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Local Beer Is Green


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With the exception of a few real ales in the UK - no one knows what real beer tastes like - until they have spent a few years living in Europe.


*Looks forward to an evening consuming Czech beers at the princely sum of 60p per half litre*


It's a hard life :lol:

Everythings cheap in La La Land. I expect you've got topless bar staff serving it too (though all called Derek probably).

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If the supermarkets on these shores would learn to sell beer in these..




..instead of pumping out 24 packs of cans, then that would be a little greener as well.


Proper crates with proper bottles - deposit on bottles and crate, so you return them when you go shopping next and the lot gets re-used. Besides, the pure thought of selling Erdinger, Augustiner, Paulaner or Hacker Pschorr only in cans would probably get you shot in ze Heimatland.


And there are so many other great uses for proper beer crates - it's like a collection of party games thrown in on the purchase - like

or this one.


I say



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Besides, the pure thought of selling Erdinger, Augustiner, Paulaner or Hacker Pschorr only in cans would probably get you shot in ze Heimatland.

Too true! FWIW you used to be able to buy like that in Castletown...

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Probably 'greener' sticking with the cans, aluminium's seperated after it ends up on the tip isn't it (steel too)? Aluminium's very valuable, IIRC 70% of it comes from the recycled stuff.


Wouldn't be too surprised if it takes less energy re-using the cans, on a large scale anyways.

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Riiiiight, so we all get sick of getting ripped off by the brewery (for a warm pint of something that could be piss, they stop paying for Sky Sports subs in your local, forcing you to mingle with chavs, whinging kids and accountants in pubs that serve paninis and smoked salmon sandwiches on a bed of rocket and watercress, with a side of soggy, under cooked chips that up until 10mins ago were frozen next to the "freshly made" apple pie you're having for dessert), start drinking and watching the match with people we actually like, and they try and guilt us back in the door with the latest buzz word "Green"?


Fuck. off.

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