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Foot & Mouth Confirmed In Surrey


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T'would seem that foot & mouth has been confirmed in Surrey. The entire herd has been destroyed.


So will this be another expensive 'disaster' needing extreme measures to check?


Or will sense prevail and the public informed of the severity of the disease?


During the 2001 outbreak, there were a few rumblings that the disease is actually no worse for cows than a common cold is for humans, and what ensues is panic measures rather than sensible steps to contain the diseases. If memory serves me, the effect is the loss of a fertile season but the animals, in the main, survive,


I can remember passing farms with foul-smelling, acrid smoke wafting across the motorway as who only knows how many animals were destroyed and burnt.


So shall we wait and see what proportionate response to the threat this UK government makes?

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Sorry, Gladys I wasn't suggestion that you shouldn't have started this thread, but rather an attempt at pointing out the first reaction here was "How will it affect the motorcycling?" and not the interesting points you raise.

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Like I said in the other other thread, why don't they vaccinate the animals against this disease, they do in other countries don't they?

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Yes, why not vaccinate? After 2001 you would have thought every cow would have been vaccinated to stop another devastating blow to the farming community. Funny (as in peculiar) how England looks like it is going to go through another wipe-out of small farmers.


Perhaps I am just being too cynical or even paranoid, but I really do not understand what the great hullaballoo is about F&M, other than some fabrication of a problem. (You think there are great conspiracies here? Try elsewhere.)


Well, we will see.


/off to google F&M./

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Yes, why not vaccinate? After 2001 you would have thought every cow would have been vaccinated to stop another devastating blow to the farming community. Funny (as in peculiar) how England looks like it is going to go through another wipe-out of small farmers.


Perhaps I am just being too cynical or even paranoid, but I really do not understand what the great hullaballoo is about F&M, other than some fabrication of a problem. (You think there are great conspiracies here? Try elsewhere.)


Well, we will see.


/off to google F&M./


Once they vaccinate they are then labelled as a foot and mouth country and are unable to have their precious certificate that proclaims they are clean.


As stated before it is just a common cold, no more no less.


I presume there are a lot of younger than I persons on this forum who when at University might have divulged the odd corn beef hash. Argentina is full of Foot and Mouth and they are one of the leading exporters of the tinned version of human dog food.


Anyway I am off to eat some radioactive fish from the Irish Sea which has acceptable levels of the glow that is suitable for human consumption along with a brightly glowing lamb chop.


Would anyone barring myself eat a radio active burger?




He is over the last

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F&M is not only highly contagious but can be life threatening to cattle. It can cause all sorts of problems from lameness to herat conditions and along the way affected cattle lose weight and become skeletal, milk out put is seriously affected and fertility can be permanently affected.


It is cruel to keep the cows alive, there is no treatment.


There is no real riskto himans, the virius cannot survive the acid in our stomachs. In theory that should mean you can kill all affected cattle for consumption, but the effect on price and the fact the meat would not be allowed to be exported has lead to slaughter. Plus of course taking to market and slaughter just helps spread around the country.


There are three areas of the world F&M wise


F&M endemic, with or without vaccine


F&M endemic but controlled by vaccine


F&M free


Europe US Canada Aus & NZ aim for F&M free


Argentina and most other South American Countries are free due to vaccine. Last recorded outbreak in Argenetina was in 1994!


Africa and Asia its endemic and not controlled although for years places like Zimbabwe were free


So why not vaccinate


First its an admission that F&NM is endemic and will lessen markets


Second its very ineffective.


There are a dozen or so varieties of F&M virus, each vaccine is type specific. So you have to vaccinate against all strains and the virus is highly unstabele, even within one starin there may be 30% genetic difference, and changes occurr in starins frequently. vaccinations may be effective for yeras or only months, depending on whether there is a major mutation or a contamination from an infected area


No real reason for the MGP to be cancelled but we will see chemical mats and sprays at airports and ports


Oh and definitely do not go to Wiki about this as it will tell you most of above but aso that the IOM postponed its 2001 general election due to Foot & Mouth. I was a returning Officer and do not recall that! Another serious Wiki error

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Oh and definitely do not go to Wiki about this as it will tell you most of above but aso that the IOM postponed its 2001 general election due to Foot & Mouth. I was a returning Officer and do not recall that! Another serious Wiki error


Link Please.


I can't find this so called "serious error".


Also how is it a serious error? It doesn't affect the rest of the content in your post. If you want to read about the effects of Foot and Mouth disease, how endemic it is worldwide, and what the implications of vaccination are (which is are subject of your posts), whether the Isle of Man General Election was postponed is utterly irrelevant.


Is it you are using a piece of trivia, to stop people verifying what you've written earlier in the post? I recognise that Wikipedia isn't perfect, but I'll take a regularly peer-reveiwed, source piece over a hastily written post any day.

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Oh and definitely do not go to Wiki about this as it will tell you most of above but aso that the IOM postponed its 2001 general election due to Foot & Mouth. I was a returning Officer and do not recall that! Another serious Wiki error


Link Please.


I can't find this so called "serious error".


Also how is it a serious error? It doesn't affect the rest of the content in your post. If you want to read about the effects of Foot and Mouth disease, how endemic it is worldwide, and what the implications of vaccination are (which is are subject of your posts), whether the Isle of Man General Election was postponed is utterly irrelevant.


Is it you are using a piece of trivia, to stop people verifying what you've written earlier in the post? I recognise that Wikipedia isn't perfect, but I'll take a regularly peer-reveiwed, source piece over a hastily written post any day.




I presume you have never worked a farm before or that you are eating as much radio active fish as I am?




You old attention seeker you.


Goodness we go back.


You babbled on about Jack but you are on the button concerning price.


What is wrong/right with radioactive fish?


Set the Alarm


He is over the last

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A bit of an over-reaction there Declan old son. He was only making a general point about Wiki's ability to get facts mixed sometimes. What are you on?


And I'm challenging his point as irrelvent. He doesn't link to it, and I can't find the error. But he wants to use that to discredit the whole piece on Wikipedia, but the error is trivial to Foot and Mouth, or the substantial part of his post.


Yet for some peculiar reason he uses this as a reason not to check, or follow up the information he provides. Why's that?

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The strain in infected cattle is identical to that used at the Institute for Animal Health, at Pirbright, about three miles from the farm.


Defra could not say the laboratory was the source but has increased the size of the protection and surveillance zones covering farms in the area.


An urgent assessment of biosecurity has begun at the institute. Beep News

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well, today the disinfectant came out at victoria pier for the seacat, saw them putting it out!

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