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Don't want to panic unnecessarily (looks like the emergency planning group are doing enough of that for everyone!) but does anyone know if dogs are included in the definition of livestock for the purposes of suspension of their movement on and off the Island?

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This is a good question, until tonights Channel 4 news, I didn't realise that horses and donkeys are not classed as livestock.


My brother is due over mid week on the BMC as a foot passenger and I'll bet he is planning to bring his dog!

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"any animals kept for use or profit "


I think it depends on what the animal is used for. For example, if you had a pet elephant, it wouldn't be classed as livestock, but if you bred elephants for meat then they would be classed as livestock. If you go to dictionary.com and look it up, one of the definitions says, "domestic animals, especially horses, cattle, sheep, and pigs".


Edit: yes, you might keep a pet dog, but you don't use it. For example, if you had a horse on the farm to pull a plough then it would be kept for use, and therefore it could be classed as livestock.

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There is no universal definition of livestock for legislative/regulatory purposes


There is a difference between domestic and wild animals. and an elephant is wild and so not livestock. That is because the definition is historic and did not anticipate elephants being farmed.


Livestock generally would not include dogs


Any limitation on movement is likely to be in relation to hooved livestock initially as it is they who can be affected by, carry or come from araes where there is F&M but it could be carried by birds and dogs etc.


Anyone coming from an infected areas is likely to have to undergo more thorough checks than foot baths and car sprays..


Hoopefully with it being one incident and apparently a leak from a research establishment it will be a one off. Things may settle down very quickly

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For the purposes of bringing animals to the island with Foot and Mouth safetly measures in place then dogs may yet be banned depending where they are coming from.


Dogs don't get infected with Foot and Mouth but they can actually carry it on the paws and in their respiratory system.


We've got some people coming over with dogs at the weekend and are in the process of finding out if they can bring them or not!!

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At a guess, and taking the normal dictionary meaning, I would hazard that the answer lies in the word itself: stock is generally something that is traded (bought and sold, or created with a view to sale) and live means not dead. In agriculture, both horses and dogs are used as part of the 'machinery' of the farm (if you take that every day definition) and so are not part of the stock to be traded, unless they are stud animals, most other farm animals are stock.


So that just highlights the daftness, because I would be sure that both dogs and horses could spread this devastating disease.

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For the purposes of the f and m outbreak - livestock means animals with cloven hoof, (according to Gordon Brown) So that wouldn't include horses. As usual the IOM Government have gone completely over the top. Particularly in cancelling the Ag.Show in Sulby. They could have continued with it but with no "livestock" ie cattle, sheep, pigs. they could have had show jumping and all the other exhibits - put the biosystems in action and get people to walk over the disinfectant mats. They're still have ag shows in England. Also, the ban on moving livestock has not been enforced in Northern Ireland. I understand their concern, quite rightly. Don't have any livestock brought into the Island at the moment, but not moving livestock within the Island is ridiculous. We didn't get f and m when it was all over England last time, and we only had the mats at the points of entry, this rather smacks of "look at how important we are"! It's a pity they don't act so swiftly on other matters!

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From the Racket's website:


Foot and Mouth Announcement

The shipment of livestock – Cattle, sheep pigs goats and horses – has been stopped until further notice. Birds (chickens / pheasants) importations are still acceptable. Domestic pets (dogs and cats) are not affected and can travel as normal.


For further enquiries please refer to DAFF who have a 24 hour hotline 01624 685844

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For the purposes of the f and m outbreak - livestock means animals with cloven hoof, (according to Gordon Brown) So that wouldn't include horses. As usual the IOM Government have gone completely over the top. Particularly in cancelling the Ag.Show in Sulby. They could have continued with it but with no "livestock" ie cattle, sheep, pigs. they could have had show jumping and all the other exhibits - put the biosystems in action and get people to walk over the disinfectant mats. They're still have ag shows in England. Also, the ban on moving livestock has not been enforced in Northern Ireland. I understand their concern, quite rightly. Don't have any livestock brought into the Island at the moment, but not moving livestock within the Island is ridiculous. We didn't get f and m when it was all over England last time, and we only had the mats at the points of entry, this rather smacks of "look at how important we are"! It's a pity they don't act so swiftly on other matters!


I agree completely - it's about time someone analysed what those worthless morons at DAFF do to justify their large numbers of civil servants (which is WAY out of proportion to the size of the sector's contribution to the economy). I have it on good authority that they're staffed with accounting types which might go some way to explaining the total lack of commonsense and judgement being exercised over this Manx made 'crisis' ;)

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