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Bloody Teachers


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We used to call that 'passing the buck'. There wouldn't be any bullying on youtube etc. if it didn't already happen.


I'm sure publishing fights is a fad and not a trend. This is a difficult one, but to call for the banning of websites such as youtube etc. is clearly OTT.


There are other solutions, like showing kids, by example, that they are stupid to publish such stuff as it will get them a] identified, b] caught and c] punished. Ironically, logic dictates that the more parents/kids that see this sort of stuff the better chance there is of someone local (parent or child) coming forward and reporting the names involved to the police/teachers i.e. if teacher/parents investigated these videos correctly, it could actually work to the victims benefit in the end, and actually do more to identify and stop bullies. Equally on some of the videos that were shown on panorama this week - kids may learn just how easily someone can get quite seriously hurt - and that this has serious consequences - there are people in prison today who have murdered using just their fists.


The internet has forced a lot of people to open their eyes to the real world and sometimes see some of the sh1t that goes on in the world. You can't just 'ostrich' yourself away from these issues, you have to come up with solutions to deal with the underlying causes, take on the people involved (in this case the kids involved and not youtube etc.) or accept other people's beliefs/way of life (provided it is legal) - and not put blanket bans on anything you disagree with. Equally you can't have double standards e.g. we pay grown men millions of pounds to knock the sh1t out of each other and call it - boxing.


With a little logic applied to this, I think parents, teachers and victims could actually make these videos work in their favour in their attempt to stop/reduce bullying. But the typical British attitude of 'flap flap busy busy panic panic bang bang' seems to be prevailing - as usual.




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