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Onchan Planning Permission

GI James

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If the relevent Government Department would extract it's typing finger from it's anal passage and publish a finalised version of the All Island Strategic Plan, then confrontations such as this could be avoided.


In the meantime, the land is zoned for Agricultural use and as such shouldn't be developed. Until it is otherwise zoned, I think the developers should stick to submitting applications for developments in Mr Riminton's (DoLGE) constituency... lots of them.

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I liked the term 'Heritage Hutches' that someone used on the radio the other day.


Perhaps all the recent hype surrounding how western society is becoming more and more obese is secretly a way of making people slim enough to fit into a bloody mews house. Anyway, I always thought that 'mews' actually meant accommodation converted from stables and not the things that are springing up all over the place as purpose-built. I think the proper word that our friendly builders are looking for is 'pokey'.

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Maybe there should be a limit on how many times a company such as HH can appeal againnst decisions.

It must cost the taxpayer a fair bit to rehash again and again and again the same old applications.


Remember the development by Groudle - how many times were they refused? But eventually - they got permission. Work started about ten seconds after...


Onchan are right though - they have done their bit for new housing.

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It wouldn't supprise me in the least if HH get it eventually. I hope to God they don't as it will mean that the Local Authority's can start fighting back as they have something to relate to on objections.

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I recently went to a planning appeal and had the opportunity to cross examine the Dxxxxx person who was pursuing the application.


The poor young chap was caught basically with his trousers down and had to make things up on the hoof.


In effect he was economical with the truth, when put under pressure.


We presume that was a major factor in all the facets of the application being turned down by a wise Planning Committee, led by Brenda Cannell, despite them having earlier granted it.


Full marks to Brenda for spotting what was going on, and to Dxxxxxxx for not employing people able to lie properly under pressure.


My advice to the Birchhill opposers - employ a really good advocate (or me if you are strapped for money) to rip Dandara apart. It's worth the expense.

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As any comedian knows, timing is everything!


From Manx Radio website


Government document says over 5000 new homes needed by 2016


The Government has moved a step closer towards finalising the future shape of development in the Isle of Man.


The latest version of an all-Island strategic plan has been released, updating a draft document from 2001.


Large numbers of comments and suggestions from the public have been taken into account, and more amendments are likely at a public inquiry next year, with the definitive plan due by next autumn.


The plan predicts almost five and a half thousand new homes will be needed by 2016, most of which would be built in or around existing towns and villages.


Twenty-five per cent of larger sites would have to be reserved for low cost homes, and Local Government Minister John Rimmington is delighted this key proposal is now in place:

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I think you will find the reason behind so many planning applications is that, The developer will put in a plan that they know will be turned down due to it being pretty damn unreasonable.


Then they reapply with a slightly more sensible idea , and they keep applying getting more and more reasonable until eventually the plans are passed. They know that if they put the “passed “plan in first place, that would have definitely been turned down.


I use the same system with the Vehicle Test Centre, I send the vehicle up to them, they test it , and I get a list of what they want me to do , sort the list and hey presto the car is passed. That is all the developers are doing with the planning, at the end of the day it is people who make the decision if it’s ok or not , and people are strange creatures and have a habit of changeing their minds.

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As any comedian knows, timing is everything!


From Manx Radio website


Government document says over 5000 new homes needed by 2016   


The Government has moved a step closer towards finalising the future shape of development in the Isle of Man.


The latest version of an all-Island strategic plan has been released, updating a draft document from 2001.


Large numbers of comments and suggestions from the public have been taken into account, and more amendments are likely at a public inquiry next year, with the definitive plan due by next autumn.


The plan predicts almost five and a half thousand new homes will be needed by 2016, most of which would be built in or around existing towns and villages.


Twenty-five per cent of larger sites would have to be reserved for low cost homes, and Local Government Minister John Rimmington is delighted this key proposal is now in place:



Once all the rental properties are offloaded by the investers, we will have plenty of houses to buy. But at the moment not many couples or singles can afford to pay the prices they are now. public sector houses are needed for the low income families etc. People are making the big mistake by thinking that the Island will continue to boom, its on a slow down. In Tynwald last week Mr Bell said that the Construction industry will be short of work next year and it could be for a while.

I sold a first time buyers house four years ago for £122k its now back up for sale at £250k, and this is a Dandara house at Governors Hill. They say 5000 new homes are needed thats a lot of people to fill them,will they have jobs to pay for the Houses.

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I don't understand how people complain about the housing market so much.

No (working) young couples I know have been unable to afford to buy, and a few of my friends have very recently bought on their own - which for our parents, and their parents it was pretty unlikely they could afford to do.


I think we should be building old folks sheltered housing - they take up less space and are in real demand - and it would free up the houses that a lot of older folks are currently stuck living in.


Slim - you can request a copy of the plan by ringing Gov offices - think it's the planning office department (seems logical!). I got a copy of the last one.

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