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David Icke

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I would have thought the lizards controlling the Earth would mean anything else he said needed to be pretty convincing to get me to relate to it.


What parts of what he says can you relate to?

"Relate to" being completely misworded by me, i understood what he meant by some of it and some of it is not so far fetched. In the early 90's he pretty much predicted 9/11, tsunami's, and loads of other stuff. Easy to say after the events of course, but interesteing nonetheless.


However, 100's of years of decendants of shapeshifting lizard men, i wish all that were true.

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In the 1930s, 40s, and 50s, E E "Doc" Smith wrote a series of Sci Fi books called the Lensman series. Basically classic old style Sci Fi space opera with a struggle between good and evil species. To cut a long story short, one of the principal 'bad species' were reptilian and called the Eich. They had the power to make other races do their bidding by means of mental power. and could also by use of their 'mental powers' walk amonst other races and appear as one of them.


Sound familiar?


(Smiths work is dealt with at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lensman)


I'm won't mention the US TV series V.

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In the early 90's he pretty much predicted 9/11, tsunami's, and loads of other stuff. Easy to say after the events of course, but interesteing nonetheless.


I predict by the end of the decade there will be a dirty nuclear bomb in a major US city. I predict that Chelski will be relegated after Roman Sonofabitch is jailed for money laundering. I predict that there will be a major earthquake in Europe. etc etc


If it happens I'll be a genius. If it doesn't so what - you won't even remember this conversation. See works both ways. Throw enough darts and some will stick. I bet no-one mentions all the stuff he got wrong. Lizards my arse. Cockroaches for the win.

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And so is Michael Fish.


And so is Wincey Willis :D


Anyone remember her? Used to be on Treasure Hunt with Kenneth Kendall. Preferred Annabel Croft to Anneka Rice. They did an episode from the island if memory serves me right.

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I used to be a moderator on a forum across. Another mod believed that Mr Eicke was a true prophet. Anyway this person virtually hijacked the forum and started long Eicke based rants. I posted a similar post to the one I did above about the Sci Fi series and that started a forum war. In the end, I was actually accused of being a Lizard myself.

Just goes to show, you can talk absolute bo**ocks and eventually someone will believe you.


A side issue, if I became aware of an organised threat to humanity, I'd tell everyone the full story free of charge - not try to sell books on the back of it.

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I used to be a moderator on a forum across. Another mod believed that Mr Eicke was a true prophet. Anyway this person virtually hijacked the forum and started long Eicke based rants. I posted a similar post to the one I did above about the Sci Fi series and that started a forum war. In the end, I was actually accused of being a Lizard myself.

Just goes to show, you can talk absolute bo**ocks and eventually someone will believe you.


A side issue, if I became aware of an organised threat to humanity, I'd tell everyone the full story free of charge - not try to sell books on the back of it.

Thats fine for Jesus like times, but being a prophet doesn't pay the bills these days, or so i've heard.

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