community I have some knowledge of how a company should be run and managed. Indeed, if private enterprise embarked upon the buying and operation of acquisitions as has been evidenced in the recent past by government, the shareholders would demand to see the accounts and call the directors to book and look for heads to roll. We enjoy a buoyant economy but we must not act irresponsibly with our money. Rigorous scrutiny of government expenditure is essential, as is ownership of responsibility.

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