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Bioshock Demo...

K.os Theory

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Isn't it just?


I'm currently stroking myself in a most erotic manner.


It'd be improper of me to give too many details, but just think of hot crumpets and warm butter - mmmmmmm!

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Fucking awsome. I'm coming from it as a ss/ss2 fan, and some things are a slight letdown. It's more of a shooter than ss ever was, and it's more linier, at least the parts in the demo. But the visuals, the atmosphere and the immersion are all there, and are breathtaking. I properly shat myself a couple of times!

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Another thumbs up from me, even though I generally refuse to play FPS games on a console because I think they positively need a keyboard and mouse.


The visuals are stunning (and it makes a mockery of the specs needed to run the PC version......), and the atmosphere and tension are almost a bit too much too bear :)


I've never played SS2 so can't comment on how shooty it is in comparison, although chances are the demo won't be thoroughly representative of the full game anyway.


I've going to have a more in-depth play of the demo today (the bloody thing only finished downloading just as I was getting ready for bed last night), and will report back properly later on.


Initial impressions are most definitely that it's been well worth the wait.

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Another thumbs up from me, even though I generally refuse to play FPS games on a console because I think they positively need a keyboard and mouse.


I am struggling to decide between the 360 and pc versions. The pc is cheaper and has a mouse, the 360 is on a biggerer screen and will be a more consistant experience, as ever. Dunno really. I'm thinking big TV screen in a darkened room will make bioshock better.


I've never played SS2 so can't comment on how shooty it is in comparison, although chances are the demo won't be thoroughly representative of the full game anyway.


SS2 is a lot more RPG than this, theres character development, three distinct classes, adventure like elements and puzzles. Bioshock seems to boil down to 'how do you want to kill stuff today', which is fine, it's just not SS3.

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Yeah I'm in a bit of a quandary as well over what version to get.


The 360 version gets the big telly and the atmosphere side of things, no buggering about with an install, no pages of options to wade through to get it running nicely, by far and away the easiest route to playing the game - as you say, I can well imagine it being a hell of an experience in a darkened room.


On the other hand the PC version gets that crucial keyboard+mouse control, but is played on a much smaller monitor, and I'm not convinced my PC spec will be able to max it out, I'm OK on RAM and graphics card, 2GB and 512MB X1900XTX respectively, but my CPU is a relatively lowly Opteron 146 (single core) at 2.0GHz, it used to overclock comfortably to 2.8GHz but went through a bizarre process of deterioration and now only boots at stock speeds, and I'm loathed to lash out any cash on what's effectively a dead-in-the-water Socket939 based system.



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I'm on a dx9 card too, a 7950. If my card was dx10, I'd be right in on the pc version, but as it stands they'll look broadly similar. I think I'll go with the 360. Jebus guide my cock!


I honestly don't think there'll be much (if anything) to choose between the DX9 and DX10 versions, and let's not forget the 360 is basically a DX9 PC, I very much doubt they've developed a substantially different graphics engine just for the PC DX10 version.


I'm also not clear on how much benefit is gained from having a dual-core CPU for the PC version, the 360 has a tri-core CPU so it's certainly feasible that the game is designed and optimised from the ground up for multi-core systems. (The recommended specs for the PC version are dual-core CPU, but there's no info as to what they're using the extra core for.)

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Well I just finished playing the demo through (and a very generous demo it is as well), and I have to say this does seem to be a cut above the rest in a great many regards.


In terms of the graphics, it depends what you're expecting.


In all honesty it doesn't compete with the very best PC games of the last couple of years in terms of overall detail, but the overall look is gorgeous, along with fantastic environmental and lighting effects - played in a darkened room on big LCD telly, it's quite a thing of beauty. (And the framerate is absolutely rock-solid, however much is going on.)


Aurally, it's one of the finest games I've ever heard, the voice acting is superb, and often very spooky or downright creepy or bloody scary. The general quality of SFX is spot-on, with the music rounding off the ensemble in amazing form.


Gameplay wise, going off the demo, it's actually very linear, which suits me fine, (Max Payne 2 is one of my favourite ever games, and that's so linear you can almost see it attached to the rails), I hate games where you're wandering aimlessly around wondering what to do next, and much prefer to just get on with things and see the story unfold.


As for the action itself, there's clearly a very rich story going on, Mrs Turnip sat up from her MSN conversations to watch for a while, such was the compelling nature of what was unfolding onscreen (normally she's completely disinterested in my 360 shenanigans, as I'd imagine most ladies are :D). There is one section in the demo that's pretty much a plain FPS shooter, but even from the demo, it's clear that there's going to be a lot more in the way of tactics and planning required to proceed through the game.


The most captivating aspect of the whole thing is the atmosphere, it's been a long time since a game so genuinely creeped me out as much as the Bioshock demo has, and had me yelling "Fucking hell" at the screen when something particularly nasty happened.


When the demo finished, I'd become so utterly immersed in what was going on that I'd actually forgotten I was playing a demo of a game, and was expecting it just to continue. (Although in a way I was glad, 'cause the demo finishes off in what can only be described as a pretty dire situation for the hero......)


The only dilemma I have about this game is whether or not to get the 360 or PC version. Try as I might, FPS controls just don't come instinctively to me when using a pad, I prefer a keyboard and mouse SOOOOOO much that might be the deciding factor in going for the PC version, assuming my PC can run it nicely enough - 'cause the 360 version looks truly gorgeous and the framerate never skips a beat.


Overall? Recommended!

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Pretty much agree with you, other than the fps thing which after months of Gears, I can do pretty well. The other thing potentially about the PC version is if there's a modding scene appears, the pc version will get that and the 360 obviously wont.


(Max Payne 2 is one of my favourite ever games, and that's so linear you can almost see it attached to the rails)



If you like Max Payne, have you tried the stranglehold demo? It's like Max Payne bullet time on steriods.

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Well I just finished playing the demo through (and a very generous demo it is as well), and I have to say this does seem to be a cut above the rest in a great many regards.


In terms of the graphics, it depends what you're expecting.


In all honesty it doesn't compete with the very best PC games of the last couple of years in terms of overall detail, but the overall look is gorgeous, along with fantastic environmental and lighting effects - played in a darkened room on big LCD telly, it's quite a thing of beauty. (And the framerate is absolutely rock-solid, however much is going on.)


Aurally, it's one of the finest games I've ever heard, the voice acting is superb, and often very spooky or downright creepy or bloody scary. The general quality of SFX is spot-on, with the music rounding off the ensemble in amazing form.


Gameplay wise, going off the demo, it's actually very linear, which suits me fine, (Max Payne 2 is one of my favourite ever games, and that's so linear you can almost see it attached to the rails), I hate games where you're wandering aimlessly around wondering what to do next, and much prefer to just get on with things and see the story unfold.


As for the action itself, there's clearly a very rich story going on, Mrs Turnip sat up from her MSN conversations to watch for a while, such was the compelling nature of what was unfolding onscreen (normally she's completely disinterested in my 360 shenanigans, as I'd imagine most ladies are :D). There is one section in the demo that's pretty much a plain FPS shooter, but even from the demo, it's clear that there's going to be a lot more in the way of tactics and planning required to proceed through the game.


The most captivating aspect of the whole thing is the atmosphere, it's been a long time since a game so genuinely creeped me out as much as the Bioshock demo has, and had me yelling "Fucking hell" at the screen when something particularly nasty happened.


When the demo finished, I'd become so utterly immersed in what was going on that I'd actually forgotten I was playing a demo of a game, and was expecting it just to continue. (Although in a way I was glad, 'cause the demo finishes off in what can only be described as a pretty dire situation for the hero......)


The only dilemma I have about this game is whether or not to get the 360 or PC version. Try as I might, FPS controls just don't come instinctively to me when using a pad, I prefer a keyboard and mouse SOOOOOO much that might be the deciding factor in going for the PC version, assuming my PC can run it nicely enough - 'cause the 360 version looks truly gorgeous and the framerate never skips a beat.


Overall? Recommended!


Thanks for the reveiew Chopley, i'll definately be picking this up on day of release, and spending the following weekend getting the shit scared out of me!

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<fx> off to kick off the download.</fx>


Oh and all do yourselves a favour and dont bother dl'ing the Stuntman demo.


Its a pile of steaming excrement - as the game will be also.

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