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Bioshock Demo...

K.os Theory

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Edit: I only discovered last night (doh!) that the menu screen when you pause it tells you how many little sisters there are on each level....They're like pokemon, gotta catch 'em all!


By the sounds of it you should definitely go back and play it through again.


I'm dead thorough and anal at the best of times, so I've explored every little nook and cranny and rescued every little sister on every level as I've gone through, but even I'm looking forward to playing it through again and doing things differently (harvesting all the little sisters, mainly!).


I've noticed it's pretty easy to fight through to the next level without seeing and doing everything the current level has to offer, so I'd suggest that for your next playthrough you really make a point of exploring everywhere, the onscreen map makes it dead easy because areas you haven't explored are dark brown, and areas you have explored and much lighter.


You'll find all kinds of cool stuff if you explore more, including extra plasmids and tonics which can come in really useful later on.

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Just really to echo everyone's thoughts on this, an absolutely stunning game. I'm loving the fact that you never quite feel fully tooled up, always on the hunt for ammo ( gotta love those explosive shells for the shotgun )...

I'm just wondering have people been harvesting the little sisters or saving them? I've harvested all i've met bar one..


For my current playthrough, I'm rescuing them all, although this does mean I tend to be short on ADAM.



For the record how much ADAM do you get for a "Rescue" for a harvest all i'm getting is 160 ???


just finished cohen's masterpiece and been told to go to the bathysphere but i have a few places not yet discovered like downstairs near the casino cant seem to get the grates off the stairs ????

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For the record how much ADAM do you get for a "Rescue" for a harvest all i'm getting is 160 ???


just finished cohen's masterpiece and been told to go to the bathysphere but i have a few places not yet discovered like downstairs near the casino cant seem to get the grates off the stairs ????


You only get 80 ADAM if you rescue them, but Tenenbaum sends you the odd present with lots of ADAM in, so I suspect the overall difference isn't too great over the course of the game.


The odd area does seem to stay closed off permanently and isn't explorable, or are opened up when you do something else. Does the area in question show up on the map as dark and unexplored? 'Cause if there's nothing there at all then it doesn't actually exist as an explorable area.

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get the camera out all time, you get some belting plasmids ( the camo plasmid comes in very handy )


Yep, always take loads of pics, and always stock up on film to 100 when you find a vending machine that sells it.


I take pictures of the same subject until the quality drops to a "C" (and will even take a couple more at C if it will finish off a chunk of research), the bonuses for completing research are pretty juicy, 'cause as well as getting the gamerscore achievement points when you complete a line of research, you also get damage bonuses and plasmids and tonics and all sorts.


The camo plasmid is brilliant for security alerts, as long as you can get to where the security bots can't see you for a second or two for the camo to become active, they just fly around aimlessly looking for you whilst the clock ticks down and the alert ends :)

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By the sounds of it you should definitely go back and play it through again.


I'm dead thorough and anal at the best of times, so I've explored every little nook and cranny and rescued every little sister on every level as I've gone through, but even I'm looking forward to playing it through again and doing things differently (harvesting all the little sisters, mainly!).


Yeah, I'm doing plenty of exploring, crawling into every little space I can, it's like a bloody aladins cave! But like said, I was a bit over excited at first, it being my first xbox game n'all that. I'm sure a kid. Telekenesis is useful for stuff you can't seem to reach and that camo plasmid has saved my ass a few times, it's great when you've spawned some splicers, I like whacking them with the wrench! They're probably my favourites, along with hypnotise big daddy. Those elite bouncer big daddies can't half move, I accidentally shot one instead of hypnotising it (I was tired and my fingers got confused....) when I was stood about 4 foot behind it. Ouch.


I was tempted to play at lunchtime but I'd probably be 2 hours late going back to work. But, the kids are at my mums for tea so that gives me nerly 3 hours playing time before they come home and the football starts. Rock n roll.

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My ending was horrible :( If only I hadn't harvested that poor little sister at the start. Now I'm going to have to complete it again and rescue them all to make myself feel better. Then I'll do it again and harvest them all!! Hehehe!


Question: I got the muse key but never used it, I forgot about it tbh. Does anyone know if you can go back to the Fleet Theatre in Fort Frolic from Olympus and open it up...?

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My ending was horrible :( If only I hadn't harvested that poor little sister at the start. Now I'm going to have to complete it again and rescue them all to make myself feel better. Then I'll do it again and harvest them all!! Hehehe!


Question: I got the muse key but never used it, I forgot about it tbh. Does anyone know if you can go back to the Fleet Theatre in Fort Frolic from Olympus and open it up...?


Yes you can go back to Fort Frolic if you want to, you can actually revisit pretty much the whole game to try and get stuff you missed and get the achievements, the only exceptions are a couple of audio diaries that are in locations you can't go back to.


(The achievement that cracked me up was the "Irony" one, which you get for taking a picture of the corpse of Sander Cohen :D)


I finished the game earlier this evening, and got the happy ending 'cause I didn't harvest any little sisters, it was ever so sweet :)


Forgive my nosiness FLIS, but looking at the gamerscore out of 1000 you've got, (590/1000), there's definitely a lot more you could do on a second run through.


I got 850/1000 so there's stuff I need to go back and have another go at as well, but I'm going wait until my 5.1 speakers turn up to do that.


Since I've now got the achievement for saving all the little sisters, next time round I'm going to harvest the whole bloody lot, and I'd be very interested to see how such a course of action affects the closing stages of the game, since it all seems to revolve around the little sisters and I can't imagine they'd be quite so friendly if I'd harvested so many of their friends along the way.....

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Forgive my nosiness FLIS, but looking at the gamerscore out of 1000 you've got, (590/1000), there's definitely a lot more you could do on a second run through.


lol, yeah I know. Like I said though, I wasn't that understanding of the whole gamerscore thing at the outset and it was only when I was about 2/3rds of the way through the levels that I thought I should be trying to get everything I could. I didn't even bother looking at the goals until that point, I just wanted to get in and kill stuff....


I will go through it again in the near future, should probably let ramsea have a go too though lol


I thought the length was about right, plus there are 3 difficulty levels and 3 different endings. Your choices affect your progress too so there's plenty of scope for replaying it to death!!


Edit: After reading in the PS3 thread how long you took going through the game, no wonder you got 850...I'm going to be properly anal next time round!

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wow you guys have been hammering through it, i've just finished Sander Cohen's masterpeice!


I've found myself with hardly and money so killed some time by setting spider splicers and security bots against the big-daddy, great to watch the big daddy kicking ass and having his ass kicked, means you can just walk up behind him and drop him with one shot ( plenty of cash on them as well ). Easier way to do it is to stand by the windows ( they have goodies in them ), go invisible, wait for big daddy, throw security pasmid at him and smash the window, fun and games!

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Hmmm seems a bit short ??


I dunno, as I said in the PS3 thread it kept me going for six evenings solid, and that was with 3-5 hours play per night. There's also very good replay value as there are different endings to see and different ways to play the game with regard to the little sisters.


I hate games that drag on and on and on just for the sake of it, one that springs to mind is F.E.A.R. on the PC, by the end of that it was sheer bloody mindedness that kept me going to the finish.


I'd rather have twenty hours of real quality gameplay, than forty hours of turgid boring shite.

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