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Aa Gill Slags Us Of Again


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I'm not worried about him, or what he writes, in the least.


He just seems to be an inadequate useless fuck-wit who was most probably bullied at school, fiddled with by his uncle, fucked by the local priest and now has to go around justifying himself to the world be making himself out to be clever and funny.


No he hasn't bothered you at all.

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I'm not worried about him, or what he writes, in the least.


He just seems to be an inadequate useless fuck-wit who was most probably bullied at school, fiddled with by his uncle, fucked by the local priest and now has to go around justifying himself to the world be making himself out to be clever and funny.


He fails on both counts, that could explain why he has a shoite job at a shoite paper.


If you want to read something with taste, humour and local interest, you need to look no further than our own Terry Cringle. Maybe next time Mr Annal Gill is over here he could ask our Tel how it's done.


Christ, maybe A.A. Gill's right after all. What a post.

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No he hasn't bothered you at all.


Christ, maybe A.A. Gill's right after all. What a post.


Sorry to upset you but i was just trying to get over what, imo, the cheap shot journalism that these people use to take cheap shots at people or groups who cannot or aren't able to defend themselves.


It seems to make them feel good at other peoples expense. Which is a cowardly and/or bullying thing , imo.


But then it seems you pair can't see that. Maybe you went to the same school as him or only see what you want to see. I would think you're just the type of person who would appreciate what he writes.


Never mind, flame on as i can't be bothered any more.

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I took heart from Andy Kershaw's comment after the slagging we got from that fat peroxide cow.


He said that the less people that know what a great place the Island is the better, that way there will be less Islington types buying second homes here.


So more power to your elbow AA Gill, keep up the negative publicity and keep out the sneering urbane tosspots.

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Why does he come over for a holiday here if he thinks it's so distasteful? I think secretly he really love it on the island and is just too shy to say so. He obviously loves going back to London and telling all his friends about it. I think we should all just read between the lines and realise he is deeply jealous of our life style here - poor sod having to live in London - bloody awful dirty and unfriendly place that it is.

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Declan is absolutely right to say that we are mature enough to take this sort of thing on the chin.


I think the most powerful branding exercise the island can perform is to get over that 'jihad to anyone who mocks us' attitude.


It's like children in a playground; by actually reacting to the teasing some hack or z-list celebrity says about us, it is us that are defining ourselves as victims. If we didn't flinch, said "Yeah, whatever!", and got on with our own thing, maybe the big kids would accept us more...


Exactly right. I can't believe this has any impact on whether people come here or not, any more than Paul Whitehouse's considerably funnier send-ups did. As for the quality of his writing I can't even be arsed reading his articles when they are about the island.

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I thought it was an excellent piece of writing,


The Manx language is a distant relative of Cornish. They don’t seem to have had much to say to each other.

That is a pretty good observation. You walk down the street or along the promenade you will rarely get a "hello" or a smile from anyone. In many country place in England it is quite the norm to at least acknowledge people when passing, even strangers. What an unfriendly place the Island has become over the past 20 years. Admit it.



By the end of an exhausting and life-draining day, most of the locals were slushy, squelchy piles of sodden nylon. The Isle of Man had done for fun what most of the Midlands were weeping and calling in Sea King helicopters over
gettit? No, probably not.


Aye, the fact that 'our very own' Jeremy Clarkson's mugshot appears at the top of the TIMESONLINE article could suggest a conspiracy in the writing.

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I tend to think that if people like Mr Gill find the place so distasteful they wouldn't come back. I know if I wnt to London and was met by a load of Gillites I'd the the place a miss in future.


More likely he's trying to put people of, that way he won't meet anyone from his probably small and vulgar circle (sic) of friends when he's over here enjoying himself, but just can't admit it.


How many visits a year before he can claim residency and become a tax exile.

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When will people realise that this is all simply a childish wind up of Clarkson by Gill. He saw the backlash caused by Fatty Feltz and thought it would be fun to enflame the whole nation with a few well delivered slights. I doubt he means any of it, but I bet he thinks that a bunch of torch waving Manxies turning up at his mates house in outrage would be funny.


That said I do feel sorry for the lady described as an "old denizen with a face like a frayed rope dipped in chicken offal". Its a pretty class insult though!

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Incredible, isn't it? We all spend so much time - even on these forums - complaining about the things we perceive to be wrong about our island; but the minute someone from outside produces a piece of satirical writing about it we all join up to hurl abuse at him.

Sorry folks, but it says more about us than it does about AA Gill.

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