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Filipino Community To Get Consular Service.


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Manx Herald article under the title:


Filipino consular visit planned for august


This is an interesting development! What is the justification for this group of people getting a visit from their Ambassador?


Are not visa and immigration issues handled by the UK?


Scratching my head here as to why this section of the community might receive different treatment from other foreign nationals working in the Isle of Man.


Can anyone shed any further light?

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Ambassador Espiritu is heavily involved in lobbying against the UK home office position that overseas senior care workers will no longer have permits renewed as a matter of policy. There are around 150,000 Filipinos in the UK, and a lot of them that live in the UK and on the island are carers.


See Clicky


The Home Office has held secret talks with one the UK’s biggest care providers, informing them that their overseas Senior Carer Work Permits will not be renewed.


The employer, which owns over 500 Care Homes all over the UK employing more than 40,000 people, told affected staff (holding less than a five year Work Permit) that when their Work Permits expire they will be “dismissed from the company and will have to make arrangements to leave the country”.


It looks like all this is a result of qualified Poles, Bulgarians and Romanians being able to settle in the UK - and simply replacing one set of immigrants with another, with the poor old Filipinos being told: 'thanks for all your previous help - now you can s*d off back to where you came from! because we have found equally low pay earners with a right to settle here'. The UK Home Office don't seem to be making all of this public at present, but it will affect an awful lot of Filipinos, spouses and children who have settled here.


The Phillipines has a population of around 95 million - can you imagine the economic and NHS chaos in the UK if e.g. 30,000 carers who had, say gone to Canada and Australia etc. had to return to the UK? In that event I think the UK would be sending out all of its top ministers and ambassadors.




P.S. If the Manx Herald want to be taken more seriously, I suggest they sort out their website. Their 'report' (not even covering what Espiritu is here to really try and do) was in a crap font and all bunched up on my screen.

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That's interesting. I was wondering if the Filipinos were having problems integrating with the local community. I've not heard evidence of that but they seem keen to have their own identity in the Island. However, as their contribution to the Island is welcome, it would seem appropriate to ring fence their situation from the vagaries of UK Home Office cock ups.


I wonder if this situation may lead to the Isle of Man having more say in who comes here?

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I wonder if this situation may lead to the Isle of Man having more say in who comes here?


Are they bothered who come here then? It doesn't seem that way to me, for all we know Osama Bin Laden could be living in a house at Smeale.

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Scratching my head here as to why this section of the community might receive different treatment from other foreign nationals working in the Isle of Man.


Surely, it is for each embassy to decide whether to visit their citizens here. Maybe the Phillipino ambassador is just doing a more thorough job than the others.

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The Frenchies here on the island often get a visit from their Ambassador, so it only fair that others do to. It's not like the old days, the island is a now a multi national community. Gone are the days when you could walk down Stand Street and know everybody yessir !! It's more like the united nations now. and personally, I like it that way. It adds variety and a bit more life to the place. The same old "ugly" faces week after week were getting a bit tiresome.

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The Frenchies here on the island often get a visit from their Ambassador, so it only fair that others do to. It's not like the old days, the island is a now a multi national community. Gone are the days when you could walk down Stand Street and know everybody yessir !! It's more like the united nations now. and personally, I like it that way. It adds variety and a bit more life to the place. The same old "ugly" faces week after week were getting a bit tiresome.



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The same old "ugly" faces week after week were getting a bit tiresome.


I take it you don't regard yourself as being 'ugly'? Best post a photo so we can make our own minds up!


More seriously:


It looks like all this is a result of qualified Poles, Bulgarians and Romanians being able to settle in the UK - and simply replacing one set of immigrants with another, with the poor old Filipinos being told: 'thanks for all your previous help - now you can s*d off back to where you came from!


It all smacks of shunting people like cattle without really thinking about the consequences. What we need is strong community. Swapping one set of low paid people for another bunch hardly leads to cohesion. I assume that if the Filipinos are sent home there will be an influx of new people round town and the job of settling them into the community will start again. The UK will be giving the Isle of Man a problem not of its own making.


If we do actually need overseas labour to run things here then people need to be treated with respect.


Equally, given the problems in the UK, I am surprised that more English, Scots, Welsh and Irish don't want to settle here. I remember Alan Bell talking on Manx Radio during the TT. He invited bikers to move here to fill labout shortages. I wonder if there are any takers? Vanessa Feltz aside, the Isle of Man does suffer from a negative image. We have friends visiting who are thinking of making the move. The Husband is mad keen on the Isle of Man. The wife, who is from the Home Counties, is rather less keen. The negative image is the issue and she is taking a lot of convincing. As far as she is concerned it is very 'different' over here and she is concerned about that.


Oh well early morning rant over. Hope everyone gets some sunshine today!

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It all smacks of shunting people like cattle without really thinking about the consequences. What we need is strong community. Swapping one set of low paid people for another bunch hardly leads to cohesion. I assume that if the Filipinos are sent home there will be an influx of new people round town and the job of settling them into the community will start again. The UK will be giving the Isle of Man a problem not of its own making.

more poles if the flippo's leave, they'll have to retrain from cleaners to nurses though.

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The same old "ugly" faces week after week were getting a bit tiresome.


I take it you don't regard yourself as being 'ugly'? Best post a photo so we can make our own minds up!



Mmmm Think I touch a raw nerve there.... there is quite a difference between actually being ugly and 'ugly'. It's matter of perception; what I call 'ugly', and you call 'ugly' could be poles apart.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest ravabelli

For info:


The Philippine consulate has an outreach program that will visit any filipino community that request it. It provides Filipino nationals with full consular services such as Overseas Absentee Voting (OAV) registration, processing of passport applications, notarization and authentication of documents, and administering the Oath of Allegiance to applicants for dual citizenship.


They have carried out a similar service in Oxford and Dublin.


I'm impressed with the trouble they go to to look after their own - damn sight better service than the British consulate ever offered me when working in Hong Kong!





Manx Herald article under the title:


Filipino consular visit planned for august


This is an interesting development! What is the justification for this group of people getting a visit from their Ambassador?


Are not visa and immigration issues handled by the UK?


Scratching my head here as to why this section of the community might receive different treatment from other foreign nationals working in the Isle of Man.


Can anyone shed any further light?

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