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Gta Iv Delayed


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Tis a true shame that they have to put the game back but aleast it will give them a chance to hopefully refine it to the nth degree and also give us all time to finish Halo 3 :w00t:


saying that i have found battlefield 2 is still as good as i remember :)

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I'm a bit disapointed :( that GTA has been delayed but tbh it's a blessing in disguise :huh: , there is a wealth of top quality titles coming out over the next couple of months ( bio-shock, assasins creed, mass effect, lost odessy, COD4, blue dragon, eternal sonata, army of 2, halo3 etc etc etc ) that I was wondering how I was going to fit them all in...plus it gives rockstar an additional amount of time to really get the title lookin and playing as best as possible!

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