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Aa Gill Slags Us Of Again


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I'm not worried about him, or what he writes, in the least.

He just seems to be an inadequate useless fuck-wit who was most probably bullied at school, fiddled with by his uncle, fucked by the local priest and now has to go around justifying himself to the world be making himself out to be clever and funny.

He fails on both counts, that could explain why he has a shoite job at a shoite paper.

If you want to read something with taste, humour and local interest, you need to look no further than our own Terry Cringle. Maybe next time Mr Annal Gill is over here he could ask our Tel how it's done.


Way to reinforce everything he wrote...anyway...



Imagine if he'd written that he came to the Island and had a pleasant time here and that his kids had learned much about history and how the UK used to be - he'd be out on his ear and on the dole in no time. As Vinniek said, this is the way he writes - why expect him to treat the Island in any other way. (I think the fact that he came back at all means he either likes the Island or has no real strong feelings about it.)


Getting offended about it is on a par with being offended by Vanessa 'I never eat chips me, I mean you can tell by my honed physique' Feltz moaning about the amount of chippys.


The only part of the article that riled me was the 'comment' by James from Douglas below it moaning about his lot as a resident here. Or perhaps that was meant to be tongue in cheek - either way, meh.

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"Oh my God, it's totally barren isn't it ?".

Culturally yes it is. It is a cultural vacuum. That includes "dining out", the thing Mr Gill writes about for a living. Of course, if you point this out the tiny-minded manx will immediately demonstrate their cultural ignorance with the brilliant strategy of name-calling. You know, "pretentious tosser", that kind of thing. How clever are they! I wonder if it's the tiny place creating the tiny minds or if it's the tiny minds just feel comfortable there? Because, let's face it, you're not going to broaden your horizons on the IOM now are you....

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"Oh my God, it's totally barren isn't it ?".

Culturally yes it is. It is a cultural vacuum. That includes "dining out", the thing Mr Gill writes about for a living. Of course, if you point this out the tiny-minded manx will immediately demonstrate their cultural ignorance with the brilliant strategy of name-calling. You know, "pretentious tosser", that kind of thing. How clever are they! I wonder if it's the tiny place creating the tiny minds or if it's the tiny minds just feel comfortable there? Because, let's face it, you're not going to broaden your horizons on the IOM now are you....


To use the brilliant strategy of my people - fuck you.


So the knee-jerk reaction of defensive people is to call names...what has that got to do with anyone's level of cultural awareness? The Isle of Man is free from, or low on, a lot of things both good and bad. That doesn't mean everyone here is a provincial philistine. Quite frankly, how fucking dare you lump everyone together under a lazy stereotype? The Manx by no means have the monopoly on tiny minds - there's plenty of people who move over here to make the buck they couldn't make anywhere else and who enjoy being big fish in a small pond. As the Manx are now in a minority, who really forms the bulk of the narrow, culture-free society you're describing?

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"Oh my God, it's totally barren isn't it ?".

Culturally yes it is. It is a cultural vacuum. That includes "dining out", the thing Mr Gill writes about for a living. Of course, if you point this out the tiny-minded manx will immediately demonstrate their cultural ignorance with the brilliant strategy of name-calling. You know, "pretentious tosser", that kind of thing. How clever are they! I wonder if it's the tiny place creating the tiny minds or if it's the tiny minds just feel comfortable there? Because, let's face it, you're not going to broaden your horizons on the IOM now are you....


To use the brilliant strategy of my people - fuck you.


So the knee-jerk reaction of defensive people is to call names...what has that got to do with anyone's level of cultural awareness? The Isle of Man is free from, or low on, a lot of things both good and bad. That doesn't mean everyone here is a provincial philistine. Quite frankly, how fucking dare you lump everyone together under a lazy stereotype? The Manx by no means have the monopoly on tiny minds - there's plenty of people who move over here to make the buck they couldn't make anywhere else and who enjoy being big fish in a small pond. As the Manx are now in a minority, who really forms the bulk of the narrow, culture-free society you're describing?


well said

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To use the brilliant strategy of my people - fuck you.


So the knee-jerk reaction of defensive people is to call names...


Do you know the meaning of the word irony? After all, I didn't call the manx defensive, you did..... The IOM is a cultural desert, QED.


I think here the defence can rest on very safe ground.

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To use the brilliant strategy of my people - fuck you.


So the knee-jerk reaction of defensive people is to call names...


Do you know the meaning of the word irony? After all, I didn't call the manx defensive, you did..... The IOM is a cultural desert, QED.


I think here the defence can rest on very safe ground.


Of course I know the meaning of irony - I was using it, well aware that telling you to fuck off would only meet with the charge that I was being an uncultured Manx person who couldn't think of a better way to respond. I am sure there are better ways to respond but none so satisfying. I only hope you know the meaning of the word 'wanker'.


Yes, I used the word 'defensive'. The point I was making was that name-calling is the action of people who feel defensive - it's a response that has nothing to do with how 'cultured' people are. I still don't see the connection.


Culture = art, music, poetry, theatre, architecture etc


Now run along home and bend over for AA Gill's strap-on.

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Of course I know the meaning of irony - I was using it, well aware that telling you to fuck off would only meet with the charge that I was being an uncultured Manx person who couldn't think of a better way to respond. I am sure there are better ways to respond but none so satisfying. I only hope you know the meaning of the word 'wanker'.


Yes, I used the word 'defensive'. The point I was making was that name-calling is the action of people who feel defensive - it's a response that has nothing to do with how 'cultured' people are. I still don't see the connection.


Culture = art, music, poetry, theatre, architecture etc


Now run along home and bend over for AA Gill's strap-on.

I disagree. To me puerile insults, foul language, name-calling etc etc just shows how small-minded some people are. They can't win the argument so that is what they are reduced to. Sound familiar? It should....


Someone stated earlier that any criticism of the IOM always brings out the usual knee-jerking insults as though the place is sooooo perfect. Surprise surprise it isn't. I can well understand how someone as cultured as Gill would get a good laugh from the antics of the in-bred natives. Of course, he's doing it for his Times readership and no other reason so I don't take it too seriously. A pity some on here prove his point though i.e. you find name-calling satisfying - how very very sad.

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I'm not worried about him, or what he writes, in the least.


He just seems to be an inadequate useless fuck-wit who was most probably bullied at school, fiddled with by his uncle, fucked by the local priest and now has to go around justifying himself to the world be making himself out to be clever and funny.


He fails on both counts, that could explain why he has a shoite job at a shoite paper.


If you want to read something with taste, humour and local interest, you need to look no further than our own Terry Cringle. Maybe next time Mr Annal Gill is over here he could ask our Tel how it's done.


I was totally in agreement with you!, right up to the point where you start advising people to read " Terry Tingle" .

The only time I read Terry, is when I've run out of sleeping pills .


Back on the subject of A.A.Gill !, could anybody tell me , Is he the same guy that played the assassin, in that Manx classic film "Revolver"?

Judging by his picture in the Times he's the absoulute spit!

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