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[BBC News] Police hunt bowling green vandals


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Well, to be honest, I think it is a disgrace. I probably sound like some old biddy wingeing at everyone, but it is freedom from this kind of behaviour which sets the IOM apart from elsewhere and allows places like Noble's Park to be ungated and open for all to wander through (although I know that Noble's Park has not been a safe place for a wander at night for a long time).


We are still very lucky in that there are very many attractive public places that do not need to be shut off in the evening because, generally, you can be reasonably sure they won't be trashed.


The bowling green (and all associated with it) may have the taint of codgerdom, but it is a facility which is enjoyed by many and involves a great deal of ratepayers' money to maintain. If we allow public areas to become the domain of the vandal, or accept that it may, then we are on a slippery slope to losing the essence of the quality of life here that most of us hold dear.


Apart from that, give me the tw*ts that did it and I will run their noses round the green until they bleed.


See? Proportionate response!

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Good lord, I'm in perfect agreement with you Gladys, I got used to this behaviour across, but here, whilst rare, drives me mad. No gain for anyone, just upset for many and money wasted to rectify.


What do the initials WWD stand for? Apart from lowlife scumbags.

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wanker wanker dickhead

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Good lord, I'm in perfect agreement with you Gladys, I got used to this behaviour across, but here, whilst rare, drives me mad. No gain for anyone, just upset for many and money wasted to rectify.


Couldn't agree with you (and Gladys!) more.


The Coronation Park in Ramsey is currently undergoing a spate of vandalism, whereby the older kids are deliberately knackering the baby-swings in the hope that Ramsey's Commissioners will "give up" and replace them with something "more exciting." (That's what they told Mrs Turnip when she was in the park with Turnip Jnr a couple of weeks ago.)


Myself, Mrs Turnip and Turnip Jnr went to the park a few days ago to discover that the vandals had apparently achieved their aim and managed to vandalise all four of the baby-swings to such an extent that the remains of them had been removed, no baby-swings left at all.


Since Ramsey Commissioners conveniently posts phone numbers on signs around the park as points of contact, I took it upon myself to call them when we got back to the house. I was very quickly put through to the guy who's responsible for the parks, and the good news is that the CCTV footage they've got of the culprits is good enough to pass over to the police and hopefully take things further from there, although obviously the vandals will be too young to be prosecuted, we can at least vainly hope that the parents might care a bit about their offspring's development into thuggism, and perhaps attempt to dissuade them from such behaviour in future (we can but hope!).


I was very heartened to hear that Ramsey's Commissioners will not be giving up on the baby-swings, and that they will keep on fixing them, they won't take them away, and they'll keep on using the CCTV as best they can along with the police to make sure that the vandals have to answer to someone. (It's not a cheap-ass CCTV system they put in place, it can clearly make out faces from anywhere in the park.)


Our commissioners around the island do get some stick, often with no good cause, and I was impressed to be able to speak directly to the man in charge of Ramsey's parks with no red tape whatsoever, and get a totally honest and upfront appraisal of their situation and what they were doing to deal with it.


I was less impressed with how my little autistic daughter responded to seeing that there were no swings to play on, because they'd all been vandalised, (thanks for that, you thoughtless bastards!), but I believe that the park is in good hands with Ramsey's commissioners, and I hope that they are able to see out the current scourge of mindless vandalism.


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Burn the scrotes. As has been said they get caught and nothing gets done anyway.

Vigilantes - that's what we need.


I watched Death Wish 3 and 4 the other night had it was like a ray of light. :)


I was disgusted the other week when there was a story in the courier about a man with "an appalling record" being done for (if I remember correctly) stealing a car, whilst banned & with no license/insurance, and he got a suspended sentence as a chance to redeem himself or some such nonsense. Meanwhile, (I know it's the seagulls thing again) the bloke who kicked the seagull in Ramsey got 6 weeks in jail!! I appreciate kicking a wild animal is not a nice thing to do but the disparity in sentencing is at best bizarre, and at worst, well, I won't go there. It's a common occurrance too.

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