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Cc Is One Year Old.....well A Tad Over

ray marshall

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bit late i know, but club classics is one year and a bit old......didnt think it would last this long....but many many thanx to all who have listened and continue to listen to the show

major vinyl edition tonight and the clicks and pops are welcomed lol


all starts @ 8pm mflive and clubiom and the camchat as well....camlink....catchy you then!!!

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So let me get this straight, I'm a wanker if I listen to good quality encodes on my ipod, but apparently it's ok for you to stream vinyl at shite bitrates over the interwebnet? What's the point of your apparently high quality vinyl if your compressing it to fuck for web streaming?

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to annoy dull fucks like you slim

and thanx for logging on...you helped push us over the record!!! :D

im not suprised you havent heard of bandwidth...seeing as you "know" everything....if we had decent upload rate i wouldnt have to use cd shite rate and would only use uncompressed...dickhead

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I think his point is that if you're going to go round calling people wankers for listening to mp3s on an ipod, you're effectively calling your own audience wankers for listening to your low bitrate web stream.

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not at all ans...just him

the fact still remains that slim just cant get his head round the fact that a lot of folk just dont like cd..and theres a lot more than he wants to admit...

i was given an ipod myself but dont use it........because i prefer to play my vinyl...it really is that simple

im only calling slim a wanker because he is acting like one, he doesnt like other peoples opinions and argues the toss on everything...mearly fighting my corner

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That really isn't what he's saying at all I'm afraid. You've made some pretty idiotic claims (lossy lossless anyone?) and he's challenged them. Your response is to call him a wanker.


There's no point in this bleeding over into other threads too so I'll close this as nobody else seems interested in the original topic.

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